Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when done correctly[/color], they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.

Your Glutes are the single biggest muscle in your body and is the primary muscle responsible for hip extention. (Not your lower back). if you feel it in yourback, your back is compensating for a movement your glutes are too weak to do themselves. THIS IS HOW PEOPLE INJURE THEIR LOWER BACK. (Caps for emphasis)

Same concept with the Ham strings. People pull their hams because their hams are overcompensation for a movement their glutes should do.

Read more about the Posterior Chain and the functions of each muscle. I'll be back to find articles when I'm working and have more time.

And for good measure...

And I know I'm gonna get roasted for this one...
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, when done correctly, they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.
[table][tr][td]Target Body Part:[/td] [td]Back, Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs, Full Body/Integrated[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Primary Muscles:[/td] [td]Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Secondary Muscles:
[/td] [td]Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Flexors, Extensors, Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Soleus, Gastrocnemius

reminds of an ingredient label........most important things listed first.......funny aint it......barbell deadlifts

[/td] [/tr][/table]
for all you glute/ham deadlift ppl.... So what exercise do bbers do to develope their lower back????
So how do you guys generally structure your workouts? Say its chest/bicep/tricep day are you trying to do a certain number of exercises per group?
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by Al Audi

From personal experience I say abs are seen @ 10% and under.
I was at 9% and my abs sucked. Is it bad genetics or does it have something to do with my short torso?
Man, I have a short torso too and i hate it.

But my abs are still very visible, and I'm pretty sure my bf is under 10%, so I wouldn't say that plays a factor.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when done correctly[/color], they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.
[table][tr][td]Target Body Part:[/td] [td]Back, Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs, Full Body/Integrated[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Primary Muscles:[/td] [td]Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Secondary Muscles:
[/td] [td]Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Flexors, Extensors, Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Soleus, Gastrocnemius

reminds of an ingredient label........most important things listed first.......funny aint it......barbell deadlifts

[/td] [/tr][/table]
I never said it didn't work out lower back at all. Lower back is essential to your posterior chain. It is however, only about 1/3 of yourerector spinae, so that list up there is misleading if you're trying to make that point. Truth is, there's nothing your lower back can do that yourglutes can't do better. It has a higher weight capacity and growth potential. Nobody complains about glute pain or pulling your glutes, but I hear lowerback pain and pulled hamstrings all the time.

I'm not saying what you posted is wrong, but there's more to your erector spinae than just the lower back.

There are more articles too, I'd post my textbook but I'm not scanning pages...
laugh.gif is an excellent site btw fellas. You need motivation and knowledge you go there.
You're two-thirds of the way there, and the crowd (or just the voices in your head) are screaming at you to just lock it out. Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy? Here are a few potential roadblocks at the lockout:

1. Your gluteus maximus is weak. At lockout, the pelvis finally posteriorly tilts to reach a neutral position, and the gluteus maximus is the primary muscle involved in establishing this upright pelvis position. If you can't fire the glutes, you'll either stall the bar short of lockout or hitch the lift in a "fake lockout."

With hitching, one bends the knees, but appears to straighten up the torso by hyperextending the lumbar spine. This is dangerous and isn't considered a completed lift by powerlifting judges. Weak glutes are typically related to tight hip flexors and overactive lumbar erectors (and sometimes hamstrings). Mike and I went to great lengths in our Neanderthal No More and Get Your Butt in Gear articles to highlight this problem and offer corrective measures.

Solutions: Checkout the aforementioned two series of articles for tips on how to loosen up the hip flexors (e.g. warrior lunge stretch, Bulgarian split-squat EQIs) and activate the glutes (e.g. supine bridges, kneeling squats, and single-leg exercises). You'll also want to do some stretching for your hamstrings and lumbar erectors. Focus on driving your hips into the bar once it passes the knees. You should feel your glutes fire as if you're pinching something between your cheeks.
nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.
to all of the deadlift part one other important factor is height. i know some bodybuilders do rack deadlifts where they takethe bottom third out of the deadlift if they are tall because it will hit the lower back more, deadlifts are a great excercise regardless of what you thinkthey hit, should be included in a mass gaining phase for sure
Originally Posted by joeman1515

to all of the deadlift part one other important factor is height. i know some bodybuilders do rack deadlifts where they take the bottom third out of the deadlift if they are tall because it will hit the lower back more, deadlifts are a great excercise regardless of what you think they hit, should be included in a mass gaining phase for sure
rack pulls are diff though, they should still do reg dl's
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when done correctly[/color], they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.
[table][tr][td]Target Body Part:[/td] [td]Back, Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs, Full Body/Integrated[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Primary Muscles:[/td] [td]Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Secondary Muscles:
[/td] [td]Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Flexors, Extensors, Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Soleus, Gastrocnemius

reminds of an ingredient label........most important things listed first.......funny aint it......barbell deadlifts

