Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive only cut this once, but yeah i definitely cant fit into anything i was wearing 2 years ago. jeans & tees specially

with this cut though its not really that dramatic......i clean bulk so i wasnt carrying around too much fat to begin with.
Clean your waist size didn't go up much, dude? Some of my pants are starting to feel tight around the waist now, and I haven't even bulk up or anything. Weight still the same roughly...donno what's going on, SMH.
ive always been around a 32 waist.......right now 32 fits great maybe even a little loose like i could probably do a 31 if i wanted to

at the peak of my bulk i was still wearing 32 but it was more snug and that was just due to the extra fat i gained.

definitely no permanent change to my waist size at all.....maybe it depends on the person though? i mean i have friends who are like my height and have waymore muscle than me and still wear the same size waist.

but my thighs definitely got a lot bigger though, which made certain jeans impossible to wear

also tees a lot of times became really tight around the chest area as my pecs and shoulders got bigger, and depending on the cut sometimes theyd be reallytight around the arms too.
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

lot of great info in this thread, i want to post up a pic of my body

so i can get feedback on what exactly i need to do to get in much needed shape,

but I'll refrain from doing so just cuz im overweight and this is niketalk and ill get roasted.
This isn't PYP thread, man. For NT, this thread, for the most part, has been under control and quite mature.
Originally Posted by wj4

Lurkin and anyone else who cut/bulk...don't your clothes fit you improperly? Like if you were to bulk up, I'd imagine your gear will fit pretty tight after a while. Vice versa for cutting. Unless you got a closet full of size s-2xl lined up and all.

In January, at the peak of my bulk, I was 195ish (started out at 175) and I had to keep the top two buttons of my jeans undone and wear them with a belt. Dresspants? Forget about it.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

lot of great info in this thread, i want to post up a pic of my body

so i can get feedback on what exactly i need to do to get in much needed shape,

but I'll refrain from doing so just cuz im overweight and this is niketalk and ill get roasted.
This isn't PYP thread, man. For NT, this thread, for the most part, has been under control and quite mature.
yea ReRetroMe this is a motivation thread not pyp like joe said.

its good to see people at your starting point so you can work towards the end in mind

overweight? man i wish i had some pics from my middle school early high school days but back then no way in hell id have shirtless pics, i didnt even swim ingym class until senior year of HS.

of course i dressed baggy back then so i hid it well, no way id want my peers to see
Originally Posted by wj4

Lurkin and anyone else who cut/bulk...don't your clothes fit you improperly? Like if you were to bulk up, I'd imagine your gear will fit pretty tight after a while. Vice versa for cutting. Unless you got a closet full of size s-2xl lined up and all.

the BIGGEST problem is jeans....

too tight in legs or waist way too big

i like diesel and tr others too (flame suit on) so yea it gets very annoying

my god

believe it or not ive thrown plenty of denims on ebay back in the day to try get some money back invest in new jeans

Dress pants? Forget about it.
dress shirts too o yea

wj4 i like those fitted express shirt mx something they are called...........

fitted dres shirts period but yea there comes a point when it fits me but the arms are way too tight or other problems, dress clothing is a real problemthough.

dudes like jay cutler do they even wear suits?
Damn...let's bring back the Sean John velour folks. Bulk..cut...don't matter with that.

Lurk, I feel you, man. Jeans like TR's are a fav amongst MMA fighters because they actually have built thighs to fill the room. When I was a fatter dudewith big thighs, that was the reason I loved them too.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

good stuff man

ill be bulking hopefully like mid-oct and beyond

trying to get over 200 lean.
joe how much you weigh right now youre not that much shorter than me 5'11 right?

Shiet, speaking of overweight. Ya boy in 5th grade. I was about 10 inches shorter, and only weighed 40 lbs less than I do now. Not to mention I could probablyonly bench about 50 lbs? Good times.


