Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

lots of cardio makes you lose fat, how can't you build muscle as well if youre in the gym lifting???? you are getting rid of the bad and keeping the

sorry to hijack the thread but a lot of myth's

this is kind of true think of it like this you dont turn fat into muscle, they arent the same composition but lets look at a table ill make up

if a person bulks like this (not realistic but for the sake of the conversation)

weight lean mass weight body fat weight body fat%

200 160 40 20

220 178 42 19

250 205 45 18

This bulk isnt impossible but itd take years to gain 45 pounds of raw muscle but the person in the table gained 5 lbs of fat, but lowered their body fatpercentage, thats what will happen, but fat wont turn into muscle, if your too fat cut weight then bulk to gain fat and muscle, then cut to lose the fat andkeep as much muscle as possible, but gaining muscle while losing fat can be tough to do and turning fat into muscle is impossible
One thing I noticed is that when I perform calve raises I feel a hormone increase that makes me want to work out more.

Right now I'm in my intermediate stages of lifting, and bulking. When I arrive at the gym all my exercises coordinate with each other depending on what Ifeel which muscle group needs work. I've only been in it for a month so I train my chest every 3 times a week, and may throw in some other exercises thatinvolve chest and tri's when I'm working other groups of muscle. I'm pleased with the results so far, which keeps me motivated to keep eating every3 hours of 26 gms of protein in each meal, especially when your not a huge eater like I am. It's a gradual process the stomach makes once it'sstretched out from the food it's digesting. Back to excercises, the deadlift, my advice is to use the core of the back and glutes to guide the workout.Because I know and others know that have performed deadlifts know the risk of injury is high. Very good workout when done correctly, but I stick to hamstringpulls.

Wj4 great progress man!
Went to my local fitness/supplement store.. hot diggity never knew whey was hella expensive
Originally Posted by joeman1515

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

lots of cardio makes you lose fat, how can't you build muscle as well if youre in the gym lifting???? you are getting rid of the bad and keeping the

sorry to hijack the thread but a lot of myth's

this is kind of true think of it like this you dont turn fat into muscle, they arent the same composition but lets look at a table ill make up

if a person bulks like this (not realistic but for the sake of the conversation)

weight lean mass weight body fat weight body fat%

200 160 40 20

220 178 42 19

250 205 45 18

This bulk isnt impossible but itd take years to gain 45 pounds of raw muscle but the person in the table gained 5 lbs of fat, but lowered their body fat percentage, thats what will happen, but fat wont turn into muscle, if your too fat cut weight then bulk to gain fat and muscle, then cut to lose the fat and keep as much muscle as possible, but gaining muscle while losing fat can be tough to do and turning fat into muscle is impossible

yeah if i'm bulking i'm doing nothing but bulking without a hint of cardio to really maximize my size and when i'm cutting i'm doing theopposite, really micromanaging everything i'm eating and making sure I burn at least 600 calories 4-5 days a week
What I've been doing (somewhat it's hard sometimes) is exercising for an hour or so 6 days a week.

I been trying to get everyone together to play ball once a week because I burn serious calories playing ball like shirt soaked sweat. But everyone is mad flakyand do "goonish" stuff for no reason.. I literally lose 3 pounds playing ball for a few hours.

Dude who said he walks 8 miles a day that is a #%$% load... I may start walking 4 miles now because I have a ton of songs on my ipod and this will give me away to actually listen to songs that normally get skipped and finally get the real use out of the damn thing..

But what the real motivator for me is, if I don't do something now I will be the size of a brick wall when I'm 30. Also considering my family lineagehas gotten almost every common life ending illness except Aids helped also.

And girls don't really give you play even if you dress well and have a personality that kills it. Like I'm in actuality a 8-9 but the weight and thelast remains of acne that is almost on the way out (Acutane FTW wish I was on it like 4 years ago) brings me down to a 4-5

Also I am trying to eat better but since I cannot stand vegetables cannot even force myself to eat them it is hard. Also considering I don't have greatwillpower when it comes to food hurts.

