Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

i am having supplement envy right now.

supplement prices are through the roof in thailand. then comes the matter of quality. importing would cost so much it isn't even worth it.

i'll be happy as hell to buy my stuff from allthewhey when i get back. they haven't failed me since '04.
lets all agree to agree it works many things an is a GREAT exercise for all of us.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Let's just all agree that it's a posterior chain exercise. It really doesn't target just one muscle.

Done and done.

And my split is more or less:
Sunday: Legs
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Off
Wed: Back
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Sunday: Off

I sprinkle about 10 minutes of cardio after a workout 3 times a week, along with a weekly bball session and my bike rides.
Originally Posted by boxer

i am having supplement envy right now.

supplement prices are through the roof in thailand. then comes the matter of quality. importing would cost so much it isn't even worth it.

i'll be happy as hell to buy my stuff from allthewhey when i get back. they haven't failed me since '04.
I know you can get other "supplements" on the cheeeeeaaaaaapp there though. Word to Barry.
Next week I'm going to really get back into working out.
Being lazy FTL.
Anyways, it's probably been stated in here but Ihaven't really been keeping up with this thread.
I've never took anything but I want to see where some of these shakes take me. Anyone want to recommend me some good protein whey? Lurking?
We should do like the New Era Post and have an official FAQ on page 1 with everything.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

nobody said it doesn't work the glutes bro

but it's a back exercise first and foremost.

also....saying strengthening glutes can fix a hitch in your DL ≠ them being the primary muscle targeted by the lift.

It's a back exercise yet the hamstrings/glutes take the majorty of the force during the lift?

start every workout with a 30 min run. That's good for ~500 cals. I try to up the ante every month or so by a little. Right now, the slowest pace on the treadmill is 7.0, and fastest is at 10, the highest it goes. After that, I go work out. I don't spend a lot of time lifting like these dudes here because I don't intent to really have a body building body, just want a define one. I cannot lift when I'm not heated..that's a partial reason why I run first.

Monday=back, biceps, L lifts
Tuesday-chest, triceps, incline crunches/sit ups
Wed.=shoulders, legs, lunges.
Thurs=same as Monday
Friday=same as Tuesday
Saturday=same as Wednesday.

I only work on 5 different stations per day, be it stationary equipment or free weight. The first 3 stations will always be with the bigger muscle groups, since the back will work out the biceps secondarily and same for chest and triceps. The last 2 work outs are for that smaller muscle group, ie biceps and triceps.

I do 5 sets of 8-10 reps per each station. And after I'm done with that particular station, I go hit the L lifts or crunches or whatever for around 20 reps and move on to the next station until I'm done.

My workout schedule is probably very elementary to the serious body builders, but like I stated..I don't consider myself one
If you tweaked your workout a bit and made a few changes you could see better/quicker results.

StaXX wrote:
Next week I'm going to really get back into working out.
Being lazy FTL.
Anyways, it's probably been stated in here but I haven't really been keeping up with this thread.
I've never took anything but I want to see where some of these shakes take me. Anyone want to recommend me some good protein whey? Lurking?
We should do like the New Era Post and have an official FAQ on page 1 with everything.

Everybody starts off taking Optimum Nutrition Gold standard Whey. It's a good blend of solid proteins that get the job done without all thatextra stuff (Eff Muscleteh) This should be your everyday, whenever, where ever protein. There are a few more that cost less, like Metrx 100 protein that isessentially the exact same stuff too.
Shout out to lurkin and all the other dudes serious about getting physically and mentally chiseled.

Some of you all know my story, I shared it in-depth with Lurkin when I asked for workout tips.

A little background info. I've played football all my life and I was a Defensive Tackle so that will give you all an idea of my previous physical stature. I've never been a skinny dude, and I always worked for power so I wasn't the most tone either. However, the doctors always said I was in good health. Not great, but good, and I was strong as an ox.

Well after high school I was going to play college football, but I had a tumor in my lower brain stem and thoracic spine that caused my spinal cord to inflameand once the inflamation went down I was damaged in 6 levels. This left me paralyzed from my chest down and that doctors told me don't count on walkingagain.

Well that was in 2003. Before my injury my max weight was 235 and I'm 6'1. Well being in a wheelchair and not mobile really messed me up. Plus I wason a million different medications that also caused me to blow up. Last October I was at my max weight which was 325.

I've done physical therapy since 03 just to be functional, but the workouts were nothing like what's going on. However, I regained my mobility andalthough my lower extremities are still weaker than the rest, I've been able to really up the ante in the weight room.

My last weigh in which was last Saturday I clocked in at 262. And while that is still way too much, I'm proud as hell of progress. I'm not stoppinguntil I'm looking like my dude lurkin
. I'm going to takepictures in December and I hope to have lost 30 more by then. But I wouldn't be surprised if I lose more, since I've got off of all the medication andchanged my diet the weight has been melting off.

With the scar tissue on my spinal cord, working out and myself will have a life long marriage. Because for me, working out and not working out is thedifference of being able to walk, jog, or me remaining stagnant. Plus the endorphins released during the workouts help my chronic pain in an amazing way.

