Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

im waiting on someone sober to drive

so i thought id check in on nt of course

i got 10 lbs cmf whey protein 2 tubs intrabolic some creatine mono some beta alanine and some citrulline malate and some superpump 250 and a multi....core arho or some %%%$ i dont rmmemeber


im feeling small as hell some dude came back like 20 lbs packed on during the summer......goddammit i gotta step my game up

later dudes

its ok man

youre not alone
The school year is starting right? !*!% the $300 of supps, I'm tryna get that much in liquor.

And honestly, I'd rather feel "small" as you guys put it than %@!+%@ bloated like I am now. Muscle gains proportional to BF% FTL
Just ordered

Heavy Duty 25oz Shaker Cup (FREE WITH PURCHASE!!)....... Subtotal: $0.00
100% Casein Protein - Cookies and Cream....... Subtotal: $23.70
NO-SyntheSize - Black Cherry....... Subtotal: $28.45
NO-Shotgun V3 - Exotic Fruit....... Subtotal: $28.45
Myofusion - Vanilla....... Subtotal: $18.00
Originally Posted by ericescobar

what is this thread about if not about mass/muscle building and fat loss? whey-protein isn't a dirty word. it helps. it's been proven to work. people use it to build muscle, provided they put in the effort at the gym. people want to replace fat with muscle. muscle requires protein (a quantity not always attainable through natural means; at least not easily). for people than can afford to take on extra protein and not worry about storage, it's a no-brainer.

IMO, of course getting ANY source of carb, fat, or protein from WHOLE FOODS is priority. But the majority of us live a busy lifestyle, we can't alwaysbring the George Foreman to campus and start cooking up in the middle of Mark301: Marketing Communications. I find whey powder more of a convenience ratherthan a replacement.

Protein shakes. I usually have them 2-3x a day, sometimes less or more, its all depending on my schedule that week etc. What I really like doing is addingWhey to my meals, like for instance a scoop of Whey to my oatmeal, or when I make protein pancakes. As long as your not OD'ing your protein intake, Idon't see the problem - as long as it fits in with your total caloric and macro goals, there shouldn't be a problem.

Fast food. The cravings are totally subjective. Moderation is always key. I haven't had a craving yet, usually once a month i'll get a Big Mac comboor something. Cheat meals are good mentally and physically.. but as time goes on and your well into your diet, you'll crave less, and the results you seein the mirror as well as other various motivational factors around you will lessen the crave!

For the bulkers here is a good article.. im following this dudes advice, getting my bf% down to 10ish and then building up a new body..
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ericescobar

what is this thread about if not about mass/muscle building and fat loss? whey-protein isn't a dirty word. it helps. it's been proven to work. people use it to build muscle, provided they put in the effort at the gym. people want to replace fat with muscle. muscle requires protein (a quantity not always attainable through natural means; at least not easily). for people than can afford to take on extra protein and not worry about storage, it's a no-brainer.

IMO, of course getting ANY source of carb, fat, or protein from WHOLE FOODS is priority. But the majority of us live a busy lifestyle, we can't always bring the George Foreman to campus and start cooking up in the middle of Mark301: Marketing Communications. I find whey powder more of a convenience rather than a replacement.
another thing not mentioned is whey one of the most bio-available proteins. it's absorbed very quickly, so you can get it to your musclesasap. after a hard workout, it helps keep your immune system up, because your body tends to steal protein from the immune system when there's an acuteneed for it. whole foods take longer to break down into protein (among other nutrients). plus, whey is very easy to digest, so for those trying to gain massquickly, they don't have to be working the digestive system so hard...
15 lbs by summer dudes

hold me to it

seriously i am so $+@*@$ up but tomorrow im going 200%

heavy squats first thing

im pissed at how little ive gained in the last few months i gotta work harder
I never came in here but I havent ate fast food for 9 months now, Im trying to get through the year. Im not on a diet, Im just testing my mind body and soul ifI can give up delicious nuggets burgers and fries for a year. its been hard, REAL hard, esp when I get those deep cravings but Im fighting it off.