[/td] [/tr][/table]
I never said it didn't work out lower back at all.
i stopped right here

you came in here talkin about "im sorry but, but pookie is correct...."


nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

its official i co-sign anything this dude says relating to these topics. we just be on the same page
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when done correctly[/color], they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.
[table][tr][td]Target Body Part:[/td] [td]Back, Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs, Full Body/Integrated[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Primary Muscles:[/td] [td]Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Secondary Muscles:
[/td] [td]Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Flexors, Extensors, Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Soleus, Gastrocnemius

reminds of an ingredient label........most important things listed first.......funny aint it......barbell deadlifts

[/td] [/tr][/table]
I never said it didn't work out lower back at all.
i stopped right here

you came in here talkin about "im sorry but, but pookie is correct...."


nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.
its official i co-sign anything this dude says relating to these topics. we just be on the same page


except on pookie man.......i just read some of the earlier way prez has a better build.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, when done correctly, they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.
[table][tr][td]Target Body Part:[/td] [td]Back, Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs, Full Body/Integrated[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Primary Muscles:[/td] [td]Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Hamstrings, Adductors[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Secondary Muscles:
[/td] [td]Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Flexors, Extensors, Serratus Anterior, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Soleus, Gastrocnemius

reminds of an ingredient label........most important things listed first.......funny aint it......barbell deadlifts

[/td] [/tr][/table]

Co-Sign with Al-Audi

DaBuddhaWitJays wrote:
Props everyone. Does anyone know about any gym specials going on right now?

Besides the $300 2-year at 24. ;/

I think World Gym has specials so does Golds Gym. My gym has one for $19.99/month 24 hrs access to all facilities and equipment
nah i already responded to iceman on that joe, i was just messin withpookie, i said overall yea pookie has a better build. guy cracks me up though
except on pookie man.......i just read some of the earlier way prez has a better build.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TD The God

Let's just stop this non-sense

DeadLifts are primarily a GLUTEHAM exercise (secondarily inner thigh).....meaning, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when done correctly[/color], they work your hamstrings and your should NOT be feeling anything in your back, and if you are...then you are doing it WRONG or the weight is too high and you are overcompensating for that I was doing in that video...
You should feel it in your back. That's actually the targeted muscle, the erector spinae.
I'm sorry, but Pookie is correct.

Your Glutes are the single biggest muscle in your body and is the primary muscle responsible for hip extention. (Not your lower back). if you feel it in your back, your back is compensating for a movement your glutes are too weak to do themselves. THIS IS HOW PEOPLE INJURE THEIR LOWER BACK. (Caps for emphasis)

Same concept with the Ham strings. People pull their hams because their hams are overcompensation for a movement their glutes should do.

Read more about the Posterior Chain and the functions of each muscle. I'll be back to find articles when I'm working and have more time.
I'm not saying you feel it in your lower back, like it's just working the back. It's working the whole posterior chain. I make sure Istretch my whole lower body so my lower back isn't compensating for weak or tight glutes/hip flexors.

So how do you guys generally structure your workouts? Say its chest/bicep/tricep day are you trying to do a certain number of exercises per group?
Since I'm a basketball player, I don't lift for bulk. Everything I do usually has low reps and is explosive.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

TD its not just this thread I mean on NT period....your topics and responses in general. Lol that shirtless pic, ur just a regular athletic dude, mattr fact that just looks like something you could attain just from an active lifestle. You could have at least came with something like Prez T posted. Again I can't take you serious.
Was there ever an update on the woman with loud sex in the basement?
Lol, dude I take no offense to what anyone says on here....and I wasn't trying tocompare myself to Prez....dudes abs look proper, PAWS......

