Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

The only thing I hate about HIIT is that it makes you super hungry throughout the day. I usually cheated a lot of days because I was always hungry after intense gym sessions.
when i did sprint intervals in high school i don't remember being crazy hungry all the time, but i usually cold knocked out for a few hours onthe couch right when i got home. plus, since we ran in some heat, that whole summer i felt like i was never hot, almost like cali early spring weather. thatwas nice. i hate sweating for no good reason. sweating while sitting around the house in the summer ftl
Originally Posted by wj4

PS very-not discouraged at all. Excited if anything, get to try something new and challenging. Thank you to you too, Sole. This should work out fine. Gym in the early morning and HIIT at home at night.

good to hear. after i'm done i'm dripping sweat for almost 15 minutes if there's no breeze. it's kind of a trip. hills will work too, butthey're pretty brutal (if done properly
). at the last fewintervals you find yourself wanting to scramble up the hill on all fours haha.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I know it is all filled with testosterone in here. But, as someone who has never done a workout regimen in their lives, I am getting on it. I bought the 30 Day Shred DVD and I am planning on losing 15 pounds and firming and toning up. I want to get back to the body I had in high school. I used to stay fit by playing tennis and dancing. Don't have as much energy or motivation for that anymore. You are supposed to workout with the DVD everyday to see promising results. So,we'll see how this goes.
jillian michaels correct? (sp)

ive heard its good but she kinda talk in the video like a drill sargeant and many people dont like that
heardthis one is good also

ive yet tosee both for myself yet
Whats good with throwing up?

I have a mad phobia about it, absolutely hate it and have never actually thrown up pushing myself. Should I try it? lol
Originally Posted by I3

Whats good with throwing up?

I have a mad phobia about it, absolutely hate it and have never actually thrown up pushing myself. Should I try it? lol
i've come really close several times, usually from a very intense lifting session, and sometimes from an all out sprint. it has to do withthe build up of lactic acid in the blood and also the shunting of blood from your stomach/intestines to your muscles. it'll usually subside if you backoff on the intensity for a little bit. sometimes you have to stop completely and breathe in and out quickly to lower your blood lactic acid and get some bloodback in the GI tract (stomach/intestines).

it's pretty harmless most of the time, but it shouldn't happen all that often. usually it happens when you lose your conditioning and get back intoyour workouts at an intensity that your body hasn't adapted to yet. basically, if you take a week or so to ramp up the intensity, you shouldn't suffertoo much nausea.
Oh yeah, how often do you guys do HIIT in a week?

When I first started running up/down the hill nearly a year ago, there were times where I thought I was going to die. Fatigue was setting in and lungs felllike they were on fire.
it's pretty harmless most of the time, but it shouldn't happen all that often. usually it happens when you lose your conditioning and get back into your workouts at an intensity that your body hasn't adapted to yet. basically, if you take a week or so to ramp up the intensity, you shouldn't suffer too much nausea.

THANK YOU... exactly what i needed to know

Yeah well.. it just goes to show (to me anyway) that being fit on the court and being really fit is a difference. I reckon after a month + of consistent HIIT,running up and down during the 4th qtr would be like a piece of cake.

WJ4 -
Im currently experimenting, with my schedule (leg weights + plyos) I try and get 2 sessions a week. Monday: HIIT, Tuesday: Legs, Weds: Training: Thurs: what im experimenting with.
Originally Posted by wj4

PS very-not discouraged at all. Excited if anything, get to try something new and challenging. Thank you to you too, Sole. This should work out fine. Gym in the early morning and HIIT at home at night.
Should be fine man. Lately, I usually work in a run in the morning followed by my p90X routine (say what you want, it works for a nice quick cutif done properly) and at night I do HIIT right in front of my house, not even on grass, on the the cement lol. I just got done doing HIIT and showeringactually (yeah I know it's 4AM but I hate skipping work outs).

As far was schedule wise, just do what you can fit in. HIIT shouldn't take up more then 20 mins of your time, but make it count and make those sprints HARDand all out. As of now, I do HIIT on M,W,F and I stick to a system I found a while back when I started HIIT for cutting ( basically, you start off at 4 mins (which means 4 - 30sec sprints followed by 30 sec jogging so 4 mins) and slowly increase it by each workout as stated by the timeline. Just take a look if you think it will helpyou. It WILL be hard so start off little by little and soon enough you'll be at that 12 min mark.

