Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

my chest was hurting for a week and i had to stop working out for a week
now ive been eating crap and gained weight. SMFH
today i went jogging and not even half way through the jog my lower back got real tight......... im jus coming off a 3 day break from jogging as well i reallywas feeling this after this new routine i put into my workout but that was last thursday any thoughts on what caused it while i was running?
Things are goin good fellas.

I'm at the beginning of the 5th week of my bulk, gained about 10 pounds (went from 183 to 193)
. Still got a ways to go, but its a good start.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I remember in one of the previous threads, people were talking about detoxing. For those of you seriously interested, look into The Anti-Estrogenic Diet and/or The Warrior Diet.

Joe Camel, when you're carb cycling, on your low carb days, do you count calories? Just curious
no i don't count calories any day. i just have a set amount of meals with about equal for example on high carb day my meal isthe same as aa low carb day meal + a serving of complex carbs.

if i had to guess i'd say high carb days i'm taking in 3500 or a little more calories, low carb around 2600-2700, and no carb maybe 2000? those couldbe way off but the idea is right....with lower carbs comes fewer calories , because i don;t make up for it by eating more protein/fat sources.
i got a do i get rid of and jogging?????

i want to get big too...and start a plan from scratch....

should i get rid of the gut first???
Diet. Diet. Diet. Cardio is good, but HIIT is better.

Im not too sure about bulking vs cutting. Generally from what i've seen browsing forums is that people undergo bulking then cutting. Its quite difficult tocut and gain muscle at the same time.

You can bulk and stay lean though - maybe those more experienced can shed some light?
Originally Posted by ericescobar

do you guys take whey after a jog? any results?
I do. I take whey protein after I do any sort of exercise, be it lifting or running. I can't say that I'm seeing result because I'veonly started taking whey protein about 3 months ago.

For those that do HIIT, it doesn't have to be just running, right? You can carry the same principle to other activities such as the elliptical and thestairs as well?
...I just came here to vent basically...

I need my diet to get straightened up, it's what setting me back from my cut. I was hoping to cut by September but to reach my goal now November's mytarget date

That carb-cycling thing intrigues me, I might do it.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Motivation is watching UFC. These lightweights at 5'6 weighing 180+ Psh. Dudes are beasts.

You are one confused individual.
2 people:

Sean Sherk and Diego Sanchez.

These dudes cut a LOT of weight before their fights and 180 should be their normal walking weight.

I think BJ cuts a lot too but he does it months before I believe.
This is usually the hardest time of the year for me to get motivated. Summer is pretty much over, I wont get the chance to play sports for a while, will begoing out less, have worked out pretty much 5 days a week for the past 5 months.

The last 3 years I've usually taken August, September, October off and come back weak as he.ll in November
. It's the worst feeling when you cant lift even close to what you weredoing earlier in the year. Luckily though, my lifts have ALWAYS gone up just 3 weeks's a phenomenon I cant explain...for example, one time aftergoing to the gym after a 2 month break, I was dumbell pressing 90 pounds per arm (I was struggling to do 75 pounds per arm before my break). Can anyone explainwhy my lifts always go up after a long break from the gym and my bodyweight remaining the same?

Anyways, I've worked out for most of this plan is just to do some low intensity stuff for the next 6 weeks or so and get that "hunger"back when the fall hits. My motivation is low now but I'm sure it'll increase in a few months time.
This is usually the hardest time of the year for me to get motivated. Summer is pretty much over,
It's the total opposite for me. I love going to the gym in the winter because there's less people. I especially love going to the gym inthe rain, it's calming for me for some reason.

The first 2-3 weeks of the new year is not appreciated though..all those new resolutioners just take up space at the gym. What would normally take an hour todo becomes doubled, smh.
Originally Posted by wj4

This is usually the hardest time of the year for me to get motivated. Summer is pretty much over,
It's the total opposite for me. I love going to the gym in the winter because there's less people. I especially love going to the gym in the rain, it's calming for me for some reason.

The first 2-3 weeks of the new year is not appreciated though..all those new resolutioners just take up space at the gym. What would normally take an hour to do becomes doubled, smh.

Honestly, it's been like this all summer at my gym. From June until the end of August, my gym is FULL of teenagers, and college/university students whohave nothing better to do so they just take up space in the gym trying to get swole. I hate to sound like an elitist because we all started out without muchknowledge but sometimes it annoys me as heck when I'm trying to zip through a workout but you have 40 teens in the weight room standing around watchingtheir friend struggle to bench 55 pounds (literally). I'll be glad when September hits and most of them stop working out or the go workout at their schoolgyms.

Having these people in the gym aint always a bad thing though...I saw some Asian teen doing a revolutionary workout last week...dude went to the lat pulldownmachine, pulled the bar down to around his hip, and then would jerk the bar upwards roughly around 2-3 inches. I'm guessing dude was working his triceps,abs and lower back
Ab workouts... what is a schedule to get increased size.
I've noticed unlike other muscle groups, mine tend to strengthen and get HARD but not increase in size..
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Ab workouts... what is a schedule to get increased size.
I've noticed unlike other muscle groups, mine tend to strengthen and get HARD but not increase in size..
As you bulk up, your abs will increase in size. You cant expect to maintain/lose weight and watch them get bigger.

Also, maybe lower body fat = more visibility and your abs will look bigger.
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