right off that bat I noticed I lost weight, Im almost back to my HS days I THINK I can dunk again

better believe on Jan.1 Im going head in at wendys though
aight guys i usually ask this kinda stuff on the S&T but the questions get answered here a lot's mine im 5'7 close to 5'8 (wentto a physical recently) i weigh 160-159 LBS it flunctuate 5 depends on the day and my BMI is goin out of the country in 3 months and here'swhat i want to accomplish i wanna weigh back to 140 if possible and BMI to 10% and maybe cut the fat to 10% and maybe get some it healthy to lose20lbs in 3 months or is it even possible? and what kinda of cardio/weights regime should i take?
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

aight guys i usually ask this kinda stuff on the S&T but the questions get answered here a lot's mine im 5'7 close to 5'8 (went to a physical recently) i weigh 160-159 LBS it flunctuate 5 depends on the day and my BMI is goin out of the country in 3 months and here's what i want to accomplish i wanna weigh back to 140 if possible and BMI to 10% and maybe cut the fat to 10% and maybe get some it healthy to lose 20lbs in 3 months or is it even possible? and what kinda of cardio/weights regime should i take?
It is possible to lose 20 lbs in 3 months if you're out of shape. From the stats you posted, I don't think you're that out of shape,I think the first 5 or so lbs will be easy to get rid of. Then it will become extremely hard. The last several lbs will be stubborn and will want to stickaround your obliques and abs. It takes more than a few months to get definition on the abs.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

im feeling small as hell some dude came back like 20 lbs packed on during the summer......goddammit i gotta step my game up

Why does it have to be a competition?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

im feeling small as hell some dude came back like 20 lbs packed on during the summer......goddammit i gotta step my game up

Why does it have to be a competition?

Its not... Its more of a motivational thing. Hes comparing not competing
i have a cold... runny nose...etc... should i go workout? i was thinking about doing a little abs and maybe do light cardio for like 30min?
Originally Posted by boholkicks

i have a cold... runny nose...etc... should i go workout? i was thinking about doing a little abs and maybe do light cardio for like 30min?

Feed a cold, starve a flu. Go workout.
I gotta question. I was on a fat burner lipo 6 black. Worked great helped me get my old plateu. Im gettin off it this week. Whats the expected weight gain/draw backs of gettin off fat burners? My diet and routine should stay straight cause im addicted to the gym now. What drop offs should I expect?
has anyone tried contrast showers??? u rotate between hot and cold temperatures.... I take them because they give me a little buzz in the morning and alsohelps with the hangovers.... I just learned they're also used for post workout recovery because it helps the body heal quicker.... try it!!! its pretty fun
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

im feeling small as hell some dude came back like 20 lbs packed on during the summer......goddammit i gotta step my game up

Why does it have to be a competition?

Its not... Its more of a motivational thing. Hes comparing not competing
It is a competition though. It's one thing to say that X person packed on 20 lbs this summer and is now bigger/stronger/etc. than I am. Itturns into a competition when you then feel as though you have to step up what youre doing in return.

Competition is a form of motivation. Comparison is not.
Got bored of the burgers so I ate this instead...wheat pasta with beef. Probably going to replace the 2nd burger for the day with salad and chicken breast.
Durben- how is he competing when hes not trying to out do 20 lbs. Joe said 15 lbs by the summer. A competition is trying to beat the opponent.
Joe is just saying he slacked and should of made gains like that, not tht he should of outdone the other guy.

Well, only Joe can speak for himself
I think a 1 month transformation is a good idea!!! All who enters should paypal the winner $10.
So if 10 ppl enter thats $100
. Just so some ppl dont get discouraged, its not about how you look but the improvements made.
The paypal idea is not bad at all.
Not to sound corny but will all be winners in the end. Today is September 1st!
Let the Games Begin.
IICEMAN83 wrote:
Durben- how is he competing when hes not trying to out do 20 lbs. Joe said 15 lbs by the summer. A competition is trying to beat the opponent.
Joe is just saying he slacked and should of made gains like that, not tht he should of outdone the other guy.

Well, only Joe can speak for himself

You make some really good points, but to me it just seemed as though it was a competition.

You made a solid case, ive got nothing in rebuttal.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

The paypal idea is not bad at all.
Not to sound corny but will all be winners in the end. Today is September 1st!
Let the Games Begin.

We should make an official thread so more people can enter. Even though i doubt everyone would dish $10 lol. Maybe see what Dirtys input is. Now im gettinexcited though i wudnt enter. This would be a good look @NT
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