Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Yea I'm talkin so much crap, please help a pathetic scrawny 15 inch bicep guy like myself attain some 20 inch arms by time I'm ur age? Thanks inadvance. Give some insightful advice to the NT community, are we not worthy?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Yea I'm talkin so much crap, please help a pathetic scrawny 15 inch bicep guy like myself attain some 20 inch arms by time I'm ur age? Thanks in advance. Give some insightful advice to the NT community, are we not worthy?
Sorry but I dont have the knowledge like you do. I just juice and get bug arms....It cant be genetics. Anyone can get 20 inch arms and Warf likestriated chests with some steroids...???.

eat 3 times a day and thats it? geez man you make it so easy man you must have superman genetics.
Yep 3 meals a day. Ever seen "Redemption" Ronnies DVD? 3 meals!!!.....But other BBers Eat up to 7+....
Superhuman genetics? nah...But I have decent genetics to put size on quick. Cutting fat, not so much.

I mean is that enough INFO for you? or do you wanna know my shlong size too?

Did I leave out any of your questions? id hate for you to start stalking me again asking me the same questions in diff threads
thats all i do is three meals a day not including a banana for snack i try to eat for but i always lose track or time but most of the time i jus dont feel likeeating that much
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Yea I'm talkin so much crap, please help a pathetic scrawny 15 inch bicep guy like myself attain some 20 inch arms by time I'm ur age? Thanks in advance. Give some insightful advice to the NT community, are we not worthy?
Sorry but I dont have the knowledge like you do. I just juice and get bug arms....It cant be genetics. Anyone can get 20 inch arms and Warf like striated chests with some steroids...???.

eat 3 times a day and thats it? geez man you make it so easy man you must have superman genetics.
Yep 3 meals a day. Ever seen "Redemption" Ronnies DVD? 3 meals!!!.....But other BBers Eat up to 7+....
Superhuman genetics? nah...But I have decent genetics to put size on quick. Cutting fat, not so much.

I mean is that enough INFO for you? or do you wanna know my shlong size too?

Did I leave out any of your questions? id hate for you to start stalking me again asking me the same questions in diff threads

what does your shlong have to do with bigger arms? you completely lost me

my genetics have given me great penis size but im only at sorry 15 inch arms relaxed, i just wanted a few tips, whats up with that?

stalking you? nah man i just notice comments in different threads, could be from anyone, get over yourself big guy

kep up with the great info an keep watchin those pro dvds


IICE please help me, i want to be like you in 60 days. i look like crap these days man, summer killed me. i mean i can go hard an do what i do but what is yoursecret?

anything to help in my sponsored log, thanks in advance man. this transformation wont be easy.

my pathetic and very weak (scrawny as IICE would say), starting point for my log

but with the right diet and attitude i hope this will be of most success

this is the first time im ever doing a serious log so EVERYTHING will be posted, this has have legit time stamps an everything im off to enjoy this weekend anhave a nice meal before i get serious

IICE im gonna check out that ronnie dvd thanks man, i needa get back into my groove, any info is appreciated sir

joe this isnt even for a supplement.................more of an exercise program. hence........the 60 day program and why im not bulking right now.

i will put on lil bit of size though, like i said the diet is so crucial
Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by wj4

Just got in my order of more Whey Protein from MuscleAndStrength. They included a magazine and I was flipping through it. One article talks about overtraining and said that everyone, including the elite athletes, should take at least a week off every 8-10 weeks of training. What do you fellas think?
yea i read about this in mens health mag.
I think it can work either way. It can make you relax so when you go back to the gym, you're ready to go hard. Or it can eat your brains outand make you think that you're going to be weak and lose muscle mass when you go back to the gym.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


my pathetic and very weak (scrawny as IICE would say), starting point for my log

but with the right diet and attitude i hope this will be of most success

this is the first time im ever doing a serious log so EVERYTHING will be posted, this has have legit time stamps an everything im off to enjoy this weekend an have a nice meal before i get serious

IICE im gonna check out that ronnie dvd thanks man, i needa get back into my groove, any info is appreciated sir

joe this isnt even for a supplement.................more of an exercise program. hence........the 60 day program and why im not bulking right now.

i will put on lil bit of size though, like i said the diet is so crucial

Where you at

All jokes aside though. Theres were times Id eat 6-7 times a day racking up on cals. But I would poop too much. I thought about it and came to the conclusionthat
im not absorbing most of what I eat....So i cut my food intake down and my poop was less and harder (maturity please
)...but I was still growing.
Thing is no matter how much you eat, your body will only utilize so much. Thats how I came to the 3 meal a day thing.
I was actually surprised watching Ronnie eat so little for his size in Cost of Redemption.

