Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I joined planet fitness @ the beginning of the month

have yet to go

Just start off slow. Don't expect much the first two weeks. All you really need to do is get yourself into the routine of going to the gym. Once you do itconsistently for about a month or so, you will feel mad guilty when you don't go.
Originally Posted by sole searchin

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4
I did the steady cardio because I've only heard about HIIT a month or so ago in Men's Health mag.
But even at a steady pace, I was still lighting up everyone else around me. I was averaging about 4 miles in 30 mins. With HIIT this morning, I was at about 3.7 or so miles in the same time. I just like to switch things up from getting bored and plateauing.

Good analogy with the car BTW.
LOL, if your doing 30 mins of HIIT your doing it wrong. Your sprints should be HIGH HIGH intensity then a jog pace for the rest. By the end you should feel like crap, on the verge of throwing up if your doing it wrong. I advise not doing it on a treadmill since you can only go up to 12.0 MPH and on a dead sprint, your probably faster then that. Try it outside or on a track and you'll notice a crazy difference.
not to discourage you wj4, but sole searchin is right. you should aim for an intensity level that will leave you demolished. it's a lotbetter to do it on a track or a nice grass field. for the last few intervals, you're going to have trouble maintaining a constant pace at that speed. treadmills don't get fast enough, but even if you jack up the incline all the way, it becomes dangerous if you slow down the slightest bit.

a simple way to do this is find a grass field. do a short warm up (5 min). mark a starting line/area. sprint in a straight line for 20 seconds, all out. mark the spot where you finished. then do a slow jog back to your starting spot. that's one interval distance. immediately turn around and repeat at80-90% effort. this should take about 25-30 sec max. to do the same distance. 10 intervals should have you hating life
, but you'll be well on your way
. the whole set of intervals should take less than 10-15 minutes. with a warmup, cool down, and stretches, you should be done in less than 30 minutes. the best part? you continue to burn extra calories for up 24 hours (some studiessay 48 hours). it's called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (E.P.O.C.)... learned about it in college in an exercise physiology class.

***keep in mind you can adjust the interval "sprint" portion some, but the effort should remain in the 80% range. also, you can substitute cycling,rowing, shuttle runs for time/reps in place of running.

other variations you can try (if you have a track you can run at), but as fair warning, i've done these as a sprint workout for track and field practice,and it'll definitely make you hate yourself for a while

16 x 100m
8 x 200m
4 x 400m

Originally Posted by I3

Heres a good basic HIIT programme. Im going to follow this. Mostly be doing it on the footpath up my street though, I purchased white Nike Frees, aint getting them dirty on the grass lol
that's a pretty decent structure for HIIT. can't you throw the free's in the wash to clean them? if you wanna get the full"barefoot" running benefit, try these: they're kinda ugly so it doesn't matter if youget them dirty. plus, they're machine washable. i've got a pair, and shoes feel so clumsy now. you do have to switch to running on the balls of yourfeet though, so stay on grass while you adjust.
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I joined planet fitness @ the beginning of the month

have yet to go

Just start off slow. Don't expect much the first two weeks. All you really need to do is get yourself into the routine of going to the gym. Once you do it consistently for about a month or so, you will feel mad guilty when you don't go.
Might go tomorrow..
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

right now I'm beginning to change my diet because I went to the dentist got like 5Gs worth of work to be done and he told me if I keep eating like this I'm wasting my money so I'm starting with no soda just water and occasional juices but my problem is I would never randomly just go out and start running around my block I'm too lazy for that and insecure
I know there's other alternatives besides running right? I don't want to start doing exercises as far as push ups, squats, lifts, etc before I lose weight because I feel like it'll be pointless.

I need some help with alternatives
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4
I did the steady cardio because I've only heard about HIIT a month or so ago in Men's Health mag.
But even at a steady pace, I was still lighting up everyone else around me. I was averaging about 4 miles in 30 mins. With HIIT this morning, I was at about 3.7 or so miles in the same time. I just like to switch things up from getting bored and plateauing.

Good analogy with the car BTW.
LOL, if your doing 30 mins of HIIT your doing it wrong. Your sprints should be HIGH HIGH intensity then a jog pace for the rest. By the end you should feel like crap, on the verge of throwing up if your doing it wrong. I advise not doing it on a treadmill since you can only go up to 12.0 MPH and on a dead sprint, your probably faster then that. Try it outside or on a track and you'll notice a crazy difference.
not to discourage you wj4, but sole searchin is right. you should aim for an intensity level that will leave you demolished. it's a lot better to do it on a track or a nice grass field. for the last few intervals, you're going to have trouble maintaining a constant pace at that speed. treadmills don't get fast enough, but even if you jack up the incline all the way, it becomes dangerous if you slow down the slightest bit.

a simple way to do this is find a grass field. do a short warm up (5 min). mark a starting line/area. sprint in a straight line for 20 seconds, all out. mark the spot where you finished. then do a slow jog back to your starting spot. that's one interval distance. immediately turn around and repeat at 80-90% effort. this should take about 25-30 sec max. to do the same distance. 10 intervals should have you hating life
, but you'll be well on your way
. the whole set of intervals should take less than 10-15 minutes. with a warm up, cool down, and stretches, you should be done in less than 30 minutes. the best part? you continue to burn extra calories for up 24 hours (some studies say 48 hours). it's called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (E.P.O.C.)... learned about it in college in an exercise physiology class.

