Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

i wont be joing the competition.....

but i have a question about cardio....i have about 3 weeks to get in the best shape i can before a Fire Dept physical hiring test.
im not in terrible shape now, but i want to get in the best shape possible...

should i be doin HIIT sprints or long distance running? or both?

any suggestions?
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

i wont be joing the competition.....

but i have a question about cardio....i have about 3 weeks to get in the best shape i can before a Fire Dept physical hiring test.
im not in terrible shape now, but i want to get in the best shape possible...

should i be doin HIIT sprints or long distance running? or both?

any suggestions?

Are you planning to use gym equipment? (treadmill, eliptical etc..) or just running?

Theres a lot of research that indicates HIIT is more beneficial over cardio, just have a look around. Basically time-wise you'll burn more calories andfeel better, also there is evidence that HIIT burns calories up to 48 hours.

A great way to start is 30sec intervals followed by 90secs rest. Do this for 6-7x. Then gradually increase reps or decrease rest periods. There are numerousprinciples and such around, but the key goal is to be 'intense' then 'slow'...

Do hydrate and do warmup/down accordingly, try not to eat too close before the exercise because you may cramp and puke!

Im not going to join that competition, so I reckon a new thread is the best bet. Keep this thread alive though, its almost adaily blog for some of us haha, and its a great place to get different views and advices on a spectrum that includes both novice and experiencedNT'ers.
As yhe originator of the idea, I declare myself the almighty king god of this expiriment. All profits will be emailed to me under the moniker "supermaster lord".

I think 10 bucks is too much to invest into a pool. Mayr like an nt shirt the first winer. If we get tons of participants, well come up with better stuff.
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

i wont be joing the competition.....

but i have a question about cardio....i have about 3 weeks to get in the best shape i can before a Fire Dept physical hiring test.
im not in terrible shape now, but i want to get in the best shape possible...

should i be doin HIIT sprints or long distance running? or both?

any suggestions?
HIIT, complexes, tabata... any of those will give you want you're looking for (and maybe more). plus, it takes far less of your time

- more cardiovascular endurance
- higher lactic acid threshold
- better sustained (and possibly top) speed
- greater VO2 max
- greater anaerobic capacity
- maintain (or even gain) muscle mass
- reduced body fat
- conversion of more muscle fibers to fast-twitch
- better neuro-muscular coordination

long distance running will only really help with cardiovascular endurance and VO2 max (to a lesser extent than high intensity workouts). also, there is atendency to lose muscle mass (especially fast twitch muscle).
i just peeped the t-nation complexes.....i think i may give the dumbell complex a shot, bc i have access to those at home....

any links to explain tabata? never heard of that...

i am getting in shape to perform a circuit of Fire fighter tasks, for time, at a hiring test....

im not sure what exactly ill be doing yet, but i know the maximum time allowed is 5:41, so i want to be in the best shape possible to do them much quicker thanthat.

i know im strong enough, to do any of the tasks, its just about the endurance factor...
i think ill mix long distance running, sprints and complexes to just see how that does for me...
^ that's pretty cool. i MIGHT give it a try, just because i can combine it with my WHEY PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT post-workout
Alright, so I'm really scrawny, looking to bulk up and get broader. When I am doing my workouts, it's hard for me to do many reps because my arms startto give out early because my arms are so weak (I'll be the first to admit it
). Am I better off working out my arms more than anything to start off (I signed up for the gym yesterday) so I gain more strength to do moreworkouts overall?

Also, is it fine if I eat when I get home from my workout? I have like this paranoia that all my running and ab workouts are ruined when I come home and eatdinner (like tonight, I ran for 20 minutes, did an ab workout and came home and grilled 2 cheeseburgers).
I would join that contest but I have a broken arm
, won't be back inthe gym for another 6 weeks, I was making great gains too
Originally Posted by bkmac

Alright, so I'm really scrawny, looking to bulk up and get broader. When I am doing my workouts, it's hard for me to do many reps because my arms start to give out early because my arms are so weak (I'll be the first to admit it
). Am I better off working out my arms more than anything to start off (I signed up for the gym yesterday) so I gain more strength to do more workouts overall?