I was pretty happy about myself back then before I became conscious of what I was doing to myself. Hell, I even had a few crushes on me even when I looked likethat
. I blame my parents though. I didn't realize this untillater on in my life but when they would tell me "Go on, finish the rest of it,(food)" it really wasn't to my advantage at all. In fact nowadays Iget pissed off if anybody tells me to keep eating when I've clearly stopped.
Originally Posted by wj4

Damn...let's bring back the Sean John velour folks. Bulk..cut...don't matter with that.

Lurk, I feel you, man. Jeans like TR's are a fav amongst MMA fighters because they actually have built thighs to fill the room. When I was a fatter dude with big thighs, that was the reason I loved them too.

lol yea duh........i know NT hates em, they fit me great w/e

ive tried levis and nudies IVE TRIEd!

wj4 what jeans you wear these days?

i havent weighed myself in the last like 5 days since this carb cycle im on makes it fluctuate too 8 lbs heavier or lighter a day later its nuts

but its been in the 190s, i'll be 190 (i hope) when i'm done cutting

i feel like i should be heavier than that though
wj4 what jeans you wear these days?
I only got 2 pairs of jeans now..they're J. Crew vintage slim. I don't think you will fit into them, man.
I bought them back inSpring and I wore them again today...kinda tight now. SMH.
Just measured my arms...20 inches
eyes.gif not sure what to think of that.good to know Ronnies is only 4 inches bigger

Damn Joe what happened to your profile
I would post a pic, but I'm poor and I don't have a camera. I'm very interested in bulking up, becausewhat I look like now is just pitiful.

I'm 5'7'', and about 145 lb. I'm an ex-cross country runner with a freakishly high (IMO)metabolism. Any tips? Please?
helion - eat eat eat, and make sure it's relatively clean

4000 calories, i'd say more but you're pretty light so that should be enough

iice- 20 inches dude thats outrageous....the hell you mean you dont know what to think? are you tryna get your pro card or what? i know someone asked that awhile back, lurkin maybe

profile doesn't work, dunno what happened, my old name got banned
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Just measured my arms...20 inches
eyes.gif not sure what to think of that. good to know Ronnies is only 4 inches bigger

wow this guy is just full of great info

IICE how do i become so not scrawny and so like brawny like yourself?

eat 3 times a day and thats it? geez man you make it so easy man you must have superman genetics.

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

helion - eat eat eat, and make sure it's relatively clean

4000 calories, i'd say more but you're pretty light so that should be enough

iice- 20 inches dude thats outrageous....the hell you mean you dont know what to think? are you tryna get your pro card or what? i know someone asked that a while back, lurkin maybe
yep i asked, but he doesnt talk to me.....when he does its really nothing informative

anyone can do steroids doesnt mean you can make a cover model/walk a stage

but those tats are hideous though anyway

"juices but, damn genetics give him a 4 pack"

dude is a meathead

bigger isnt always better, a guy can be 100lbs smaller an have better overall build not to mention knowledge.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

helion - eat eat eat, and make sure it's relatively clean

4000 calories, i'd say more but you're pretty light so that should be enough
So I should be taking in 4000 calories a day? What kinds of foods? I'm new to all of this, andI'm tired of being frail, fam.

And what about working out? If I'm taking in that many calories a day, shouldn't I be doing some kinds ofworkout to burn some of that off? Sorry for all the questions, man.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Just measured my arms...20 inches
eyes.gif not sure what to think of that. good to know Ronnies is only 4 inches bigger

wow this guy is just full of great info

IICE how do i become so not scrawny and so like brawny like yourself?

eat 3 times a day and thats it? geez man you make it so easy man you must have superman genetics.