This ##!@ is a lifestyle, and with me knowing where I wanna be in life and how I wanna get there, it's no half stepping.

Props to all of ya'll.

Originally Posted by boxer

i am having supplement envy right now.

supplement prices are through the roof in thailand. then comes the matter of quality. importing would cost so much it isn't even worth it.

i'll be happy as hell to buy my stuff from allthewhey when i get back. they haven't failed me since '04.
How's the weather there? Hot or hotter? I got my 5 lbs tub ready for when I go back later this month.
StaXX wrote:
Next week I'm going to really get back into working out.
Being lazy FTL.
Anyways, it's probably been stated in here but I haven't really been keeping up with this thread.
I've never took anything but I want to see where some of these shakes take me. Anyone want to recommend me some good protein whey? Lurking?
We should do like the New Era Post and have an official FAQ on page 1 with everything.

true this

matter fact somebody made a protein powder thread late last night in general

its around here somewhere, but as i stated in that thread...........factor in profile, taste, cost/serving, goal in mind.

edit: what up knowledge.....yea i remember that article you sent me on your situation....

respect my man
weather is as expected. it's hot/humid, when it rains it pours, and then it's cool for a while (if the sun is already down when it stops raining).although by the time you arrive rainy season should be in full effect.

and dude that brought up steroids. i personally have no desire to use. and given the fact that supplements are overpriced, i don't see how getting on thejuice here would be that easy given for real benefits you need very proper nutrition. i believe supplements would be a necessary component in gettingeverything you need to using steroids beneficial.

a guy at my old boxing gym bought a few hundred tabs of clenbuterol for less than twenty bucks at a pharmacy in pattaya (the gutter of thailand imo). althoughthat was nearly a year ago and considering i have never tried to purchase anything, i am not really sure how easy it is to get anything.
Staxx good work btw, you got a lot of potential. Some lean bulk will do you good. What is your current height and weight?
I started bulking up last week, and I'm not sure if I'm eating correctly

I weigh 134 and I try to consume between 2500-3000 calories a day, and I eat healthy things such as eggs, chicken, fish... BUT I also eat things thataren't too healthy like the Subway Melt or a Chipotle burrito just so that I can get my calories in. Is that ok?

Bulking up ftw. I use to consume 1700 calories a day while working out for a month, and I barely saw results. I've been bulking for the last 9 days and Ialready see some legit results

As for motivation
at Ice and Al Audi . yea i know im still fairly lean , but im not trying to get TOO big . and my arms arent as smallas they look in that pic , its just a weird angle . heres a pic of me playing ball about a year ago , my arms are bigger now than they were then :


calypso - PM me about the ab workout . i gotta run now but ill have time to writesomething up for you later . just gotta remind me
Originally Posted by boxer

weather is as expected. it's hot/humid, when it rains it pours, and then it's cool for a while (if the sun is already down when it stops raining). although by the time you arrive rainy season should be in full effect.

and dude that brought up steroids. i personally have no desire to use. and given the fact that supplements are overpriced, i don't see how getting on the juice here would be that easy given for real benefits you need very proper nutrition. i believe supplements would be a necessary component in getting everything you need to using steroids beneficial.

a guy at my old boxing gym bought a few hundred tabs of clenbuterol for less than twenty bucks at a pharmacy in pattaya (the gutter of thailand imo). although that was nearly a year ago and considering i have never tried to purchase anything, i am not really sure how easy it is to get anything.
I have my own opinion on steroids, for better or for worse. I personally don't use them and have no desire to use them. My gains are allnatural and come consistently through proper dieting and exercise, not to mention I'm only 22.

I do, however, understand why people use them for their own recreational (no pro sports) goals and have no problems with that either. Pro bodybuilders use themand that's alright with me too... so long as the playing field is regulated and fair. (no pro baseball)

I brought that topic up based off a very interesting article I read regarding steroid use, and the bodybuilding culture in Thailand. It's a lengthy read,but if you're interested in Bodybuilding culture and everything, like I am, then it's definitely worth your time. Plus I'm a travel channel nut sothat's a plus.

edit: I also read that article because it also went into detail about the prostitution culture of Thailand... I thought that was interesting too

jthagreat wrote:
start every workout with a 30 min run. That's good for ~500 cals. I try to up the ante every month or so by a little. Right now, the slowest pace on the treadmill is 7.0, and fastest is at 10, the highest it goes. After that, I go work out. I don't spend a lot of time lifting like these dudes here because I don't intent to really have a body building body, just want a define one. I cannot lift when I'm not heated..that's a partial reason why I run first.

Monday=back, biceps, L lifts
Tuesday-chest, triceps, incline crunches/sit ups
Wed.=shoulders, legs, lunges.
Thurs=same as Monday
Friday=same as Tuesday
Saturday=same as Wednesday.

I only work on 5 different stations per day, be it stationary equipment or free weight. The first 3 stations will always be with the bigger muscle groups, since the back will work out the biceps secondarily and same for chest and triceps. The last 2 work outs are for that smaller muscle group, ie biceps and triceps.

