Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

speaking of thought about hgh at all?

i could def see myself taking low doses of it as i got's like a miracle how well it works
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

speaking of thought about hgh at all?

i could def see myself taking low doses of it as i got's like a miracle how well it works

my man i could care less about hgh or steroids right ya said at our current ages.............

if thats what you wanna do though, end of the day its your choice. as for me i know when i put in the hard work and get my diet on point

seriously that pic in that crazy thread is far from my potential...........but 10 years from now i might be interested in that convo with ya.

this thread is good though, cuz i actually feel more motivated now
this fall should be interesting an ill be bulking so ill get serious now.

but to answer your ? later in life maybe older.........i dunno maybe. an honestly who knows what will be available or new research by then...........
i know my pop is interested in hgh. helps that it's natural, and works really well if you're already in good shape.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by rhester

I'm tryna drop like 7 pounds by Friday....

Jus gotta stay determined and force myself to the gym....
You wrestle? Fight?

Ain't gonna happen unless you have a ton of water weight. I lost 10 lbs during a hard wrestling practice and most of it was water. You'll gain back 4-6 pounds from eating/drinking, and overnight, you'll lose another 2-3 pounds.

Other than that, just go for 3 lbs a week. No reason to lose that weight if you don't have to. Wrestling season sucked.
Not being able to eat a ton after practices.
Nah. I just been on this little high calorie food binge the past couple days....

I don't work at all this week, so if I switch my eating habits back to normal and work out every morning I'll begood...

Start school this week and don't wanna go in over 200 pounds...

Tryna have a cushion in case I gain that freshman 15...
Joe i wont lie though from time to time I wonder...................

IF i actually did roids what would i look like............when i get in my serious mode though when im at the point thats when people always accuse of takingsomething, my girls mom even kinda seemed disgusted said i was too big etc. this summer i slacked my #*$ off though. pathetic.

another thing im way too lazy for PCT. so yea natural for me.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

this thread is good though, cuz i actually feel more motivated now
this fall should be interesting an ill be bulking so ill get serious now.

but to answer your ? later in life maybe older.........i dunno maybe. an honestly who knows what will be available or new research by then...........
yeah fall is gonna be serious. if i keep the drinking/lack of sleep etc. that comes with college under control i'll be golden

and yeha i feel you, i wouldnt consider it til my levels get low naturally


i guess organ growth etc. are side effects that can come along with it though,

finns what kinda doses would he be doing? i feel like low doses could be pretty beneficial w/o any real side effects, but trying to boost it up to the levelsyou have when you're 20 is a bad idea. guys know what's really disgusting, as i sit here, I can literally grab my belly fat and have it fit in my entire hand. Like there's ahandful of fat....*#%@ I needa work on that... I think it's a sign that I have to bulk much cleaner. I'm getting a little chub under my chin too. #!##!
yeah man ive considered it

especially when i have friends who have done it and surpassed me easy in a cycle or two. some of them with no pct or anything, which is stupid but they seemfine (for now at least).

no worries about slacking though dude youre still cut as hell, perfect time to bulk.

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i was gonna throw up the pic i posted in the other thread but nah.

iceman is making me feel real small right now
Let me get your abs ssshhhhzzztttt......My genetic 4pack is not coo
trade you my abs for your star trek chest?

btw i need suggestions, what do yall listen to at the gym? preferably rap. my gym playlist is gettin real old.
I don't listen to anything, but one time at my gym they played "Ruff Ryders Anthem"...not gonna lie that $@%% had me goin hard.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

finns what kinda doses would he be doing? i feel like low doses could be pretty beneficial w/o any real side effects, but trying to boost it up to the levels you have when you're 20 is a bad idea.
no idea man. he always jokes that this family friend, who is a doc, should get him hgh for cheap.

he's already pretty cut, so i'm guessing just to stay that way? i would take it in low doses, i wouldn't want to upset any biological order.
NO pct are freaking crazy out here.

i remember we had that convo before.

joe you can get a star trek chest too if ya take a pic on a cable machine like that, youre cut up

striated skeletal muscle
One of my favorites is also "Don't lose your head" by Zion I, then there's:

"Motivation" by TI

"I'm a King" by P$C click

"Up in here" by DMX

"I'ma hustla" by Cassidy

"Workout" by Frontline

"Stronger" by Kanye

"What's the difference" by Dr. Dre

S'all I can think of right now....
With this post we're talking about one of the most difficult muscle group to develope, because it's not only about development, but about balance andshape too!

