Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Word.. to winter-summer demographics haha.

Well here in Kiwiland we're just finishing winter, heading from spring, then summer boom! Perfect timing to get cut.
anyone work out in the morning? like my ideal time would be wake u at 5:30, gym time til 6:30 than go on with my day.

would you be too hungry to work out?
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

anyone work out in the morning? like my ideal time would be wake u at 5:30, gym time til 6:30 than go on with my day.

would you be too hungry to work out?
I have never gone to the gym on an empty stomach. I don't think I can do it because I'm starving like hell when I wake up. Right nowI've been going to the gym at around 3-4AM because I'm still jet lagged.
It's pretty cool, no cars on the road and there's 4-5 otherpeople at the gym. It's around 11:30 now, I'll probably knock out at midnight and wake up in several hours again, smh. When I wake up, I eat a bowlof cereal, a banana, and a hand full of almonds, and a scoop of whey protein. I find something to do for an hour and head off to the gym.
so would you say... waking up, eating a small meal than work out than eat again? cause the mornings really the only time I have.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

so would you say... waking up, eating a small meal than work out than eat again? cause the mornings really the only time I have.
Yep. Pre and post work out meals are important. Ever since I joined the gym, I've gone to work out at many different time frames. From 10PMto 4PM to 7AM and now 3-4AM.
Even when I was working out after school, I would take in a cup of tuna and a banana an hour before I hit the gym.

I love working out in the morning because it gets my day going and there's only old folks who don't really occupy the stations. After I finish workingout, I take in another scoop of whey protein in the locker room. I come home to eat 3 egg whites, low fat string cheese, low fat yogurt, some cold fruits likewatermelon, and a small piece of turkey or chicken breast.
Originally Posted by AirWeezy03

i want to lose 20-50 pounds were do i begin
Diet. Cardio. Patience. Dedication.

BTW that's a HUGE range in variation. 50 is more than double the 20.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AirWeezy03

i want to lose 20-50 pounds were do i begin
Diet. Cardio. Patience. Dedication.

BTW that's a HUGE range in variation. 50 is more than double the 20.
idk if i want to lose weight then bulk up
I didn't really notice my results until the visual comparison




I'ma get some sleep so I can wake up early and hit the gym. I feel like I needa start cutting though
Anybody have any suggestions on what my workout should look at if I'm trying to lose a large amount of weight? Any suggestions on diet? Should I becounting calories?

I was hoping to have lost more weight by schools start, but I didn't. I'm gonna try to keep hitting the gym at school, but I'd feel better if I hada good system going

EDIT - 3000th Post

I was thinking of doing something, but I guess not
I didn't really notice my results until the visual comparison

Yeah, man. You see yourself everyday in the mirror so you don't notice it. But if you take a picture every 6 months or so, you will.

masterhammy-If you want to lose a lot of weight, you need to get on the cardio program...running, elliptical, stairs, spinning, whatever to get the heart rateup and get you sweating. You want to still lift weight somewhat though to retain the muscles you have now. And yes diet is very important. Google BMR andfill out your stats to see how many cals you should take in a day. Do NOT exceed that. If possible, take in a bit less than the projected number. But do notstarve yourself. If you starve yourself, your body will go in survival mode and retain fat. If you eat too much, you won't be able to burn off all theexcess cals. In between the 2 areas is a happy range you should be at.
So I should try to stay a little under that amount of calories per day? And when I hit the gym, I usually hit the sitting bike, but I don't know ifthat's holding me back
right now I'm beginning to change my diet because I went to the dentist got like 5Gs worth of work to be done and he told me if I keep eating like thisI'm wasting my money so I'm starting with no soda just water and occasional juices but my problem is I would never randomly just go out and startrunning around my block I'm too lazy for that and insecure
I know there's other alternatives besides running right? I don't want to startdoing exercises as far as push ups, squats, lifts, etc before I lose weight because I feel like it'll be pointless.

I need some help with alternatives
I love this part of the year. Winter is fast approaching and all the cycling and running will pay off when I can finally go snowboarding again! Hiking in thighdeep snow for 1 hour to ride 3,000 vertical ft in one run> your workout routine.
for me going to the gym around when i wake up (7-8ish) is the best, i get everything done, hardly anyones there, and im "energized" throughout theday
Hey Fellas I ran into a great site for lifting while i was browsin youtube for new workouts.

The guy who runs it is got alot to offer for videos on youtube, He also has a Message Board, pretty popular, but not over flooded.

