Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

I'm all for it, I've been promotin fitness on NT. We could be judges. More NTrs need to join this fitness movement.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I'm all for it, I've been promotin fitness on NT. We could be judges. More NTrs need to join this fitness movement.

Do something that requires hard work and sacrifice? Where do you think you are, sir? lol
If anyone wants to join me in a 43 or so day commitment...let's keep each other in check.

My pledge:
From September 1st (today) until my bday, October 13th, I am pledging to not eat pizza, drink beer, drink soda, eat later than9 pm, drink more than 1x a week (hard liq), or smoke more than 3x a week. Concurrently, I pledge to take 200+ shots (bball) at least 5/7 days a week.

Starting Statistics
Height: 5'6.5
Weight: 154 lbs
Age: 23
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by Al Audi

I'm all for it, I've been promotin fitness on NT. We could be judges. More NTrs need to join this fitness movement.

Do something that requires hard work and sacrifice? Where do you think you are, sir? lol

With the possibilty of gettn over $100 lol.... We need some rules though. Any rule ideas anyone???
yea this is easier said than done

we need rules..........1 month is kinda short maybe 60-90

100+ free bucks for the holidays? why not

tagged dated photo to enter
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by Al Audi

I'm all for it, I've been promotin fitness on NT. We could be judges. More NTrs need to join this fitness movement.

Do something that requires hard work and sacrifice? Where do you think you are, sir? lol

With the possibilty of gettn over $100 lol.... We need some rules though. Any rule ideas anyone???

- Everyone has until 9/3 at 9 p.m. Pacific to post a DATED/TAGGED picture.

- Your second picture must be post before 10/3 at 9 p.m. pacific, also dated/tagged

- Say we have.... 100 entries or so (which is more than we'll have) we slim it down to like 10 finalists, then pick one as a consensus. Kind of like how ajury has to be unanimous.
Who's gonna maintain it? Little things such as re-posting all the pics, listing everyone's name in the first post, that way we can hold anyone whoenters and doesn't pay up to it. Hahaha
That's a pretty sick idea. We need to have a mod help definitely so there's no chance of any sort of fraud going down. I suggest something along theline of....all participants Paypal'ing a mod in advance and the mod Paypal the winner the $100.

And tagged pix are a must. Dudes can be digging up pix from 3 yrs ago. I'm not going to enter either.
lol @ nobody gonna enter

ok we need more rules

this is gonna be for the biggest losers of NT

no point in this contest if you gotta shed 5lbs or just tone up
Yo NT I'm in a slump. I've gotten really lazy. Haven't been working out running. My boxing membership is over. I've only been going to jiujitsu once a week. School starting back up and I haven't lifted a weight or dieted good all summer. But now it's grind tmie but I just can't findthe motivation. I"M thinking of doing westside but I think maybe creating my own workout program is better. Also I'm doing Grapplers Guide to Nutrtionsoon.
We should make the deadline much later than the third. I agree with dishn $10 to enter so no fraud.
Yea photos should be dated. Also height and weight should be noted too a the contestants free will even though that will
Not be a factor of the winner.

The mod or thread starter should collect all funds... I donno about me, i dont think ppl trust me lol.
AI u should do it since your more known. Ill help with the thread. The 10 finalist is a good idea. Then let NT judge who the winner is.
lol i aint dealin with no $

hell nah, it could be real legit if we had the help of dirty or something though
Originally Posted by Al Audi

lol i aint dealin with no $

hell nah, it could be real legit if we had the help of dirty or something though

Lol i feel ya... Ill create some artwork... Make it look hot lol
so ....the only people entering this little contest are those who need to loose a lot of weight or make large changes?

I thought it would be a good idea as I was reading through then I thought about being the only girl and how would that work out anyways?
I'll join.

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 166 lbs (I was at 175 lbs. two and a half weeks ago, started hitting the gym)
Age: 23

This picture was taken the beginning of August, in the middle:

I will post a progress picture on Thanksgiving.
Those type of pictures should not count. That is completely a not legit how in shape are you picture. It should be something like buy a newspaper, stand withit somewhere in your room without a short on, and wearing shorts or wtv. Then in one month, take the exact same picture.
Originally Posted by AAclaire420

so ....the only people entering this little contest are those who need to loose a lot of weight or make large changes?

I thought it would be a good idea as I was reading through then I thought about being the only girl and how would that work out anyways?

Nah it wouldnt be gender specific...but based on the most improvement made. Not who looks the best or weight lost though that may be put into consideration.This thread has been mature for the most part and many have post pics of themselves. Remember the winner will be judged by NT??....would everyone agree? Idonno if yuku has a poll function though
Originally Posted by tecca nena

has anyone tried contrast showers??? u rotate between hot and cold temperatures.... I take them because they give me a little buzz in the morning and also helps with the hangovers.... I just learned they're also used for post workout recovery because it helps the body heal quicker.... try it!!! its pretty fun
i've been doing these for a few months now, usually 3 to 4 cycles of the hottest water i can take and all the way cold, about 30 seconds each. they're supposed to do more for central nervous system fatigue, one of the main causes of overtraining, but it also works for short term muscle recovery,by forcing the lymphatic system to circulate more fluid and for your sweat glands to excrete a little more cellular waste. the only part i don't like isgetting out and sweating for a while because your core temp is elevated. still, it's a fairly clean sweat (doesn't make you feel sticky), so it'snot too bad.
im down but why just one month it should be 12 weeks and we should all put down $15 or 20 instead of 10.
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