I am just saying, his picture is motivating me to get back into the gym hard...I have a carnival toget ready for and I will be shirtless and in shorts the entire day...gotta look I will be devoting my time to the gym twice a day 5 days a weekfor the next 3 weeks....

and to the DL guys....for my back, I do these:

Surprisingly, they also work your hamstrings
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

So how do you guys generally structure your workouts? Say its chest/bicep/tricep day are you trying to do a certain number of exercises per group?
I start every workout with a 30 min run. That's good for ~500 cals. I try to up the ante every month or so by a little. Right now, theslowest pace on the treadmill is 7.0, and fastest is at 10, the highest it goes. After that, I go work out. I don't spend a lot of time lifting likethese dudes here because I don't intent to really have a body building body, just want a define one. I cannot lift when I'm not heated..that's apartial reason why I run first.

Monday=back, biceps, L lifts
Tuesday-chest, triceps, incline crunches/sit ups
Wed.=shoulders, legs, lunges.
Thurs=same as Monday
Friday=same as Tuesday
Saturday=same as Wednesday.

I only work on 5 different stations per day, be it stationary equipment or free weight. The first 3 stations will always be with the bigger muscle groups,since the back will work out the biceps secondarily and same for chest and triceps. The last 2 work outs are for that smaller muscle group, ie biceps andtriceps.

I do 5 sets of 8-10 reps per each station. And after I'm done with that particular station, I go hit the L lifts or crunches or whatever for around 20reps and move on to the next station until I'm done.

My workout schedule is probably very elementary to the serious body builders, but like I stated..I don't consider myself one.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Was thinking of doing some vids of my training for a couple of days.
For those who train alot, why dont we make some vids too.
Would be a good idea for additional motivation as well as to let
others see what we do.
What yall think???
I think Imma get someone to film my stuff.....good idea....just too bad I can'tclean right now....damn rotator cuff/stress fracture
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.

It's a back exercise yet the hamstrings/glutes take the majorty of the force during the lift?

start every workout with a 30 min run. That's good for ~500 cals. I try to up the ante every month or so by a little. Right now, the slowest pace on the treadmill is 7.0, and fastest is at 10, the highest it goes. After that, I go work out. I don't spend a lot of time lifting like these dudes here because I don't intent to really have a body building body, just want a define one. I cannot lift when I'm not heated..that's a partial reason why I run first.

Monday=back, biceps, L lifts
Tuesday-chest, triceps, incline crunches/sit ups
Wed.=shoulders, legs, lunges.
Thurs=same as Monday
Friday=same as Tuesday
Saturday=same as Wednesday.

I only work on 5 different stations per day, be it stationary equipment or free weight. The first 3 stations will always be with the bigger muscle groups, since the back will work out the biceps secondarily and same for chest and triceps. The last 2 work outs are for that smaller muscle group, ie biceps and triceps.

I do 5 sets of 8-10 reps per each station. And after I'm done with that particular station, I go hit the L lifts or crunches or whatever for around 20 reps and move on to the next station until I'm done.

My workout schedule is probably very elementary to the serious body builders, but like I stated..I don't consider myself one
If you tweaked your workout a bit and made a few changes you could see better/quicker results.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM
I never said it didn't work out lower back at all.
i stopped right here

you came in here talkin about "im sorry but, but pookie is correct...."


nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.
its official i co-sign anything this dude says relating to these topics. we just be on the same page

Then I guess there's no changing your mind. Wish you well, sir.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.

It's a back exercise whole body, posterior chain exercise, yet where the hamstrings/glutes take the majorty of the force during the lift? (period)
This is my point. Your glutes are the strongest muscle in your body. You're fooling yourself is you think your lower back is supposed to workharder than your glutes.
Didn't expect to see the s&t guys disagree this much.
Anyway, I need to take it up to super sayjin 3 levels again
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.

It's a back exercise whole body, posterior chain exercise, yet where the hamstrings/glutes take the majorty of the force during the lift? (period)
This is my point. Your glutes are the strongest muscle in your body. You're fooling yourself is you think your lower back is supposed to work harder than your glutes.
Thank the thing Audi even posted said.....the excercise WORKS just so happens that you have to have a spine and back to do the lift....
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.

It's a back exercise whole body, posterior chain exercise, yet where the hamstrings/glutes take the majorty of the force during the lift? (period)
This is my point. Your glutes are the strongest muscle in your body. You're fooling yourself is you think your lower back is supposed to work harder than your glutes.
Thank the thing Audi even posted said.....the excercise WORKS your just so happens that you have to have a spine and back to do the lift....
Let's just all agree that it's a posterior chain exercise. It really doesn't target just one muscle.
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