I do 5 sets of 8-10 reps per each station. And after I'm done with that particular station, I go hit the L lifts or crunches or whatever for around 20 reps and move on to the next station until I'm done.

My workout schedule is probably very elementary to the serious body builders, but like I stated..I don't consider myself one
If you tweaked your workout a bit and made a few changes you could see better/quicker results.


Doing the aerobic workout after the anaerobic lifting is the thing that really jumped out at me. 30 min of aerobic activity will no doubt exhaust the bodyand hinder and weight training lifts done after it.

You can get warmed up with a maximum of 10 minutes of activity. The heart rate should be raised by those 10 min and the muscles in the body will be warm,loose and ready to work out.

Im going to assume that L Lifts are leg lifts? Im not certain, but thats how I interprut that exercise as. Spreading the ab exercises over a 48 hr timeperiod is a more ideal way to exercise them.

5 sets of 8-10 reps is a lot. Theres minimal gains in sets 3, 4, and 5. Im not saying 5/8-10 is a bad thing, it can just be tweaked.

The major thing is just doing aerobic work after lifting. That's a huge change.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Clenbuterol is very dangerous

Asthmatic ppl must be dropping dead then... Im pretty sure most who have asthma heard of albuterol which is usually given in a pump. Same thing as clen, justthat clen has a longer half life. Thats why albuterol is used instead of clenbuterol.
StaXX wrote:
Next week I'm going to really get back into working out.
Being lazy FTL.
Anyways, it's probably been stated in here but I haven't really been keeping up with this thread.
I've never took anything but I want to see where some of these shakes take me. Anyone want to recommend me some good protein whey? Lurking?
We should do like the New Era Post and have an official FAQ on page 1 with everything.

Get on that Zero Carb Isopure....
I can't lose weight for shht!!!!

I'm 5'9 at roughly 230lbs right now.. I want to be at 215lbs by Sept 1st..

Help me folks!!

I don't eat red meat much maybe once every 2 weeks if that. I don't drink pop/soda.. I hit the gym quite often 4-5 times a week. I love vegetables,chicken, fish, and fruit..

WT.F im I doing wrong. I know it's not good to starve your self, but at least then I'd get damn near immediate results. I take in probably 100g ofprotein a day if not more.

What are my options; cut meat out completely?
500-1000 calorie diet?
straight hour of cardio a day, no weights?
man i know so many dudes who take steroids now.....san diego is so close to the border

i don't know how to feel abotu it. i think they should be legal, but i don't think i'd ever take them. i'm about health first size second. yeahi know you can cycle correctly, pct, etc. but even then i don't know....
I'll post what i do and maybe you guys can gimme some pointers here and there

After a 2 year relationship that got me all fat and lazy, the sorrow took over me and i let myself go even worse for 6 months

I was 180 lbs at 5'7. Complete obesity if you ask me. With a gut and flabby chest. Yuck!

So i started lifting and tryna get in shape around January. At first i was dilly dallying at the gym with my buddies but the past 4 months i have made someserious adjustments.

Monday - lift for an hour (bicep/tricep, shoulder, chest, abs), swim for 30 minutes afterwards (and i mean swim as in doing laps, not just hanging around inthe pool)
Tuesday - swim for an hour
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - lift for an hour (back, legs, abs), swim for 30 minutes afterwards
Friday- swim for an hour
Saturday - lift for an hour (bicep/tricep, shoulder, chest, abs), swim for 30 minutes afterwards
Sunday - Rest

My diet primarily consists of

Oatmeal, flaxseed, milk, juice, eggs, turkey/chicken breasts, fish, lots of fruits (avocado, strawberries, bluberries, blackberries, bananas), veggies(romaine, iceberg, spinach). LOTS of water too.

I dont do soda and try to stay away from sweets and fried foods

Right now im at 155 lbs. Im gonna go swim now. Check back in a few.

BTW i HATE running but ABSOLUTELY LOVE swimming. Ppl told me to alternate between the 2. Can i completely rely my cardio on swimming?

lilpro4u wrote:

I can't lose weight for shht!!!!

I'm 5'9 at roughly 230lbs right now.. I want to be at 215lbs by Sept 1st..

Help me folks!!

I don't eat red meat much maybe once every 2 weeks if that. I don't drink pop/soda.. I hit the gym quite often 4-5 times a week. I love vegetables, chicken, fish, and fruit..

WT.F im I doing wrong. I know it's not good to starve your self, but at least then I'd get damn near immediate results. I take in probably 100g of protein a day if not more.

What are my options; cut meat out completely?
500-1000 calorie diet?
straight hour of cardio a day, no weights?

you would actually gain weight if you starved yourself. Starving yourself slows your metabolism, which in return causes weight gain b/c u arent burningcalories.

Dont cut meat, continue to eat chicken n fish it lean plus the fish contains Omega 6(Lurkin, check my resources). But you need to lift to compliment yourcardio. just doing cardio alone you wont see results that much, especially if you want to drop 15 lbs by Sept1.

What is your cardio consisting of??
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