Three quotes for everyone:

"Before success comes in any man's life he's sure to meet with temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. Whendefeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is quit. That's exactly what a majority of men do" -Napoleon Hill

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"-Thomas Edison

"People will not change their perception of me without persuasion, so I must change myself to change the way I amperceived."-Myself
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

I just started getting back into working seriously this year. I need to be more consistent with lifting weights though. I just joined a boxing gym and have been doing Jiu Jitsu since November. Really into MMA/UFC. I started 260 now I'm around 240. The hardest part is going but once you get the ball rolling it's hard to stop don't get derailed and just stay on a routine.

I feel ya man, I'm still getting rag dolled by 150s and 60s in BJJ
and i'm a lean 190lbs
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

lots of cardio makes you lose fat, how can't you build muscle as well if youre in the gym lifting???? you are getting rid of the bad and keeping the
Bulking and cutting are like two way streets.
Originally Posted by Essential1

What I've been doing (somewhat it's hard sometimes) is exercising for an hour or so 6 days a week.

I been trying to get everyone together to play ball once a week because I burn serious calories playing ball like shirt soaked sweat. But everyone is mad flaky and do "goonish" stuff for no reason.. I literally lose 3 pounds playing ball for a few hours.

Dude who said he walks 8 miles a day that is a #%$% load... I may start walking 4 miles now because I have a ton of songs on my ipod and this will give me a way to actually listen to songs that normally get skipped and finally get the real use out of the damn thing..

But what the real motivator for me is, if I don't do something now I will be the size of a brick wall when I'm 30. Also considering my family lineage has gotten almost every common life ending illness except Aids helped also.

And girls don't really give you play even if you dress well and have a personality that kills it. Like I'm in actuality a 8-9 but the weight and the last remains of acne that is almost on the way out (Acutane FTW wish I was on it like 4 years ago) brings me down to a 4-5

Also I am trying to eat better but since I cannot stand vegetables cannot even force myself to eat them it is hard. Also considering I don't have great willpower when it comes to food hurts.

Three quotes for everyone:

"Before success comes in any man's life he's sure to meet with temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is quit. That's exactly what a majority of men do" -Napoleon Hill

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up" -Thomas Edison

"People will not change their perception of me without persuasion, so I must change myself to change the way I am perceived."-Myself

Everyone keeps saying you see ab definition at 10% or less but im like at 18 percent and I have definition. Standing though lol all this loose skin gets seenwhen I sit down
Originally Posted by Al Audi

btw im sorry i just cannot take TD The God aka Pookie serious
Thanks....I'm a clown, don't take me serious....

anyhow, lol....this thread as a whole has me wanting back in the gym here is mychallenge....give me 3 weeks to get these abs right here back in some serious arms will be bigger as well.....this pic was just taken

My problem is changing my eating habits because I never want to take the time to cook. What ultimately happens is I end up going to some fast food restaurant,mostly Subway. What are some good meals that I could eat that would take no more than 5 - 10mins to prepare? Also what should I be eating for breakfast?
Originally Posted by slick bandit

My problem is changing my eating habits because I never want to take the time to cook. What ultimately happens is I end up going to some fast food restaurant, mostly Subway. What are some good meals that I could eat that would take no more than 5 - 10mins to prepare? Also what should I be eating for breakfast?
Do you buy your own food?
paying for your own food is probably the best way to motivate yourself to get on a healthy diet. When you pay for your own food, you will feel like you want toget your money's worth and thus cook your own meals. And when you cook your own meals you tend to enjoy it more than if someone else cooked it (at leastthat's how I feel)
For breakfast I have 2-3 boiled egg whites, and 2-3 strips of turkey bacon and a cup of coffee. Sometimes I eat some turkey sausage too depending on If I ate areal dinner the previous night or just had a protein shake.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Al Audi

btw im sorry i just cannot take TD The God aka Pookie serious
Thanks....I'm a clown, don't take me serious....

anyhow, lol....this thread as a whole has me wanting back in the gym here is my challenge....give me 3 weeks to get these abs right here back in some serious arms will be bigger as well.....this pic was just taken

My man, you're a beast and all, but you need some lotion in your life.
I was wondering too, should someone really out of shape, condition before taking up something like boxing or Muay Thai?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I was wondering too, should someone really out of shape, condition before taking up something like boxing or Muay Thai?
I didn't. And my gym is fierce, the first Muay Thai gym in the U.S. As funny as it sounds, the pain thrived me..word to Kobe's hurtingarm in the final game.

