Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

I'm in the exact same boat as your DOWNTOWN....I think we just started our workout at bad times....nonetheless, we're gonna be bulking, so i think youshould figure out if you wanan clean or dirty bulk along the way once the school year starts. This is my first year on my own and cooking for myself so I'mnot sure either.
^bro, i actually envy the fact that you're cooking for yourself. i've been cooking the past couple weeks, and its one of the best things i've everdone healthwise. usually over the weekend i just make a tub of mashed potatoes/pasta/rice with some chicken breasts or ground beef, and some veggies on theside... i just throw the whole thing in the fridge, and whenever i need a meal i just dish myself a plate.

but now i'm living in the dorms and my meals are paid for, so i'll be eating !%%%%% cafeteria food

oh well... next year i'll try to get my bodyfat under control before summer starts, so i won't get too overweight when i go on a winter bulk.
I dont take my iPod because I like to be aware of my surroundings in case something crazy pops off (burglars, rebellion,ect).

Oh, hgh...naw. It's a pride thing, and a moral thing. I am better than anything science can manufacture. I am good all byMyself and want no pity. Anyoneelse think like this?

what about if YOU somehow develope, from in own garage and from ur own samples, some kind of enhancer? No help just you...something I like to think about andbattle with myself over, from a ethical standpoint.
Based on what I've seen, dirty bulking while eating dorm food is easiest. Sure you'll look like a fatass, but nobody will care because in the dorms allthe girls are gaining weight too
, so everything will balance out andyou probably won't feel so bad about yourself.

Say if you had to pay based on items you pick up from the lunch line, then I'd say clean bulk because you have to be more selective of what you'reeating anyway. Either way, if you're trying to clean bulk, it's recommended you split your meals up to between 4-6 meals a day - which is reallydifficult when you're basically confined to 3 meals a day with the dining common schedule (late night doesn't count because you shouldnt be eatingthen).

Besides, you'll be free again in the summer, but if you wanna look good by summer I'd suggest cut by spring.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i was gonna throw up the pic i posted in the other thread but nah.

iceman is making me feel real small right now

speaking of transormations.....someone showed me this one on a while back, i was
i think he's like late 30s too.....we take for granted how easy it is for us dudes in our teens and 20s.....but at that age your test levels definitely are starting to dip.


dang good for him. Any idea how long it took him to get like that?

So anyways first contribution to this thread. So i ended up really cutting down this summer, and out of no where i started developing lumps in my chest. Didsome research and i have @%%%% tit! %%!! Going to get surgery next month to get it removed
%$%% it, im craving a cheat meal. Might do some subway or mickey d's.

How often do you guys cheat?
This thread was great motivation for me!

Here's my progress photos. 1st shot was about 2 and a half months ago, 2nd shot is current.

Not satisfied, but I'm really happy with the results.


Don't give up!
In the gym only thing I really listen to when working out is some Drum and Bass/ Dubstep something that sounds real grimey, or some gritty early 90's raplike Mobb Deep's first few albums, Wu-Tang, some early DMX or any D-Block/ Styles P mixtape.

Day 1 of my bulking phase starts today. Wish me luck.
Originally Posted by I3

%$%% it, im craving a cheat meal. Might do some subway or mickey d's.

How often do you guys cheat?
I have a 'real' meal once or twice a week. But nothing like a 2,000 cal meal from Cheesecake Factory or anything. Other than that Iusually eat a turkey or chicken burger (wheat bun) and/or turkey or chicken with brown rice.

I once forgot my iPod and it was hell for listen to the songs they play.

I have all sorts of songs on my iPod for the gym...trance, rap, rock. It depends what I'm doing. For cardio, I prefer pump up songs, but for liftinganything would work.
btw i need suggestions, what do yall listen to at the gym? preferably rap. my gym playlist is gettin real old.