***keep in mind you can adjust the interval "sprint" portion some, but the effort should remain in the 80% range. also, you can substitute cycling, rowing, shuttle runs for time/reps in place of running.

other variations you can try (if you have a track you can run at), but as fair warning, i've done these as a sprint workout for track and field practice, and it'll definitely make you hate yourself for a while

16 x 100m
8 x 200m
4 x 400m

Originally Posted by I3

Heres a good basic HIIT programme. Im going to follow this. Mostly be doing it on the footpath up my street though, I purchased white Nike Frees, aint getting them dirty on the grass lol
that's a pretty decent structure for HIIT. can't you throw the free's in the wash to clean them? if you wanna get the full "barefoot" running benefit, try these: they're kinda ugly so it doesn't matter if you get them dirty. plus, they're machine washable. i've got a pair, and shoes feel so clumsy now. you do have to switch to running on the balls of your feet though, so stay on grass while you adjust.
Listen to that guy. Muscle physiology was a great class, learned alot. If you do HIIT the right way, it shouldn't be longer then 20 mins ifyour going all out and that's if you've been doing it for a while. It works wonders for burning that extra stubborn fat, hell you ever cool down, takea shower after a HIIT session and after your shower, about 20 mins after your session, your still sweating? Man, it's horrible whiling your doing it butyou feel so much more accomplished after one session. wj4, youu should just try it this way out once and you'll see.

That's the great thing about it, you brun calories after you workout for a long while. Another horrible feeling, while running your sprints, you can feelhow hot your feet are and it feels like your shoes are about to catch on fire. Feel like going for a session now, LOL.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by I3

Heres a good basic HIIT programme. Im going to follow this. Mostly be doing it on the footpath up my street though, I purchased white Nike Frees, aint getting them dirty on the grass lol
that's a pretty decent structure for HIIT. can't you throw the free's in the wash to clean them? if you wanna get the full "barefoot" running benefit, try these: they're kinda ugly so it doesn't matter if you get them dirty. plus, they're machine washable. i've got a pair, and shoes feel so clumsy now. you do have to switch to running on the balls of your feet though, so stay on grass while you adjust.
Yeah.. but their white, haha. First time i've done sprinting in them and they feel good. When im running I can really extend my stride andpump up my thighs. I love the free's - running on the balls of my feet is fine, it feels natural.

Anyways, I completed a dismal effort, I dont think I pushed myself enough - I hate puking, so I dont push myself that hard. I pretty much did a 5 min jog. Then did what you suggested - running 100% first set, marking off a spot, then jogging back. I still havent bought a stop-watch so I was pretty much sprintingas hard as I could till I died. I only could manage a 6 interval session, after the 3rd sprint I was pretty much brisk-walking back to the starting line.

I plan on doing this maybe 2x a week at the most, other cardio comes from basketball training and P90x. I do need to push myself though..

One last thing, I cramped like a %$!%!%%%%%#% on my walk home. I had a meal about 90minutes before (oats + whey) and then had a whey + banana shakeimmediately after. Is there anyways to reduce cramp? This was the worst cramp I experienced in years.
Thanks for the tip, guys. Yeah the treadmills only go up to 10MPH, 10.5 on one that's broken.
And I can keep up to the point where my abs are touchingthe handle bar. I have no access to grass field anywhere. But I think I can use the area around my house for that. I live up in the hills, about 2 miles up andthe incline is about 30-40 degree straight for those 2 miles.

I always sweat in whatever cardio I do.
When I'm done, there's a disgusting puddle of sweat under. I can't really get in the zone unlessI'm burning up in sweat.

Prior to joining the gym, that's all I did for cardio..going up/down the hill. I was having a hard time sprinting for even 20-30 seconds. Then when Ijoined the gym, I used the treadmill and found it to be a lot easier than the hill.
PS very-not discouraged at all. Excited if anything, get to try something new and challenging. Thank you to you too, Sole. This should work out fine. Gym inthe early morning and HIIT at home at night.
Originally Posted by wj4

PS very-not discouraged at all. Excited if anything, get to try something new and challenging. Thank you to you too, Sole. This should work out fine. Gym in the early morning and HIIT at home at night.

Go to your local high school, and get on the track. What I do for HIIT, is Sprint the 100 yards, and walk the round parts: do 4 laps (a mile). It's prettybasic and less calculated but you'll get at least 12-15 minutes of intense cardio to burn fat throughout your day.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by wj4

PS very-not discouraged at all. Excited if anything, get to try something new and challenging. Thank you to you too, Sole. This should work out fine. Gym in the early morning and HIIT at home at night.