Also, is it fine if I eat when I get home from my workout? I have like this paranoia that all my running and ab workouts are ruined when I come home and eat dinner (like tonight, I ran for 20 minutes, did an ab workout and came home and grilled 2 cheeseburgers).
I don't think that is very effective...(don't quote me on that)
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by bkmac

Alright, so I'm really scrawny, looking to bulk up and get broader. When I am doing my workouts, it's hard for me to do many reps because my arms start to give out early because my arms are so weak (I'll be the first to admit it
). Am I better off working out my arms more than anything to start off (I signed up for the gym yesterday) so I gain more strength to do more workouts overall?

Also, is it fine if I eat when I get home from my workout? I have like this paranoia that all my running and ab workouts are ruined when I come home and eat dinner (like tonight, I ran for 20 minutes, did an ab workout and came home and grilled 2 cheeseburgers).
I don't think that is very effective...(don't quote me on that)
I will quote you on that, just because I agree with you.

What I am basically asking along with my scrawny arm situation is, what should I be eating for dinner when I come home from a workout?
Trainer told me today that because of my body type I shouldn't even bother eating clean.
Just eat whatever 6 times a day. What y'all think of that advice?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Alright, so I'm really scrawny, looking to bulk up and get broader. When I am doing my workouts, it's hard for me to do many reps because my arms start to give out early because my arms are so weak (I'll be the first to admit it
). Am I better off working out my arms more than anything to start off (I signed up for the gym yesterday) so I gain more strength to do more workouts overall?

Also, is it fine if I eat when I get home from my workout? I have like this paranoia that all my running and ab workouts are ruined when I come home and eat dinner (like tonight, I ran for 20 minutes, did an ab workout and came home and grilled 2 cheeseburgers).

Your probably best to do a programme like Rippetoes, its pretty simple and good base for strength, hell im going to probably give it go soon and ive been atthe gym for nearly 2 years, but I wasn't 'working out' working out, had no set routine and didn't measure my lifts etc..

Post-workout is probably the most important meal of the day, you need a good amount of carbs and protein. Theres a 30-45min window of opportunity where yourbody is at its optimum peak for nutrients. So yeah.. you pretty probably only gained so much of that run/ab workout simply because you ate the wrong types offoods. Although there is some people who drink chocolate milk as a PWO drink and sugary cereal.
someone should make a new post with the title nt mr olympia lol.

If we're doing a 1 month thing, I'd be happy to judge, but honestly 1 month isn't much time to show alot of changes. I'd say it should be atleast an 8-week challenge, meaning we see who looks the best and who's made the most dramatic change in 2 months, or maybe 3 months. I don't know, butif we went for 8 weeks or more, I'd be down to join the comp. It would be good motivation for me to get myself in gear. (that's "in" gear,not "on" gear.)
^im down i need an extra boost of motivaion.............i would say it should only be judge by the progress and not how they look cause some people couldalready be in better shape than others
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by drock2010

Lately I been too busy (and lazy) to really "workout"

is doing 100 pushups a night ok?
Add some pull-ups, sit ups and squats and you're set
Thats basically doing a full workout

and does anyone recommend the Iron Gym? I think its cheaper now at Target
Anybody ever messed with that powder dehydrated peanut butter? Somehow they evaporate the oil out of the peanut then dehydrate it making it only 3g of fat perserving. They even have no cal version but I know that one is gonna be terrible. It's only 5.50$ on amazon so I copped 1 peanut butter and 1 chocolatedehydrated powders
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by nealraj006
Thats basically doing a full workout

and does anyone recommend the Iron Gym? I think its cheaper now at Target
yes, ive been using it for a few months and i have no door damage
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by nealraj006
Thats basically doing a full workout

and does anyone recommend the Iron Gym? I think its cheaper now at Target
yes, ive been using it for a few months and i have no door damage
Yup. Iron gym goes perfect with my P90x workout of course. No door damage either.
Yo! so im trying to lose at least 25 pounds by december... i am 5'8 and weight 190... i need some help with what foods i should eat and food to stay awayfrom, and how many times a week should i hit up the gym? HELP!!
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