Pandora radio for iphone

But depends on how im feeling. I try to stay away from the slow soft music and keep it rap and rock though sometimes im so focused I dont hear the music.
Just downloaded Get rich or doe trying
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

finns what kinda doses would he be doing? i feel like low doses could be pretty beneficial w/o any real side effects, but trying to boost it up to the levels you have when you're 20 is a bad idea.
no idea man. he always jokes that this family friend, who is a doc, should get him hgh for cheap.

HGH for cheap
.....Unless you trying to go pro or in your50's....HGH is not worth it.
One of my friends little brother took some pro hormones his junior/senior year of high school. I don't know if those were enough, or whether he was reallycycling on and off, but dude went from 135 to 185 in 16 months time. It's unreal.

As far as music goes like lurkin said the new Cam Gangsta Grillz, Get Rich or Die Trying (both the album and the soundtrack), and any b/s rap from the southyou can find from the last 3-4 years (Boosie, Webbie, Yo Gotti, etc.).

I don't listen to southern rap AT ALL outside of the gym, but the one thing that's somewhat quality about them, the beats, is enough to keep my tempoup in the gym.
Originally Posted by doyung9

One of my friends little brother took some pro hormones his junior/senior year of high school. I don't know if those were enough, or whether he was really cycling on and off, but dude went from 135 to 185 in 16 months time. It's unreal.

As far as music goes like lurkin said the new Cam Gangsta Grillz, Get Rich or Die Trying (both the album and the soundtrack), and any b/s rap from the south you can find from the last 3-4 years (Boosie, Webbie, Yo Gotti, etc.).

I don't listen to southern rap AT ALL outside of the gym, but the one thing that's somewhat quality about them, the beats, is enough to keep my tempo up in the gym.

Originally Posted by I3

%$%% it, im craving a cheat meal. Might do some subway or mickey d's.

How often do you guys cheat?
Once a week. Usually on Friday.

Go into McD's and order 3 double hamburgers,3 McChickens, and a Soda.

Extra calories to recover during the weekend.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

thats ok, it was just a pic of A-rod
Pretty much. Dude took down all the pictures of him prior to being 17 off his FB, but imagine McLovin' becoming GSP. Yeah, it's thatserious. And before anyone says anything, I'm not knocking dude, it's very much his own body to do as he pleases. And I wouldn't ever accuse him ofanything, as it's not my place, he told me he took pro-hormones... he tried getting me on them last week
... but seriously, at 23, my hormones are the last thing I want to fool with.
Guest: Dr. Stephen Welle

Dr. Welle's group produced one of the most relevant studies on Myostatin inhibition and muscle growth to come along since the discovery ofMyostatin. They quantified how much of a suppression must be achieved in order to see muscle gains! And once you hit the magic number the gains are impressive.Up to 25% gains in muscle mass in as little as three months! Then Chad from came on to talk about their new Myostatin ProPeptide which may bejust what's needed to reach the required suppression.

another link also
Originally Posted by Al Audi

great listen for those who have time. its 58:52 long.

Heres what I dont get from you. You seem to refrain from steroid use or "i could care less about hgh or steroids right now" But you seemso interested in myostatin inhibitors? Which to me is the current marketing BS being sold by supplement companies.
Although a very interesting listen, a product like that being used would be horrific and I cant even imagine the abuse. This would be far "worse"than steroids ever.
Imagine thousands of people looking like Ronnie. Either way im always up for a good science project
i think audi is also against the inhibitors, but has been posting info non stop lately just for the hell of it.

my knees feel like they want to collapse. just finished my run. maybe my knees can't support my upper body anymore. i run uphill too much lol
yeah i avoid any long-distance running. especially since you can cut fat quicker and with less muscle loss through HIIT.

no need.

yo lurkin ill give it a listen later could you give some cliffnotes rthough?

wawa nh but you got pics? do you do powerlifting competitively or something , or just for fun

yeah i gotta cop an iphone or something, those apps are dope.

edit: iceman you said you've taken ph's i believe, right? which ones did you take/how did they work for you?
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