Whatever you do, just make it work for you. Looking forward to hearing how you felt after the first session (everyone usually HATES it).
Originally Posted by I3

Yeah well.. it just goes to show (to me anyway) that being fit on the court and being really fit is a difference. I reckon after a month + of consistent HIIT, running up and down during the 4th qtr would be like a piece of cake.
that just means you play too slow. jk haha i notice the same thing too. i usually guard the point or the fastest perimeter guy when i ball, buti go for active ball denial and shadowing my guy everywhere. sometimes i use so much energy i stay back on fast breaks and sit on the 3pt line more thani'd like
. anyway, the intervaltraining definitely helps with the conditioning the longer the game goes or the more games you play.

i'd cut back on the intervals once your season starts though, especially if you rely on your speed. for speed you should train as fast as possible, soyou'd need longer rest periods. maybe try the tabata protocol... 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, 8 reps... 4 min total. then mix up the exercises for eachinterval.
HIIT is great. I usually do 14 minutes on the stationary bike, rest for about 7 minutes, and do another 14 on the elyptical. Both machines break it down toabout 50 second intervals. I never do sprints but when I play basketball, my endurance is excellent. I played college basketball and have been through manydifferent types of workouts, but HIIT has been by far the best thing for my endurance. Since most of my summer leagues have finished I do HIIT 3 times a week.

Side note... does anyone look at you crazy when you do HIIT at a gym? People look at me like I am crazy when I do it because when it is time to go all out I goALL OUT. I dont care either because I am at the gym to get a good workout not to look cool.
WJ4 -
Im currently experimenting, with my schedule (leg weights + plyos) I try and get 2 sessions a week. Monday: HIIT, Tuesday: Legs, Weds: Training: Thurs: HIIT.. is what im experimenting with.
That's what I was thinking too. HIIT on Wednesday and Saturday to get my feet wet. Then progress up from there.

About to hit the gym in an hour with the old folks.
No traffic driving there and back and 5 people at the gym FTW.
Do you fellas get more hungrier as you gain more muscle mass? I know muscle demand more nutrient than fat and all. This is something that I've noticed withmyself...I gotta eat something every 2-3 hours or else my stomach is roaring.
^Yes! Especially on a day where I've started my workout early. All I did was play tennis this morning and I've been consistently eating since then.
i dont lost 60 lbs since i first started and still hitting it hard barely starting to see results muscle wise
I got a question though for Joe or Lurkin, what workout(s) did you guys do or think has the greatest effect on amounting mass to your shoulders. One of thethings I'm trying to accomplish is to get that definition between the shoulders and the biceps and triceps. I think it looks best when one has biggershoulders.

Right now, I'm just doing dumbell raises from the side up, 3x10 ( 15lbs) Then I'm doing dumbell raises from the front 3x10 (at 20 lbs alternating)


And these:
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Yes! Especially on a day where I've started my workout early. All I did was play tennis this morning and I've been consistently eating since then.
Yeah. I'm still going to the gym at 4AM and I get hungry right when I get home. I'm still eating healthy foods though, but a lotmore hungrier. When I first started last year..I'd be good eating 3 meals a day and not feel hungry at all. Now...I gotta throw in 4-5 extra eatingsessions in between the meals.
heavy bb military press

i def got bigger shoulders right away when i started doing these. ive seen dudes put on too much weight and strain anything from the shoulder to their lowerback, keep this lift under control.
I just started going to the gym, just trying to lose weight running on the treadmill, so how many days a week should i hit the gym?

how many minutes or hours should i run on it?
Alright....I have a hard time getting this thing off the rack though by myself which is usually how I roll to the gym recently.

Also...exercises to make for bigger lats, if you may? I've been doing the lat-pulls on the circuit, steadily from 130 lbs - 160 from 10 reps - 10 reps - 8reps - 8 reps....I haven't really noticed much gain though this entire summer...
Originally Posted by The Maverick 41

I just started going to the gym, just trying to lose weight running on the treadmill, so how many days a week should i hit the gym?

how many minutes or hours should i run on it?

Through my experience, both as a high school varsity athlete, and a person who has gone through a slight cutting phase....if you're not running like arunner, or running doing HIIT 1.5- 2 hours a day...for 5 days of the week, you better have a strict diet in mind.
i took the advice of verynecessary and did the HIIT over a week ago (nearly died and coincidentally caught a cold, still recovering lol). i was running 3 milesa day mon thru friday with little results (trimmed off about 2 lbs). running in intervals is NO JOKE. my shirt was drenched in the first 7 minutes of running.

since this is a motivation thread, i wanted to provide my latest motivation when it comes to running. i dont know why but i am super hyped to go running assoon as my wife gets home because of this video.

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

heavy bb military press

i def got bigger shoulders right away when i started doing these. ive seen dudes put on too much weight and strain anything from the shoulder to their lower back, keep this lift under control.
I've been doing this as part of my shoulder workout and I definitely am getting stronger.

I go 3x8, 65, 85, 90 or 95 and usually get to about 6 reps on my last set. Joe Camel, would you say I'm doing this affectively? As far as increasingweight, rep amounts, etc. is concerned?
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