Far to often, the pecs fall victim to uneven development caused by only doing flat bench presses. Back in bodybuilding's dark ages this was considered morethan plenty to develop the pecs, but that just won't do today. Mere bench pressing over time will develop pecs with thick outer edges, but shallow innerand upper sections. Don't get me wrong, flat bench is essential...but, not all inclusive. If this boat carries you aboard, two things: first, you're inthe boat with the most people; second, get ready to jump ship!

The exercises and training techniques found here will help you build those tough, often lagging pecs into the full, round, even and thick pairs of striated,muscular squares with rounded corners that you yearn for! The pecs can fall behind quick if they aren't trained with the right exercises at high intensity.But, it's also possible for your pecs to grow too large if you train them too much. Too large? Yeah, too large. The goal with bodybuilding is symmetry andbalance. You technically don't want any muscle group to be out of proportion in size compared to the surrounding muscle groups. In the pecs case: delts,lats, traps, and arms. More often than not though, the pecs are the group lagging, as you well know they can be difficult to build.


Caution! You may find your pecs getting huge, full, developed and striated to the max! Don't worry, this is a normal side effectof intensely performing these pectoral training techniques and exercises.

The large, beautiful fan-like muscle complex built on top of your deep rib box, the pectorals, must be equally thick over the entire slab-like area to achievethe big titles in todays contests.

Far to often, the pecs fall victim to uneven development caused by only doing flat bench presses. Back in bodybuilding's dark ages this was considered morethan plenty to develop the pecs, but that just won't do today. Mere bench pressing over time will develop pecs with thick outer edges, but shallow innerand upper sections. Don't get me wrong, flat bench is essential...but, not all inclusive. If this boat carries you aboard, two things: first, you're inthe boat with the most people; second, get ready to jump ship!

The exercises and training techniques found here will help you build those tough, often lagging pecs into the full, round, even and thick pairs of striated,muscular squares with rounded corners that you yearn for! The pecs can fall behind quick if they aren't trained with the right exercises at high intensity.But, it's also possible for your pecs to grow too large if you train them too much. Too large? Yeah, too large. The goal with bodybuilding is symmetry andbalance. You technically don't want any muscle group to be out of proportion in size compared to the surrounding muscle groups. In the pecs case: delts,lats, traps, and arms. More often than not though, the pecs are the group lagging, as you well know they can be difficult to build.

This is a very good tip and it comes directly from Joe Weider:
"Presses (with barbell, dumbbells, or machine) and flyes performed on an incline bench will isolate stress on the upper pecs. The same movements doneon a decline bench isolate stress on the lower and outer pectorals. And to place maximum stress on the inner pecs, you can do pec-deck flyes and narrow-gripbench presses. The accumulation of movements performed from a variety of angles will ultimately give you perfect pectoral development."



Don't worry if your pecs aren't as full as you'd like, as many of you already know, the pectorals are often the slowest muscles to grow and can bevery difficult to fully develop-especially if you're fairly new to bodybuilding. Even after developing good form on flyes and bench press, you may stillfind it difficult to build your inner pecs, even though your outer pecs are growing great. This is a troublesome area for everyone to develop. Help is here! Toget the full, rounded mass you want in the entire pectoral region, you've got to perform the right exercises at the right intensity and focus intensely onthat area.

1. Close-Grip Bench Press: I know what you're thinking…close-grip bench works the triceps, right? Well, yes…but if youconcentrate on very strict, slow lifting and squeeze the pecs together at the top of the extension, you'll notice it really hits your inner pecs. Reallyconcentrate on the pecs! Try to relax your arms as much as possible, letting the pecs take the brunt of the weight. Really squeeze them at the top to get themost burn for your rep! Just so you know, you will want to drop the weight down a little from what you do your normal benching on so as to get the form downand really focus on the pecs. Once you build up this area of the pecs, you will definitely go up in overall bench press.

How to grip the bar: Your hands should be in the range of shoulder width. See what works best for you. You may find that a few inches in from shoulder widthhits the inner pecs hardest. So experiment a little with the grip to find what allows you to get the most work and stress carried by your pecs.

