Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by upnorth

I would imagine that, like any other muscle, abs would benefit more from heavier weights/more difficult exercises than from tons of reps.
Do some research on what your "core" does for the rest of your body and youwill realize why high frequency repetition is beneficial
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by upnorth

I would imagine that, like any other muscle, abs would benefit more from heavier weights/more difficult exercises than from tons of reps.
Do some research on what your "core" does for the rest of your body and you will realize why high frequency repetition is beneficial

That's true. However there does come a point where to get stronger you need to add more resistance instead of simply adding more reps. Good call though,didn't think of it that way.
Originally Posted by boholkicks

gawd do i hate decline bench...

also does anybody have any good tuna recipes?
have you tried the flavoured ones yet? i like them more than i like normal tuna straight out of the can, but i'm not picky and would probablybe happy eating canned tuna plain every day. i'd suggest trying some of them though, they aren't much more expensive either. also, try albacore if youcan find it for cheap, tastes way better.
Flavoured tuna is a little more fatty from what i've seen on the nutritional stamps at the back.. I don't mind the plain tuna, just add some soy sauce,or mayo or lemon juice etc..
Abs are almost as dense as the calve muscle. I hardly work on my abs because I'm bulking, my bodyfat is not as low if I we're cutting which would bearound 7-12%.
Originally Posted by tml09

^ Abs are a muscle. Just like any other body part. Dudes that work them everyday 100 crunches aren't getting anywhere. I would say twice a week max and work them hard like any other body part.

They need time to recover. They aren't some super muscle.


Abs, just like calves and traps, respond well to over-training.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

yeah, i know about 1g per pound of body weight, but is the protein as necessary for toning as it is for gaining? also, do your muscles need the same amount of recovery from toning that they need after heavy weight training?
a common myth I read on this workout thread is to take 1g protein per pound of body weight. This is not something that people should go by. The average person, unless you are a pro body builder, takes in enough protein in their normal daily diet to help repair muscles. Excess protein is stored as FAT. For those of you who don't know much about protein, if you do take it, go on a cut diet without it after about 3 months of taking it(bulking) to get a more toned look. Other than that just cut out protein supplements the whole time and save yourself the effort of having to cut your diet.

if you all want to learn please dont read this thread. There is so much bad information in here that I would just ignore it all and go to a forum with peoplewho dedicate their lives to this.

from a thread I read today
North Americans are lazy as hell! I'm not sorry if that offends anyone. It's just the truth. Talk to most people in the gym and you'll find outthey want to get some muscles but not "too much muscle." They just want to be "toned." You know. Toned like Van Damme or Marky Mark. Itnever would occur to them that a physique like either one of the "toned" guys above takes years of brutal training and sacrifice to build.

"What exercises should i do?" they all ask, not listening to the answer unless it involves the use of some stretch band bs machine or medicine ballthat really blitzes the outer fourteenth of your lower rhomboids. Today's gym rats are worried about picking out the handles for the kitchen cabinetsbefore they even clear cut the land on which to lay the foundation and frame the house. Squats, deadlifts, bench presses,heavy rows -- "why those are dangerous and will destroy your back and knees." Light laterals in the 30 rep range are money!

Working hard in the gym is just way too much of an imposition and the above bolded exercises are all about hard work. DAMN HARD WORK! They are shocking to abody that is never asked to do anything more strenuous in day to day activity/life than say, turning right at a stop sign or lifting a starbucks coffee. Sowhat does the average gym rat do? He farts around with all sorts of isos and buys countless supplements instead of eating steak and lifting heavy damn weights.He then, after a few sessions, decides he's overtraining as he has not instantly transformed his physique and seeks a split routine that allows him to do40 sets of curls and triceps kickbacks to tone up on Thursdays. After a few months, he decides that he just doesn't have the genetics and/or does not wantto get on gear like the muscular guy so he takes up video games. I need to read NikeTalk's rules. him!

There are no secrets! There is no magic formula or supplement. There is but one simple truth. To get muscles you have to lift lotsof heavy weights, eat plenty of good food and get lots of rest.

Focus on the exercises that allow you to lift the most weight as it is this activity that will spur muscle growth and inform your body that in order to surviveso as to handle the new demands it must get stronger.

How many reps and sets? Whatever. Don't overthink this! Just force heavy muscle contractions with heavy weights. Your muscles won't care whether you dotwenty heavy singles of 5 heavy quadruples. JUST BE SURE THE REPS ARE EYE POPPING HEAVY and your muscles will grow!