Ill trade you my 4pack for your low body fat
lurkin you already look hella cut i would just jump right into a heavy bulk but either way good stuff. triceps are enormous

wj4 yeah week off is common, i never make it past 4 or 5 days i feel too lazy but the time off helps you rest & repair no doubt
real quick

joe its gonna be clean bulk im gonna get more shredded but ill put on size im not really gonna be losin weight i dunno youll see, youll see, i feel so, amskinny and weak right now, chest and abs are

IICE youre right i dont do 6-7+ is OD to me, i know silvio style is like that, i do a good 5 with some solid portion control an youre right we waste a lot, imnot even big on protein shakes these days either........i dont even do bedtime shakes im really tryna focus on whole foods said it in this thread back in heresomewhere. im enjoy the casino an have some late nite pizza.

casein is waste, i can talk about that later, there is a reason you take a huge dump in the mornin.
my poop was only hard ONCE. that was a nightmare. that was before i took casein. i was taking whey every night (mistake!)
anyway, i think i officially injured my right leg. i was hobbling during my jog. couldn't even run after a while. i'm putting myself on the DL.
Injury Report
Right hip is strained, knees are brittle.
Originally Posted by wj4

Just got in my order of more Whey Protein from MuscleAndStrength. They included a magazine and I was flipping through it. One article talks about overtraining and said that everyone, including the elite athletes, should take at least a week off every 8-10 weeks of training. What do you fellas think?
It's about right.
It's different for each individual though and even different for the same person through multiple cycles.

I used to take a week or two off (just doing light work) every 10-12 weeks but for the past few years I just usually go by feel.
If I don't feel good and it's a heavy day I just work for speed or take off entirely. However, I'll usually have a 2-3 week period about every 6months where I solely do speed work.

Some people tend to overtrain quick while for others it takes longer. You just have to listen to your body.
The symptoms of overtraining are easy to spot so it shouldn't be a problem.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi


my pathetic and very weak (scrawny as IICE would say), starting point for my log

but with the right diet and attitude i hope this will be of most success

this is the first time im ever doing a serious log so EVERYTHING will be posted, this has have legit time stamps an everything im off to enjoy this weekend an have a nice meal before i get serious

IICE im gonna check out that ronnie dvd thanks man, i needa get back into my groove, any info is appreciated sir

joe this isnt even for a supplement.................more of an exercise program. hence........the 60 day program and why im not bulking right now.

i will put on lil bit of size though, like i said the diet is so crucial

Where you at

All jokes aside though. Theres were times Id eat 6-7 times a day racking up on cals. But I would poop too much. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that
im not absorbing most of what I eat....So i cut my food intake down and my poop was less and harder (maturity please
)...but I was still growing.
Thing is no matter how much you eat, your body will only utilize so much. Thats how I came to the 3 meal a day thing.
I was actually surprised watching Ronnie eat so little for his size in Cost of Redemption.

Ill trade you my 4pack for your low body fat
I agree with ICE. Genetics and the overall strcuture of one's body plays a seizable part in training.
Some people are gifted with strong arms, others with a strong chest, while others with a strong back or strong hamstrings.

Deadlifting and squatting has always been relatively easy for me (in terms of progress) while improving on pressing motions has been a lot tougher.
It's just the way it is.

I'll never be able to have a strong bench in relation to my dl/squat numbers. It'll be above average but I know it will never be exceptional. My strictmilitary press is absolutely atrocious when compared to my push presses/ jerks. Improving on my bench/strict pressing is like trying to walk in quicksand. Iplateau so easily it's kind of sad.
Originally Posted by wj4

The symptoms of overtraining are easy to spot so it shouldn't be a problem.
Elaborate, dude.

Start to get sick constantly (especially colds).
Constant feeling of tiredness/malaise.
Loss of appetite.
Not as sharp mentally (takes longer to do simple math/reasoning/ comprehension/ etc.)

Over training is not so much over training of the muscles. It has more to do with over working one's central nervous system.
That's why sleep/rest is extremely important. Heavy training places a lot of stress on the CNS. You cannot make progress without a healthy central nervoussystem. The central nervous system repairs itself during deep (REM) sleep.

After my competitions I always sleep like 20 hours straight (not an exaggeration; set my alarm for every 4 hours to drink some protein/eat a sandwich) and itusually takes 2-3 days to fully recover.
I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness ormuscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very importantrole and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.
Ate like a pig today. Parents had crazy leftover chicken,pork, ribs, plus all the sides from Red Hot & Blue. Plus apple pie.

Must of had like 6 sandwiches

Definitely running tomorrow morning.
question is it just my mind playin tricks on me but in pictures and the mirror I can see ripped abs I look down and I dont see em. Is it the pics and mirrorlying to me?
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