How to do the movement: Bring the weight down to your chest slowly at the count of 1…2… breathing in on the way down. Barely touch your chest beforepushing the weight back up while exhaling to the same count of 1…2… Focus entirely on letting your pecs do the work. Hold it at the top for a count of1…2…while squeezing your pecs together. Then lower the weight back down to the same count while you inhale. Make sure this is all in one fluid, strictmotion (no bouncing!).

Sets: This is somewhat of a dispute. First of all, get your form down with lighter weight. Then, use a weight that you can get only 6-10 reps on for 3+ setsfor definition and mass. For more definition, reduce the weight and go for 12-15 reps and 5+ sets. For more mass, go for 5-6 reps and heavier weight for lesssets. Just remember to get your form down good and always lift slowly and strictly to get the most gains, develop the fullest pecs, and avoid ripping ortearing muscles.

Note: To get full pectoral development, it's good to add incline and decline close-grip bench into your chest day routine. This will build and work theupper and lower mid parts of the pectorals, respectively. Use the same method as with regular flat bench close-grip bench. Build massive and full pecs!!!

2. Flyes: Use the universal fly machine for this exercise. It works extremely well for hitting the pecs. The key to working andbuilding the inner pecs with this exercise lies in your mind. Make your pecs squeeze together at completion of the movement and really flex them at the pointwhere your arms are brought together. Do this movement slowly and strictly. Inhale as you slowly allow the weight to fall back on the stack, widening yourarms. Use a fluid motion and exhale as your pecs force the weight up and your arms back together. This can be murder on your pecs…just what you want!

Sets, Breathing, and Lifting: Use similar breathing and lifting patterns as with close-grip bench. Do the sets similarly as well, although with flyes, it'srecommended to do more sets that usual to really rip your pecs a new one.

3. Cable Crossovers: These intense pectoral isolators are especially known for etching deep striations into the pecs. Stress isplaced on the entire pectorals especially the inner, lower and outer pecs, not to mention secondarily working the anterior deltoids.

How to do the movement: With your feet shoulder width apart, grasp the handles attached to the pulleys so that your palms face towards the floor with your armsslightly bent. Your arms should be extended diagonally upward. Bring your torso a bit forward to maximize the stress on your pectorals and hold this positionfor the duration of the set. Exhale as you force your hands down and together, primarily using pectoral strength to bring them to a position about six inchesin front of your hips. Make sure the movement is strict, slow and in a semicircular arc. At the finishing position, try to hold it for about 5 seconds as ifdoing a "most muscular" pose, flexing your pecs intensely. Slowly allow the weight to lower back down and your arms to raise back up to the startingposition. You can also perform this exercise kneeling on the floor or with one arm at a time to increase the concentration.


The outer pectoral area usually doesn't need too much help if decline barbell and/or dumbbell bench presses are a part of your routine. The lower and outerpecs form the foundation of your pectoral size. Getting that line along the bottom of the pecs requires doing the right exercises at high intensity over time.Kick butt!

1. Any Kind of Decline Presses (Barbell, Dumbbell, & Machine): These are awesome for hitting the lower and outer regions ofthe pecs! Just perform them like you would regular flat bench with slow, strict reps and good form.

2. Parallel Bar Dips: Dips are a favorite of bodybuilders for there high intensity and isolation they place on the pecs,triceps, and anterior deltoids. The lower and outer portions of the pectoral muscle complex will really grow with these.

How to do them: Hold the bars so that your palms face inward and your arms are nearly straight. Slowly lower your body as far as it is comfortable. Withoutbouncing, slowly raise yourself back almost all of the way up, keeping direct stress on the pecs continuously throughout the set. You can dangle weight fromyour waist with a rope or chain to add resistance.

3. Dumbbell/Cable Decline Flyes, Cable Crossovers: Do Decline Dumbbell Flyes the same as you would do regular Dumbbell Flyes,except do them on a decline bench. Adjust the angle of the bench to work the lower-outer pecs from a variety of angles.


The upper pecs just may be your nemesis. Besides inner pecs, they just may be the toughest area to build. However, if you're doing lots of incline press,you'll build them up in no time!

1. Any Kind of Incline Presses (Barbell, Dumbbell, & Machine): These are perfect for hitting the upper region of the pecs!Just perform them like you would regular flat bench with slow, strict reps and good form.

All of the variations of incline press place intense stress on the upper pecs, primarily; then on the anterior deltoids and triceps. This is probably the bestpossible movement to build the pec-delt tie-ins. This highly prized and valued area of the arm has become a definite necessity in today's competitions.