lol.....we cool. but all jokes aside, I donno maybe it is genetics but I have Levrone and Heath syndrome. Big arms and dealts but chest...
. I never had a wide chest.
Maybe because Id always work out my arms and never my chest
...before my triswould hurt more doing bench
untill I learned to focus my training.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

helion - eat eat eat, and make sure it's relatively clean

4000 calories, i'd say more but you're pretty light so that should be enough

iice- 20 inches dude thats outrageous....the hell you mean you dont know what to think? are you tryna get your pro card or what? i know someone asked that a while back, lurkin maybe
yep i asked, but he doesnt talk to me.....when he does its really nothing informative

anyone can do steroids doesnt mean you can make a cover model/walk a stage

but those tats are hideous though anyway

"juices but, damn genetics give him a 4 pack"

dude is a meathead

bigger isnt always better, a guy can be 100lbs smaller an have better overall build not to mention knowledge.
lmao...wait...u still talking crap

yep i asked, but he doesnt talk to me.....when he does its really nothing informative
Informing you about???

but those tats are hideous though anyway
couldnt come up with something better?
"juices but, damn genetics give him a 4 pack"

explain the humor in my genetic 4pack....

dude is a meathead

bigger isnt always better, a guy can be 100lbs smaller an have better overall build not to mention knowledge.

Waiting for your pics
Just got in my order of more Whey Protein from MuscleAndStrength. They included a magazine and I was flipping through it. One article talks about overtrainingand said that everyone, including the elite athletes, should take at least a week off every 8-10 weeks of training. What do you fellas think?
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

reddrum follow this for 3 months and you should be good.Do 15min warmup cardio before everywork, not on leg day and 20min cardio after workout (not on leg day) for like the 1st three weeks and then do hit cardio for 12 to 15min after the 3rd week. For your weight you should be consuming around 2100 to 2200 calories a day. o yeah it better to bulk 1st for about 3 months then cut down for another 3 months if you trying to gain muscle but it not really necessary you can lose weight by still gaining muscle if you go hard in the gym and follow a nice diet.

Monday - Legs

* Squats 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Extensions 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Curl 3 x 10-20
* Reverse Calf Raises 2 x 10-20
* Seated Calf Raises 2 x 10-20

Tuesday - Chest

* Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Decline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Dumbbell Pullover 2 x 15-20
* Incline Flyes 2 x 10-20

Wednesday - Back

* Weighted Pullups 3 x 8-12
* Wide Grip Pulldown 3 x 8-12
* Seated Row 3 x 8-12
* Hyperextensions 3 x 12-15

Thursday - Shoulders

* Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12-15
* Military Press 2 x 8-10
* Arnold Press 2 x 8-12
* Bent Lateral Raises 2 x 8-12
* Shrugs 2 x 12-15

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12


1 cup of oatmeal w/fat free milk
1 scoop of whey protein w/water
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill
2 slice of arnold double protein bread
1 slice of fat free singles cheese
2 slice of turkey breast
1 scoop of whey protein w/fat free milk
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill

10grams of Bcca by ON followed by Superpump250 15min later.

1 1/2 scoop of whey protein
1/2 cup maltodextin
1 1/2 spoon of dextrose
2 grams of glutamine
2 grams of Bcca by ON

1-2 hours after workout
1 can of tuna or 3 egg white and 1 whole egg w/1 slice of fat free single cheese
2 slice of arnold double protein bread or 1 cup of brown rice
1 orange

3- 4 hours after workout
Still dont know what I am going to eat here, will find something by monday.

4-6 hours after workout
baked potatoes or pasta
chicken or lean red meat or fish

Before Sleep
1 cup fat free milk
1/2 scoop casein protein, 1/2 scoop of whey protein
I think i will follow this. When I work out I be all over the place in the gym and parts of my body. I would be like legs day and somehow end updoing upperbody work also. This is a great breakdown of separating days.
I know this is an age old question in this thread but I'm asking it anyway. What do you guys mix whey protein with? Is skim milk the ideal choice?
Originally Posted by wj4

Just got in my order of more Whey Protein from MuscleAndStrength. They included a magazine and I was flipping through it. One article talks about overtraining and said that everyone, including the elite athletes, should take at least a week off every 8-10 weeks of training. What do you fellas think?
yea i read about this in mens health mag.
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