Keep adding weight to the bar as often as you can. Stick with the simple and time tested formula and you will grow in leaps and bounds ahead of the gullibleguy at who is worried about 20 lb dumbell reverse flyes for his disproportional and virtually non-existant rear delts.
lol @ "years of brutal training" to get mark whalberg's build. come on now.

also americans seem way more into lifting than anyone else....europeans aren't as fat as us but they don't have as many jacked dudes over there either.

also steak is bad.

but other than that, very true....dudes ask me all the time what they should do in the gym to put on some muscle.....and usually the follow that up with"but i don't want to get too big or anything, you know?" as if you do one rep too many and you turn into ronnie coleman.

as for the discussion on your abs for endurance definitely is beneficial for lifting or any other athletic activity.....but if you want to getthem big, you need to do low rep high weight stuff like any other muscle imo
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol @ "years of brutal training" to get mark whalberg's build. come on now.

also americans seem way more into lifting than anyone else....europeans aren't as fat as us but they don't have as many jacked dudes over there either.

also steak is bad.

but other than that, very true....dudes ask me all the time what they should do in the gym to put on some muscle.....and usually the follow that up with "but i don't want to get too big or anything, you know?" as if you do one rep too many and you turn into ronnie coleman.

as for the discussion on your abs for endurance definitely is beneficial for lifting or any other athletic activity.....but if you want to get them big, you need to do low rep high weight stuff like any other muscle imo

Speaking of Ronnie......when is the Olympia, late Sept?
I do abs a few times a week.
I do remember reading Mens Health saying...abs everyday for endurance...every other day to build muscle
finns- def a good move. i grew up eating steak but i haven't eaten any beef for at least a year and a half now....minus a couple intoxicated runs to in nout

anyone trying to lose weight without losing muscle should try this carb cycling i'm doing.....i had a drop off in strength when i first started but i'mback to where i was and i'm a good 7-9 lbs lighter than i was when i started. which was less than 2 weeks ago.

i'm ordering off right now......

100% Whey Protein Isolate (CFM) Cross-Flow Microfiltration, Natural Orange Cream Flavor (sweetened with Stevia), Jug w/scoop option (can't believe theycharge extra for this), & Protease Enzyme Complex


I'm thinking 10 lbs. but I might hate the flavor so I'll probably end up ordering 5. Not like you get a discount for ordering in bulk anyway so w/e.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol @ "years of brutal training" to get mark whalberg's build. come on now.

also americans seem way more into lifting than anyone else....europeans aren't as fat as us but they don't have as many jacked dudes over there either.

also steak is bad.

but other than that, very true....dudes ask me all the time what they should do in the gym to put on some muscle.....and usually the follow that up with "but i don't want to get too big or anything, you know?" as if you do one rep too many and you turn into ronnie coleman.

as for the discussion on your abs for endurance definitely is beneficial for lifting or any other athletic activity.....but if you want to get them big, you need to do low rep high weight stuff like any other muscle imo
To go from Skinny to Van Damme or marky mark would take years...your saying it wouldnt?
and your trying to compare one country to a continent.

im not going to argue about the steak...I cut out mammals years ago
ok then compare america to any other country

my point is we get all kinds of @#!$ for being fat and lazy etc.

which may be true, but we also have a lot of jacked dudes which you don't see in many other countries. at least give us credit for that.

anyway marky mark's build......i'm assuming they're referring to when he was young and was in the calvin klein ads.....not saying it wouldn'ttake time and effort but "years of brutal traning?" nah, more like "two or three years of solid nutrition and regular lifting."

aaaanyway. AEN dropped a new flavor of intrabolic....wild berry punch. def getting copped, supposed to be better than citrus ice, which im kinda sick of atthis point.

also anyone got any good info on citrulline malate? how much is an effective dose, etc.? none of my current supps have it so i want to buy it separate and takeit pre-workout.

edit: what do yall think of core abc vs. intrabolic?
no hwp or carbs but the amino acid/beta alanine / cit. mal. content is higheracross the board....intrabolic doesnt even have c.m.

core abc:

Core ABC should be taken before and during training, but can also be taken at other times throughout the day to maximize its effectiveness.