Secondary stress is placed on the rest of the pecs, the medial deltoids, and the upper back muscles.

2. Dumbbell/Cable Incline Flyes: Do these just like regular cable and dumbbell flyes, except on an incline bench. Hit that upperpectoral region hard and focus to build the rounded tops of those giant pecs.

Have a nice training!

If you are finding that you are not getting the results that you would like, maybe it's due to one (or more) of the reasons below.

1. You don't have a specific goal
We all go to the gym for a reason. Common reasons include 'To lose weight', 'To get fitter/stronger' or 'To build more muscle'. If youare serious about getting results, these goals are not specific enough. Give yourself a deadline. For example, if your aim is to change your body weight, makeit specific by saying 'I want to gain/lose 5 kgs in the next 6 weeks'.

2. You don't keep a
training journal
A training journal is your roadmap to results. If you don't keep one, you don't know where you're going or how fast you are getting there. A training journal can be a program sheet written up by a trainer or your own gym diary. You need to fill this out every session. Write down what exercises you did, how many sets, reps and the weight lifted. For cardio sessions, depending on the machine you use, write down the time, speed, distance, incline or resistance. Because you are documenting your sessions, you know exactly what you have done in each workout and therefore, can try and improve each session.

3. You undo all your good work by not eating well
So many people sweat it out in the gym and give it their all but then go and sabotage themselves by eating badly. The most common problem is with those trying lose weight. If you come to the gym and work hard, but then leave the gym only to continue on with your poor diet, sure the exercise might help a little but if you are still making poor nutritional choices and eating WAY too much, chances are your weight will stay the same or even continue to rise! The worst part is, not only do some people not change their diet, but because they are working so hard in the gym they feel the need to reward themselves with a little treat in the form of fast food, chocolate, cake, alcohol etc. Chances are this little treat is a calorie bomb which has more calories than they actually burn in the gym (possibly in the whole week!) which more than counteracts all the hard work they do in the gym.

4. You're doing the same workout you were doing 2 months ago
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result- It's an old adage that's been beaten to death but is still relevant. You may not realise it but our bodies are smart and lazy machines. If you do the same exercises repeatedly, the body will find the most efficient way of completing them. This is bad news because it means when our bodies become more efficient it will be harder to lose weight or gain muscle, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. Keep your body guessing by starting a new program or even doing your program in the opposite order. If you do 30mins on the treadmill, do 25mins at a higher speed or use a different machine altogether!

5. You are not consistent with your training
It's not about what you do SOME of the time, it's what you do MOST of the time. Missing a rare session here and there is ok but when you start to miss sessions every week, you are seriously hindering your ability to make progress. Let's do some quick math here- There's twenty-four hours in a day, yes? Ok, so if there's seven days in a week that's a total of one hundred and sixty-eight hours. Still following? Good. Doing three- one hour session a week is a whopping 1.78% of your whole week. Is that too much to spare?

6. You're exercising too much
Here's the opposite of #5 They say too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Exercise is no different. Training too hard, too often can actually hinder your ability to make progress. When training in the gym, you put your body under a lot of stress (good stress). When weightlifting you actually damage your muscles and make micro-tears in them. When you are resting, the muscles repair and rebuild bigger and stronger so in actual fact, you don't get bigger and stronger in the gym, you get bigger and stronger when you are resting. This means if you don't rest enough, you don't give your muscles enough time to repair and recover which leaves you prone to injury and can make you smaller and weaker! Even when you train different body parts each day, it still taxes your body as a whole so it still needs time to recover.

The same can be said for cardio training. When putting in a hard cardio session, it taxes your whole body. Among other things, your immune system becomes suppressed as all your bodies resources are trying to help you recover from the intense exercise. This really isn't a big problem as your body returns to its normal state after time but if you continually put your body under intense stress and don't allow for sufficient recovery time, you will gradually run yourself into the ground and exercise will become less productive and less enjoyable! I even take a whole week off from training every 8- 12 weeks. I actually find i come back more motivated and stronger as I've let my body fuller rest and recover!

7. You're not pushing yourself hard enough
As with everything in life, if you want to truly succeed you need to get out of your comfort zone. It's no different in the gym. If you want to see results, you must challenge your body and give it a reason to change! Now with that said, I don't want you to train so hard that you are at the point of literal exhaustion. That's just dangerous and actually has adverse effects on your body. With that said, chances are when you think you are working your hardest, you are actually nowhere near your maximum potential. The reason you think you couldn't possibly put anymore effort in is because you?ve never tried to! Next time you are exercising, put the treadmill up an extra 0.5km/h or go for another 30 seconds. When weight training and you think you're done try squeezing another one or two reps out. Dig deep! You might surprise yourself.