The Website Link:

the Forum link :

I go to this site everyday now, its my other nt but for lifting. I ask questions and w/e. You can keep your own workout journal/diary in one section and otherpeople can comment you/ help you out with some good advice.

check it out let me know what you think.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

I'm tryin to gain 15 pounds but still stay lean. any suggestions?
Try reading the entire thread.

You're not going to look jacked up by gaining 15 pounds. Eat more protein, lift heavier weights, do lots of cardio. It's not that hard. It'skeeping it a routine that is hard. Buy a digital scale (Tanita is the best maker, wrestling team uses it), and weigh in every day. Eat more calories than youusually do, eat more smaller meals a day.

at thinking you're gonna be Schwarzenneger by gaining 15 pounds.
I'm not tryin to be schwarznegger. My goal is to get to 180, but still stay lean and conditioned for the basketball season
Interesting article about steady cardio vs. HIIT.

I used to do HIIT after I lift about 2 times a week, in addition to my steady cardio before lifting. But now I'm going to switch things up and do a 30 minsession of HIIT first and do 2 sessions a week of steady cardio after I lift. I'll report back my results in a month or so.

I started the new HIIT routine this morning and even though according to the treadmill I ran slower, ran less distant, and burned less calories (although notby much at all, about .2 MPH slower, .10 less miles, and about 30 less calories) (and yes I know the info on the treadmill aren't 100% accurate, but theyserve well as marking stone)...I was sweating a lot more and having a harder time doing the HIIT than steady cardio.
Originally Posted by wj4

I didn't really notice my results until the visual comparison
Yeah, man. You see yourself everyday in the mirror so you don't notice it. But if you take a picture every 6 months or so, you will.

masterhammy-If you want to lose a lot of weight, you need to get on the cardio program...running, elliptical, stairs, spinning, whatever to get the heart rate up and get you sweating. You want to still lift weight somewhat though to retain the muscles you have now. And yes diet is very important. Google BMR and fill out your stats to see how many cals you should take in a day. Do NOT exceed that. If possible, take in a bit less than the projected number. But do not starve yourself. If you starve yourself, your body will go in survival mode and retain fat. If you eat too much, you won't be able to burn off all the excess cals. In between the 2 areas is a happy range you should be at.

Thats good information. Just to add to it, also, try to make sure that you're eating clean foods. If you're taking in alot of veggies andfruits, you shouldn't have to worry about calories. Try and see if you can make it so that 1/3 of your diet is made up of fibrous green/yellow vegetables.
Also, avoid eating refined foods; sugars, hydrogenated oils, etc. Go all natural and cook your own meals, it's cheaper and it guarantees quality.

How many of you guys eat organic? It doesn't seem like too many people eat organic, so I figured I'd ask.
Did anybody catch Jillian Michaels on PBS last night? She was lecturing on how to improve your diet and advertising her book basically. Some good informationand also some misleading information.
One of yall that plays soccer break me off with a workout...

I'm tryna get that D. Beckham body (pause)
Finally got cleared by my doctor to get back into the gym

After not being able to go since the end of July its going to be an uphill battle to get where I was. Luckily I havent gained weight, but I can tell i havebeen losing my gains of muscle.

What is a good workout to start me back in the swing of things for a dude that had very bad food poisoning (E-Coli Infection)?
What is it?
Rippetoes is a strength program designed by Mark Rippetoe. It is designed mainly for beginners to give them a good strength base.

Who can benefit from it?
Though Rippetoe's is aimed at beginners, anyone can truly benefit from it.

Can I gain mass while on Rippetoe's?
Yes. The routine is aimed towards strength, but you can still make gains off of it so long as you're eating enough.

How much strength can I gain on this program?
You should be getting noticably stronger each workout. Aim to put 2.5 lbs
atleast on the bar each workout. If you absolutely can't add weight, do the weight you did last workout and move up the next.

Is Rippetoe's for everyone?
No. Most everyone can benefit from this, but for those who can't, look into one of the beginner routines posted in a sticky.

So here it is.

*do the SAME weight for all 3 sets

Workout A:
Bench Press-3x5
*2x8 Dips

Workout B:
Standing Military Press-3x5
Power Cleans(or Bent Over Barbell Rows)-3x5
*2x8 Chinups(palms facing you)

Week 1:
Day 1: Workout A
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout A
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Week 2
Day 1: Workout B
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout A
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout B
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Rotate between weeks 1 & 2.

what do you guys think of that? I got that off another forum.
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