You're forced to pick up things quickly, or else you will get hurt during sparring. It's a lot of combination that really get your heart rate up. Something like jab, jab, cross, perry, clench, knee, kick.

There were a lot of fatter dudes at the gym when I joined, they stayed that way because they didn't change their eating habits. For 1-1.5 hour, it was apacked work out. First started with stretching and jumping rope and running. Then we worked with Thai pads and body bags. The last 10-15 mins were held forsparring.

I would have injuries like this on a weekly basis. This looked really bad, but it didn't hurt too much. I was holding the pads for a pretty good kicker,that's how I got the bruise. Just be prepared to get injuries if you do join though. Even with gear on, you can still feel through it with a good enoughpartner.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Al Audi

btw im sorry i just cannot take TD The God aka Pookie serious
Thanks....I'm a clown, don't take me serious....

anyhow, lol....this thread as a whole has me wanting back in the gym here is my challenge....give me 3 weeks to get these abs right here back in some serious arms will be bigger as well.....this pic was just taken

My man, you're a beast and all, but you need some lotion in your life.


TD The God, Im right along with you. After taking 2 weeks of (birthday partying) Im hitting it back hard (no ayo).
Was thinking of doing some vids of my training for a couple of days.
For those who train alot, why dont we make some vids too.
Would be a good idea for additional motivation as well as to let
others see what we do.
What yall think???
TD its not just this thread I mean on NT period....your topics and responses in general. Lol that shirtless pic, ur just a regular athletic dude, mattr factthat just looks like something you could attain just from an active lifestle. You could have at least came with something like Prez T posted. Again I can'ttake you serious.
Was there ever an update on the woman with loud sex in the basement?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I was wondering too, should someone really out of shape, condition before taking up something like boxing or Muay Thai?
I didn't. And my gym is fierce, the first Muay Thai gym in the U.S. As funny as it sounds, the pain thrived me..word to Kobe's hurting arm in the final game.

You're forced to pick up things quickly, or else you will get hurt during sparring. It's a lot of combination that really get your heart rate up. Something like jab, jab, cross, perry, clench, knee, kick.

There were a lot of fatter dudes at the gym when I joined, they stayed that way because they didn't change their eating habits. For 1-1.5 hour, it was a packed work out. First started with stretching and jumping rope and running. Then we worked with Thai pads and body bags. The last 10-15 mins were held for sparring.

I would have injuries like this on a weekly basis. This looked really bad, but it didn't hurt too much. I was holding the pads for a pretty good kicker, that's how I got the bruise. Just be prepared to get injuries if you do join though. Even with gear on, you can still feel through it with a good enough partner.

Good looks
Originally Posted by Al Audi

TD its not just this thread I mean on NT period....your topics and responses in general. Lol that shirtless pic, ur just a regular athletic dude, mattr fact that just looks like something you could attain just from an active lifestle. You could have at least came with something like Prez T posted. Again I can't take you serious.
Was there ever an update on the woman with loud sex in the basement?

I have to dissagree with u here. Though Prez have an impressive midsection and good chest, he lacks everything else. No arms, shoulders and prob lacks a back.Pookie is was more muscular and has great potential. This is just my caparison of the pics they posted. Dont know what Prez looks like now
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

TD its not just this thread I mean on NT period....your topics and responses in general. Lol that shirtless pic, ur just a regular athletic dude, mattr fact that just looks like something you could attain just from an active lifestle. You could have at least came with something like Prez T posted. Again I can't take you serious.
Was there ever an update on the woman with loud sex in the basement?

I have to dissagree with u here. Though Prez have an impressive midsection and good chest, he lacks everything else. No arms, shoulders and prob lacks a back. Pookie is was more muscular and has great potential. This is just my caparison of the pics they posted. Dont know what Prez looks like now

lol nah son im just messin with pookie

an yea i rather look like pookie overwall than prez, but prez a lil ectomorph he proud of them abs my man dont rain on his parade right now.

go back in the thread......son said when i try and lift too sexy........referin to joe cam dls, normal go hard stats imo

td funny though, appreciated.
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