8. You're weightlifting with your ego, not your brain.
Ever notice that the biggest guys in the gym or those with the best muscle tone don't lift the heaviest weights? That's because they lift smart and target the right muscles. In general, most people who lift weights do so with the intention of improving their lean muscle mass. Unfortunately, it is an all too frequent occurrence that people let their ego get in the way and get caught up in worrying more about the amount of weight they are lifting rather than the technique they use. When lifting with bad technique you usually bring other muscles into the movement which then takes all the stress of the desired muscles. For example, if someone is doing a bicep curl with too much weight, they will usually swing their upper body and bring the shoulders into the movement. This means that the muscles in the back and the deltoids (shoulder muscles) are doing a lot of the work rather than the biceps.

You'll get better results lifting a lighter weight with good form that really targets the desired muscles than a heavier weight with bad form. Remember- it's not how much you lift, it's how much you look like you can lift!
What does a body builder do to gain mass using a balanced diet?
Here are some pre- and post-workout tips, hope you'll find'em useful...

You are what you eat. Muscles are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Eat big to get big.

In case you didn't get the memo, nutrition is an essential component of fitness. In addition to providing the fuel to lift weight, food also provides thebody with energy for the necessary growth and repair. While you should keep your goals in mind every time you sit down to chow down, some meals are moreimportant than others.

If I asked you what you thought the most important meal of the day is, you'd probably either give me the "Mom" answer or the "Bro"answer - namely, breakfast or post workout. However, in my eyes, either way - you'd be wrong.

No, I'm not being crazy, I'm just being logical. The most important meal of your day is your PRE-WORKOUT meal. Why? Simple - the pre-workout meal isthe one that determines how hard you can
work in the gym. You can't drive a car without anything in the tank, right? So how is your body any different?

I don't care how much you bench or how fast you run. While you can push your body to perform near-miraculous feats, there is one thing you can't do - and that is defy digestion.
Though supplement companies, and yes, even your good bros at the gym, have been pounding the importance of post-workout nutrition into your head, what they fail to realize is that the meal you eat before you workout hasn't even been fully digested by the time you're running to your car to slam your whey isolate and dextrose shake.

You can spike your insulin through the roof after lifting, but it's not going to change what's already working its way through your digestive system.

And just for clarification - by pre-workout meal, I don't mean the creatine-caffeine colada you slam while in the locker room. I'm talking about an actual meal, about one and a half hours before you hit the weights.
So what's the magic formula? I guess I'll admit it now. I don't have one. The most important thing to do is eat a balanced meal, meaning one consisting of carbohydrates, protein and fats.

I'd suggest making the bulk of the calories in the pre-workout meal from carbohydrates. Because your body relies on glycogen stores to power you through your workout, you'll need something to fill those stores. And that something is carbohydrates. As you'll be leaving some time before you workout, choose some low-GI carbohydrates to ensure a steady flow of energy and avoid a crash before you even reach the gym.

You'll also want to include protein in your pre-workout meal. Why? Because protein contains amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. Choose a slow-digesting protein, such as meat or casein, as this will keep amino acids in your blood throughout and after your workout. And this is where I'm going to directly oppose the post-workout pushers.
The protein you consume before working out is more important than that which you consume afterwards. Really? Yep - consider this: "Delivery of amino acids has been shown to be significantly greater during the exercise bout when consumed pre-workout than after exercise (Tipton, 2001)".

Fat is also important to include as it is, among other things, delicious, supports an already healthy blood-sugar level and slow down digestion. Fat is also used for energy, which you'll definitely need for your workout.

Oh, and one more thing - don't forget dessert! That's right, dessert. About an hour after your meal, grab a piece of fruit or some other simple sugar. Why? Because it "can reduce the amount of glycogen used during exercise. This can prolong performance. More importantly, it appears to create a hormonal milieu favorable to anabolism (growth)."

Concerning the meals' planning, it's difficult to plan out all of my meals in advance. I can also be pretty impulsive, so if I'm in the mood for something, I'm going to eat it. However, there is one meal I always plan in advance, and it is, you guessed it - pre-workout.

