Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

i dont think i could squat and dl on the same day effectively

too exhausting

and on back to back days the soreness would be too much
Buddy of mine squats heavy and DL heavy same day, he been doin routine so I think he use to it. I did it with him one time an almost threw up the first time.You'll never feel more tired ever........He usually drinks a red bull that day.
I really wish yall would stop saying you cant squat more than once a week....MOST POWERLIFTERS DO...Its in STARTING STRENGTH!! your legs can recover veryeasily.
I can't help but remember the discussion awhile ago about deadlifts when reading the last page or so.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness or muscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very important role and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.
this is horrible info considering many people have great results w/ Starting Strength and that calls on you to Squat 3 times a week...and on some days squat and deadlift.
Im sure Riptoes 20+ years of experience holds a little more weight than that post.
It's only horrible advice if you do not take it in context and if you don't understand what programs like Starting Strength are and forwhom they're designed.

Starting Strength is a beginner's program that relies on low volume full body compound workouts. I would say it's extremely low volume and there'snothing wrong with it for beginners because it main aim is to build a base and better motor neuron connections for more serious training.

What I said doesn't apply to low volume full body workouts which are arranged in . When each training session is a low volume full body workout of courseyou can train every other day with minimal problems.
What I wrote applies more so to those who train individual body parts each training session.

When I solely doing oly lifting my routine was lower volume then it is now. I used to squat heavy (low volume) 2-3 times a week. Would I do it now? Of coursenot.

Also, what I wrote doesn't hold true for everyone in every instance. Everybody is different. Some can bench heavy, high volume 2/week with minimalproblems. Others can press or dealift or squat heavy, high volume 2x a week with no problems either. Usually for every individual some bodyparts recover muchquicker than others and it's important to take notice because then you know what which bodyparts are more prone to overtrainignand which are less.

Hoever, what i wrote generally holds true for all. If you're doing moderate-heavy, high volume split or individual bidy workouts your routines have to bestructured sop as to give you enough time to recover for the following workout.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

I really wish yall would stop saying you cant squat more than once a week....MOST POWERLIFTERS DO...Its in STARTING STRENGTH!! your legs can recover very easily.
It depends what routine people are on.
Nothing holds true across the board.

Most powerlifters are either on a Max Effort/ dynamic effort split or a full body split and for these, yes, you can train body parts 2x or even 3x per week.For most people in here who are on a more traditional BB routine (high volume, moderate-heavy ; individual bodypart split) training most body parts 2x (withthe same intensity) cannot be done for an extended period of time without ecountering problems. Usually every person does have a bodypart that recovers quicker than the rest and they can train that 2x/week theoretically with the correctroutine even on a high volume, heavy-mod. cycle.

Do you even understand what you're commenting on?

Buddy of mine squats heavy and DL heavy same day, he been doin routine so I think he use to it. I did it with him one time an almost threw up the first time. You'll never feel more tired ever........He usually drinks a red bull that day.

That's perfectly fine and logical.
DL's are mainly a hamstring exercise even though most think of it as a back exercise.

I'd do it that way but I don't like spending more than an hour or so at the gym.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

I really wish yall would stop saying you cant squat more than once a week....MOST POWERLIFTERS DO...Its in STARTING STRENGTH!! your legs can recover very easily.

those are powerlifters... different from bodybuilders. powerlifters are those guys who weigh like 300+ lbs, consume like 5k calories, and the size of the tiresthat they're throwing around is the same as the one around their hips.
I would say most people in here shouldnt be doing individual bodyparts...thats the problem in the first place.

madcows and texas method are still a little different from what your talking about.
I was speaking specifically to you saying you cant DL and squat in the same week.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness or muscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very important role and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.
Why is this exactly?

I don't lift long each time I go to the gym, but I lift every time I go.

So on Monday..I would do back/biceps
Thursday would be the same as Monday
Friday would be the same as Tuesday
Sat would be the same as Wed.

It depends if you're on a high volume, mod.-heavy weight workout. If you're not then you're prob. fine the way you're training so long asmaking consistent gains.

My traditional BB/strength routine is
day 1 - chest
day2- DL/upperback/grip/biceps
day3- off
day4- pressing/tris
day5- squat/ lower back/abs/obliques
day6- off
and then repeat. So it's a 6 day cycle.

Sometimes I come in on off days for like 30 min. when I'm especially sore from the previous few days workout and just do the usual exercises for a fewsets of 15 with just the bar. It gets blood flowing to the effected muscles and you tend to recover quicker.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

I would say most people in here shouldnt be doing individual bodyparts...thats the problem in the first place.

madcows and texas method are still a little different from what your talking about.
I was speaking specifically to you saying you cant DL and squat in the same week.

Who said you can't DL and squat within the same week? I never mentioned that.

It's either DL and Squat on the same day or DL/squat and then on the 3rd day following DL/squat. I wouldn't do it any sooner though if one is on theindividual body split.
Sometimes I come in on off days for like 30 min.
That's how long my lifting sessions usually last, granting there's no traffic at the gym..around 30-45 mins. I only do 5 differentstations per day. Now doing 6 sets of 15 reps (low weight) per station. Some of the more hardcore dudes eat and live in the free weight room.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I can't help but remember the discussion awhile ago about deadlifts when reading the last page or so.
i think i remember that lol

man, im excited about intrabolic. seriously. can't wait to get that in me

anyone take intraXCell? thinking about buying this to keep up the beta-alanine.
okay i'm ordering intraxcell. i'm loving this stack already.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

wj4 or l2l, or anybody... do you guys drink protein on off days?
Yes, but just not as much. I drink protein with my breakfast and before I go to bed every day. If I were working out, I'd take a scoop rightafter too. I'm trying to kill off the leftover of my cinnamon bun right now so I can try out the cake batter ASAP.

TheAbove- it's easy, man. Just takes a bit of time at first. Go look up at your BMR. Go to the local market and find stuff that you would find tasty tocook/eat and stay within the BMR budget. That, with exercise will do wonder for you.
Cut out all junk foods; candies, sodas, fast foods, fried foods, etc.
Try to cook all of your meals. That way, you know what's in 'em and you can control how they come out.
Look for some 'health foods' like:
Greek Yogurt
Lean Proteins
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

wj4 - post pics of your progress so far
I've posted pix of myself through out the thread, including a 1 year mark. Go back a few pages or so and I'm sure you can find it.
how do you guys go about swallowing pills? it's not something i do on the reg., but what's the technique that goes into it? put it in the back of mytonge and GULP? but all three in my mouth and just swallow them like hard liquor?
I personally put the pill in my mouth, and drink a good amount of water and swallow everything together. With small medicinal pills, I don't have a problemat all. But with my vitamin supplement that I take daily, the shape is oval and it has a weird coating on it which makes ingesting it a bit more difficult.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

how do you guys go about swallowing pills? it's not something i do on the reg., but what's the technique that goes into it? put it in the back of my tonge and GULP? but all three in my mouth and just swallow them like hard liquor?

Ive swallowed 4 2" long vitamin pills lol....its a mind thing you gotta get over. Just swallow it with the flow of what ever liquid your taking it with
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