Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Honestly if going to the gym is that hard for you just play a sport. I was out of shape and never wanted to go to the gym. I started playing soccer and basketball again and lost 30 pounds on one summer. It's summer time, go out play a sport and sweat, and just watch the pounds melt away. You won't even notice how many calories you burn. Losing a couple of pounds then gave me the energy to go to the gym again.

This man speaks the truth.

2 weeks ago I started going to play basketball again. I was at 198. I am at 185 now. 3 hours of basketball a day in the sun will do that.
Yep. The gym is just a convenient place because everything is under 1 roof, per se. But playing any sport can help out definitely. I saw onESPN that Blake Griffin was training the natural way. He was running up/down the hills by a beach shore carrying a big bag of sand or something like that.

I also read that a guy had a nearly perfect physique and he never set foot in a gym. He works as a furniture mover. The article also went to say that theultimate test of strength is the human flag pole.
i know a lot of people are gonna take a chance an buy into though

just was wonderin what NT fitness fam thought about it.
Originally Posted by wj4

boxer- yeah, man...I told my family that here in the states, you gotta have money to do Muay Thai training. They were shocked because most dudes who do it in the homeland are of the lower class.

I'm going to start the first HIIT tonight right before dinner. I was going to do it tomorrow, but the weather says there might be thunderstorm. I'm going to do the beginner route and adjust accordingly. Sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times. If I find it too easy, I'll lower the resting time.

Awesome man, let us know how it goes. I couldn't even do 6 sets. Too scared to throw up haha.

I feel like bulking now. Whats a good recommended period? Summer for us is around December - want to get cut for summer. Basically from what ive read thebest thing about bulking is the ability to eat good clean foods more.. cutting you have to eat clean, but minimal amounts. And I guess you can't do muchcardio/HIIT with bulking.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

18th letter-i don't ever answer ppl's questions (that's usually L2L and camel lol) but when i DID bulk, it was like for the whole Winter season. i didn't avoid cardio, i just didn't do cardio every day. someone else will have your perfect answer, though.
Yeah that is what I'm planning on doing this winter also. I'm going to be doing nothing but deadlifts, squats, bench press, and rows. Whatwere the results of your bulk though?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

When bulking, is one supposed to avoid cardio? And when you guys bulk how long do you usually do it for? A certain number of weeks or until you meet your weight goal?


I dont use cardio to loose fat when bulking, im not doing HIIT during bulking

imo EVERYONE should alays include some form of cardio in their routine, nobody ever dies from being too big but millions of folks die each year because ofcardiovascular problems

when i bulk you eat VERY VERY caloric intake is just up.

cardio during bulking you will get MANY different responses........everybody got their own thing.........i love winter bulking season i look huge but then forspring/summer its a must to get the abs showin but i love bein massive. i actually be feelin skinny around these months.

will have to more more in depth on this topic real cant believe its almost sept.

but always do cardio for your heat period, also better for your progress imo, digestion too so you will eat more also.

Todays motivation

hell no

ice you got your Pro Card?

its funny how many folks say im big now, i couldnt even imagine the attention lookin like that.

ill post pics when its bulkin time but again i like to stay real clean durin this season at the sametime.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by 18th letter

When bulking, is one supposed to avoid cardio? And when you guys bulk how long do you usually do it for? A certain number of weeks or until you meet your weight goal?


I dont use cardio to loose fat when bulking, im not doing HIIT during bulking

imo EVERYONE should alays include some form of cardio in their routine, nobody ever dies from being too big but millions of folks die each year because of cardiovascular problems

when i bulk you eat VERY VERY caloric intake is just up.

cardio during bulking you will get MANY different responses........everybody got their own thing.........i love winter bulking season i look huge but then for spring/summer its a must to get the abs showin but i love bein massive. i actually be feelin skinny around these months.

will have to more more in depth on this topic real cant believe its almost sept.

Todays motivation

hell no

ice you got your Pro Card?

its funny how many folks say im big now, i couldnt even imagine the attention lookin like that.

ill post pics when its bulkin time but again i like to stay real clean durin this season at the sametime.

What kind of gains do you experience during your bulks (like weekly or monthly however)? How much weight do you usually try to put on?
L2L, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? I just got done looking at bodybuilding forum, these dudes and their transformations are EPIC!

I've been hitting the gym for a week and a half now and lost 8lbs. Currently stand at 5'10" and weigh 167. This thread got me motivated,hopefully I'll see some more changes by Thanksgiving.

Not my pic but it is ideal for me:

Klips that guy is lean as hell..............yea i def like more mass whle stayin leavn im like 6'1" weight myself yesterday at like 199-200

um 18th durin bulk i put on prolly 8-10lbs i guess bulk is considered for me oct-dec, i dunno im guessin right now

i dunno its depends on how good the diet/training as you know. with me though i like to use the mirror i wont lie im not big on scales at all.........but yea idid weigh myself yesterday because somebody asked other day

will get more in depth in real soon
lol yea iice is hardcore

its a serious lifestyle i know 2 people who compete different class though.

i respect it but i dont wanna get too big i think my ultimate goal is to be around 215-225 lean muscle for my height........i figure ill hit in that in theyears to come all natural then just eat and maintain

iight im out for the night
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i didnt hear anything bout health problems. what did you see about those?

what i did hear about was mostly the price (like $90 for 30 days) and how it might not even work until 90 days in? i dunno how true that last part is though.
yeah its expensive.
well see i'm speculating. it's relatively new and all, but i'm willing to bet SOMETHING is going to surface, just like the things we hear about MSG in whey protein or side-effects, etc.

this new product, it's supposed to inhibit myostatin, right? myostatin checks muscle growth. if muscle growth goes unchecked, what would happen? i could see its use for a less-than-healthy person, but a person that already has a built, what do you think may happen? maybe i'm jumping the gun and am being critical (just like i tend to be with things that get hype). i mean, the body checks muscle growth for a reason, but maybe it is a risk-free supplement. what do you think?
this is what happens:

yeah doubtful it works though.

Mutant, you say?
And concerning this Myo t12, not trying to scare anyone but at the bottom of the article Joe posted:
In the past few years, scientists have seen great potential in myostatin-blocking strategies.
Internet marketers have been hawking "myostatin-blocking" supplements to bodybuilders, though doctors say the products are useless and perhaps dangerous.
18th letter- do you know how long it took for that guy to get in that shape? I'm guessing around 3-4 years for everything to happen.

I just got back from the HIIT routine. I went with 30 seconds of sprinting and 60 seconds of resting instead of 90. I think I did about 8 sets. I stoppedcounting after 6 because that's when I started feeling nauseating, but I still continued...had to or else I couldn't get home.

The first 2 sets were cake, I had no issues at all. Then halfway through the 3rd set, the incline up the hill got steeper and I lost my wind a bit. My heartwas pounding pretty good, felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. I had to sit down a bit before dinner...felt kinda sick. But now the feeling is goingaway.
Originally Posted by wj4

18th letter- do you know how long it took for that guy to get in that shape? I'm guessing around 3-4 years for everything to happen.
You would think....dude said it took him like a year. So I was like

The transformation is still impressive though.

and nah that is not me
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