Compared to pre-workout, post-workout is an after thought; maybe some sushi, whey and cereal, basically whatever I'm in the mood for. Post-workout doesn't really stress me out that much - how is the protein shake I haven't even consumed yet going to help me bang out one more rep?

But pre-workout is pretty consistent. My staple carbohydrate choice is a yam - complex and delicious, can be topped with cinnamon, salt and pepper, almost anything really, very versatile. I also like to get some greens, so I'll usually have a salad, topped with onions, tomatoes and some sort of meat - chicken, tuna, or steak.
If I feel like I need some more calories, I'll throw on some dressing or grab some almonds or peanut butter for fat. That way, I've covered all of the macronutrient bases, but I haven't bogged myself down with a very heavy meal. For my pre-workout "dessert," I'll usually have an apple, an orange, or maybe an energy drink for that little extra boost.

Of course, you can eat whatever you'd like, as long as you're getting a balanced meal that will give you enough energy to dominate the weights. Whatever you decide to eat - dig in!
good stuff.

dudes definitely underestimate how important diet is....i remember i did when i first started lifting.

lurkin or someone else any other music suggestions?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

good stuff.

dudes definitely underestimate how important diet is....i remember i did when i first started lifting.

lurkin or someone else any other music suggestions?

when i first started liftin i ate w/e i hell i want

man i dunno if you like what i like but that new camron gangsta bumpin right waitin on the new jay z BP3 of course.
didnt like his newest album but ive always liked dudes stuff

just dl'ed the gg, gonna listen right now

i like diplomats, young jeezy etc. stuff like that in the gym.....hype beats and !+%% talking....makes me wanna go crazy on the weights.
yea i def gotta have HYPE

i cant be listenin to drake an rnb type ($# when im trainin
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

didnt like his newest album but ive always liked dudes stuff

just dl'ed the gg, gonna listen right now

i like diplomats, young jeezy etc. stuff like that in the gym.....hype beats and !+%% talking....makes me wanna go crazy on the weights.
i actually like listening to N.E.R.D. when i workout, but then again i'm a N.E.R.D. fan...
there's also rage against the machine,clipse, gym class heroes...

p.s. anyone else consume sushi regularly? i love it.
i love sushi/hibachi

i love fish btw.......i know were only suppose to eat it twice a week

japan period

just never been there yet like yaself.
2x a week? damn i eat it like every day at least once

word on the sushi.....i do the sashimi right now (cant eat white rice at the moment) but yeah it's all delicious.

and yeah clipse knocks.....dont like the newest singles that much though.

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Originally Posted by Al Audi

i love sushi/hibachi

i love fish btw.......i know were only suppose to eat it twice a week

japan period

just never been there yet like yaself.
one day we'll have a summit in japan

hibachi is very good too, especially getting some scallops/lobster/filet mignon... dang i'm hungry.

word on the sushi.....i do the sashimi right now (cant eat white rice at the moment) but yeah it's all delicious.

and yeah clipse knocks.....dont like the newest singles that much though.
yeah sashimi is good as well, but i have to get rice with it. sushi rice is delicious. tekka don is one of my favorite dishes, fresh maguro (tuna)on a bed of seasoned rice...
lurkin that was a very useful post. good looks bro

i need some advice on my situation.. right now i have a pretty decent build (6'1 195), but i'm still not as big as i want to be. i'm aiming to be asolid 200-205. my problem is that i'm not muscular enough for my liking, where i can say "let me just cut down and i'll be ripped"... buti'm also not skinny enough where i can say "let me just eat a ##%! load and keep lifting heavy" and my metabolism would keep my weight fromballooning too much. i wanna bulk up and then cut at some point... but i'm afraid that if i up my caloric intake, despite gaining muscle i'll end upgoing through a long bloated/chunky period before i cut.

what should i do?

option 1: just say "!##% it" and continue to bulk up through the winter, and then go on a big cut around springtime
option 2: continue bulking but make it a "clean bulk" and up my cardio

the main problem with option 1 is that i'll probably end up looking like a fat %!$ for a while.. it will be tough to look in the mirror and motivatemyself. and it may end up being harder to drop the weight.

the main problem with option 2 is that school is starting up soon, and its pretty damned difficult to eat 'clean' when you're in college. plus iwon't gain as much muscle that way.

which course of action has a better chance of succeeding here?thanks NT fam, i'd appreciate any input.
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