Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

3 egg whites 1 yolk
Peanut butter sandwich

2 bananas and a creatine shake

post workout
whey protein shake

tuna and cheese on a bagel

2 chicken breast (only ate one though, saved the other for later)
rice and beans

and before bed I might eat like 2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese

do you think that is sufficient?

For calories? Yeah, that might be sufficient, but it might not. Depends on how much oatmeal you had, how much tuna fish, how many scoops of whey protein,etc... You could use a little bit more protein. Not sure what creatine supplement you take, but usually if it's a shake, it's something you drinkpost-workout, just before you have your whey protein. If there are no simple carbs (dextrose, waxy maize, modified potato starch, sugar) in your creatineshake, you should add some to the whey protein shake or mix the protein with gatorade instead of just water. For breakfast, if you're trying to bulk, havemore of the whole eggs, like have 3 whole eggs and 3 egg whites, so you're cracking open six eggs. That's about 24-36 grams of protein depending onthe size of the eggs. If you're having a piece of fruit before your workout, you're better off with an apple. Low glycemic carb, it won't killyour energy while you're lifting. Have a full cup of cottage cheese before bed, or a casein protein drink, or Greek yogurt mixed with honey and a fewalmonds or cashews. These are just a few suggestions, and they're kinda generic, because I don't know much about you, or your body type, and Idon't know what your specific goals are or where your progress is. Just a couple of adjustments you could make without getting too in depth.
I bought Nutrex Lipo 6 today, and I'm gonna start using it tomorrow. Has anyone else here used Lipo 6, or another fat burner?
Originally Posted by Shaky3

I bought Nutrex Lipo 6 today, and I'm gonna start using it tomorrow. Has anyone else here used Lipo 6, or another fat burner?
I took it in HS and a few months back, idk i didnt notice a huge difference, but i wasnt working out religiously like i did in HS and had greatresults with it. I was running 5 miles everyother day and lifting the days i didnt run

Im on that program again, I get on the stair stepper for 30 mins, jumpr rope for 10-15 mins, and hit the punching bag for 12 mins, and do about 15 mins of abson my non lifting days.

On my lifting days i spend a good 2 hours in the gym, prolly 1.75 hours of pounding the weights straight. pause

either way i got a huge difference after a month.

I write down my times, and what i do in a log book,I also journal my diet and everything i put into my body, Never went this religious about lifting anddieiting, but it deff creates some pride.

I dont take any diet supplements other then multipurpose vitamins and whey protein, waiting for the fish oil to get here
Good luck everyone. I'M in your shoes now, gotta lose like 10 pounds. I think I've lost about 2-3-4 in the past few days. I suppose eating a lot less,about twice a day and playing basketball should help me. Oh and not sweets no food after 6. It usually gets me into shape.
I started working out on monday after a 7 week break (3 week trip, 4 weeks sick). Been at the gym 3 times this week and also started running for the first timein my life.

How do you guys train your abs? I have one friend telling me to do 6-12 reps and another one saying at least 20 reps.
I weighted myself this morning, the first time since I got back from the vacation. I thought for sure that I would gain a lb or two..but to my surprise itshows I'm in a better shape now and the time I left! Also talk about a different crowd, I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to the gym extra earlytoday, around 5AM and it was the senior citizen gang in there.
The moms don't show up until 8AM or so for the cardio class and the meat heads come inlater on in the day...I guess they're still hungover.
Damn.. had a cheat day evening today felt gooood. Going to do some HIIT tomorrow morning to feel less guilty haha.
if you look on google or youtube you can find some good Ab workouts.

I do like 100 crunches each set with a 25lb plate on my chest, 30 leg lifts each set w/ankle weights. Im working on developing more workouts into my workout, ijust found a few im add into my workout by googling how to get a 6 pack or something like that.

Today i did 10 mins boxing/punching bag, 4 sets of bench press, pullups, 7 sets of pushups, Jump rope for 10 mins with ankle weights, and some other favoriteworkouts.
lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks while i was in vacation

i wasn't really in a diet or trying to lose weight since i was drinking daily

but i guess all that walking and hiking 3-4 times of the week in the mountains helped me out

and most likely ill continue p90x and begin jogging on monday
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Posts: 1479

08/15/09 11:55 AM
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I need to bulk up but the thing is I have a fast metabolism. Anyone want to shed some light?
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Eat more. I know it sounds like sarcasm, but it's not. Also, don't eat alot of junk and don't have carbs on their own. Your bodyneeds a steady stream of protein, carbs, and some moderate amound of healthy fats (think peanut butter, slices of avocado, salmon, etc...) to build muscle.
Getting back tonight into it after backing it down to only cardio (elliptical 60minutes 3-5x a week) due to some nerve irritation in my arm from giving blood afew months ago.

Woke up at 1:30 this morning so I figured I'd go work the back with some rows, pulldowns, flies, etc. Hands are toast now.

Set a goal to lose 40lbs this year back in December last year and am starting over after gaining back all the weight I lost.

Kind of limited in the cardio (and sometimes lifting) department due to a previously dislocated ankle/broken leg that's being a PITA to heal and regainflexibility/strength.
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

Stop Screwing Up

Don't try to lose your gut by working your abs. Researchers at the University of Virginia found that it takes 250,000 crunches to burn 1 pound of fat-that's 100 crunches a day for 7 years.

Read more:

i think i need to switch to weight loss for the next 3 weeks before school starts back up. pointers?
yeah, gotta burn that stomach fat another way.
I remember in one of the previous threads, people were talking about detoxing. For those of you seriously interested, look into The Anti-Estrogenic Diet and/orThe Warrior Diet.

Joe Camel, when you're carb cycling, on your low carb days, do you count calories? Just curious
someone recommend me a good protein mix. No creatine it either. Im basically just doing lifting and trying to gain some weight.
I got decent size i'm really just tryna cut my BF %, i do Tabata or HIIT every morning but i dont lift anymore.
I still get about 130 g's of protein a day, anybody got any pointers or suggestions for some more progress?
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