[size=+1]A[/size] - 10 grams of branch-chain Amino Acids Leucine (5 grams), Isoleucine (2.5 grams), and Valine (2.5 grams) to enhance recovery and build muscle by helping promote protein synthesis. The amino acid Glutamine is also included to help maintain a positive nitrogen balance during intense training.

[size=+1]B[/size] - 2.5 grams of Beta-Alanine, which has been shown to increase skeletal muscle carnosine levels that delay the onset of fatigue and enhance endurance by reducing lactic acid buildup and increasing aerobic efficiency.

[size=+1]C[/size] - 2.5 grams of Citrulline Malate to reduce lactic acid and ammonia concentrations while increasing nitric oxide (NO) and ATP production.

Whether bulking up or slimming down, the most can be gotten out of workouts when performing at optimal efficiency, and the ingredients in Core ABC are ideal for maximizing exercise performance and aiding recovery.
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Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

finns- def a good move. i grew up eating steak but i haven't eaten any beef for at least a year and a half now....minus a couple intoxicated runs to in n out

yeah we have five guys burgers here, i can crush that food from time to time. but i'm done with a primarily beef diet.
heres a lil bit of info about eating that you guys may want to take a look at.
Note this is my personal observation and will not pertain to all for various reasons.

Ive noticed at times when im growing most, my $hizzit is fewer and harder ( mostly balls).
Then there is times wheres its more messy and larger even though im eating the same with the same quantities.

Thats when i came to the conclusion that my body utilizes my food differently at certain times
Depending on diff factors. So i adjusted my diet accordingly to get the full benefit with minimal waste.
100% Whey Protein Isolate (CFM) Cross-Flow Microfiltration, Natural Orange Cream Flavor (sweetened with Stevia), Jug w/scoop option (can't believe they charge extra for this), & Protease Enzyme Complex


I'm thinking 10 lbs. but I might hate the flavor so I'll probably end up ordering 5. Not like you get a discount for ordering in bulk anyway so w/e.
Order like 2lbs if you've never tried the flavor before. I have a feeling that Orange Cream flavor may not be all it's cracked up to be. Anything that's not Vanilla or Chocolate for protein powders is really hit or miss.

Also, thanks for clearing up the confusion earlier. That's why I said earlier that people should do more research than just this thread on NT for theirinfo, cause there's so much contradiction.
yeah i wouldn't have picked it except they have a forum and dudes on there rate the flavors. orange cream rated pretty high, so i think i'm gonna giveit a shot.

you know anything about that core abc?

Man what happened guys? I had to dig like 4 pages to find this thread. Since the summer is winding down, I think I'm going to try just straight bulking.Can anyone give me any advice as to how long I should do it for, how much more should I be eating? If you don't feel like writing it all down, I'dappreciate it if you could link me to any articles or things of that nature.
honestly bulking is the easy part IMO especially if you're ok w gaining a little fat in the process

I'd reccomend 40 40 20 split 4000 cals to start

make sure its all mostly lean protein sources unsaturated fats and complex carbs

I could write a lot more but I'm on my phone.....basically caloric surplus=weight gain
Yeah, bulking definitely is easier than gettin lean. Unless you're not a big eater, but for me, I have no trouble taking in 4000+ calories a day.

I hadn't heard of Core ABC before, but looking at the breakdown of it, it seems like a pretty solid preworkout. Just depends on what you're sensitiveto. Some people don't do well taking beta-alinine. Just depends on what you're used to.
Can you give a quick example of what a 4000+ calorie day would look like?
I tried to eat more then usual today

3 egg whites 1 yolk
Peanut butter sandwich

2 bananas and a creatine shake

post workout
whey protein shake

tuna and cheese on a bagel

2 chicken breast (only ate one though, saved the other for later)
rice and beans

and before bed I might eat like 2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese

do you think that is sufficient?
I just hit a gym up today on a free week guest pass, felt great.

First time I went in two weeks because I've been out of town n my old membership expired. I wasn't gonna renew it because I'm going away to schoolin like 5 days.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Can you give a quick example of what a 4000+ calorie day would look like?
I tried to eat more then usual today

3 egg whites 1 yolk
Peanut butter sandwich

2 bananas and a creatine shake

post workout
whey protein shake

tuna and cheese on a bagel

2 chicken breast (only ate one though, saved the other for later)
rice and beans

and before bed I might eat like 2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese

do you think that is sufficient?

for bulking? no, that looks like a diet for someone cutting weight. You need to at least double that
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