Go to your local high school, and get on the track. What I do for HIIT, is Sprint the 100 yards, and walk the round parts: do 4 laps (a mile). It's pretty basic and less calculated but you'll get at least 12-15 minutes of intense cardio to burn fat throughout your day.
Can't. For the last 2 months or so, they've been redoing the turf. I think they're going from grass to artificial. And noware not allowing non students on it.
Any workout tips w/o weights? I dont have
any access to a gym or weights right now,
and wanna get back right.

Nah, I didnt go thru the thread.
K2 has the idea, that's very effective. Yep its Classic. Do like a speedwalk though.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Any workout tips w/o weights? I dont have
any access to a gym or weights right now,
and wanna get back right.

Nah, I didnt go thru the thread.
Different variation of push ups, ie wide grip and diamond, lunges, squats, bicycle crunches. And if you have access to a steady bar, you can dopull ups.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Any workout tips w/o weights? I dont have
any access to a gym or weights right now,
and wanna get back right.

Nah, I didnt go thru the thread.

go to youtube and watch ghetto workouts
Originally Posted by Al Audi

K2 has the idea, that's very effective. Yep its Classic. Do like a speedwalk though.
Man smh at the high school having security dudes outside the gate like it's a club now. I'm just going to drive up and down my areatomorrow and use the odometer on the car to guesstimate the length. It's no 100 yard straight, but it's a pretty good long distant uphill that isenough to kill me for sure.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

K2 has the idea, that's very effective. Yep its Classic. Do like a speedwalk though.
Man smh at the high school having security dudes outside the gate like it's a club now. I'm just going to drive up and down my area tomorrow and use the odometer on the car to guesstimate the length. It's no 100 yard straight, but it's a pretty good long distant uphill that is enough to kill me for sure.
Lol wow thats overkill. You can use the track at my old high school whenever you want, Ive seen people jump the fence and use the track haha.Actually since my old school seems so chill, no one ever expects actual athletes to be there. Went last year in the summer and met Carlos Boozer, he invited me to watch him play at night - You couldnt even tell the school was open and the gym was packed with him and other dudes running full courts and blastingmusic in the gym
what do people think of this for a straight up beginner?

Workout A:
Bench Press-3x5
*2x8 Dips

Workout B:
Standing Military Press-3x5
Power Cleans(or Bent Over Barbell Rows)-3x5
*2x8 Chinups(palms facing you)

Week 1:
Day 1: Workout A
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout A
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Week 2
Day 1: Workout B
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout A
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout B
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Rotate between weeks 1 & 2.
I know it is all filled with testosterone in here. But, as someone who has never done a workout regimen in their lives, I am getting on it. I bought the 30 DayShred DVD and I am planning on losing 15 pounds and firming and toning up. I want to get back to the body I had in high school. I used to stay fit by playingtennis and dancing. Don't have as much energy or motivation for that anymore. You are supposed to workout with the DVD everyday to see promising results.So,we'll see how this goes.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I know it is all filled with testosterone in here. But, as someone who has never done a workout regimen in their lives, I am getting on it. I bought the 30 Day Shred DVD and I am planning on losing 15 pounds and firming and toning up. I want to get back to the body I had in high school. I used to stay fit by playing tennis and dancing. Don't have as much energy or motivation for that anymore. You are supposed to workout with the DVD everyday to see promising results. So,we'll see how this goes.
naw what you doin? i like that !+% soft.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

naw what you doin? i like that !+% soft.
I hate soft! I want to toned everywhere. Since February, I gained 10 pounds. I actually want to lose 20, so I will make it realistic for now andgo for 10 pounds. I can lose weight easily just by watching what I eat but then I reach a plateau and cannot lose anymore. So, this is where the workout DVDcomes in handy. The thighs have got to go.

If is from this chick from the Biggest Loser...

I better lose the weight or I am selling this on Ebay.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

what do people think of this for a straight up beginner?

Workout A:
Bench Press-3x5
*2x8 Dips

Workout B:
Standing Military Press-3x5
Power Cleans(or Bent Over Barbell Rows)-3x5
*2x8 Chinups(palms facing you)

Week 1:
Day 1: Workout A
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout A
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Week 2
Day 1: Workout B
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Workout A
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Workout B
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

Rotate between weeks 1 & 2.
aka Rippetoes

Did it for a year(made some changes) but it worked very well. I gained 10 lbs in a summer and added a lot to my lifts. I wish i wrote everything down but thisis a great program to start off with.
Guys, there is not set rules for HITT, just give it your all and try to challenge yourself. As long as I get my heart rate to 170-180 BPM, I'm happy.

I've tried all kinds of HIIT...on the elliptical 30 secs hard, 30 secs rest...20 secs hard, 20 secs rest...on the track...sprint 100m, jog allworks great.

Recently my friend put me on this thing called "Tabata"...I recommend you guys try it. 20 secs hard, 10 seconds rest for 4 mins. I would do 20 mins.cardio and then do tabata for 4 mins followed by a 6 minute cool down. It helped me tremendously this summer playing sports...I can honestly say I almost neverfelt tired and was always running circles around people.

The only thing I hate about HIIT is that it makes you super hungry throughout the day. I usually cheated a lot of days because I was always hungry afterintense gym sessions.
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