Still not over it...YES GIRL RELATED.

Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Why do you guys continuously ask for relationship advice in a place where the majority of dudes claim to be Alphas but in reality are either Virgin or desperate dudes who pride themselves in the number of P they've slayed even if they are all shrek looking creatures.
I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

This me where I refered to my personal life, I'll wait.And you seriously gonna tell me the majority of dudes in here actually have a clue about what it takes to be in a committed relationship, GTHO! You must not keep up with the topics discussed on a regular on here...Inb4 this turns into another "let's hate Ksteezy" thread...some of you take what I post too much to heart, BLOCK me.
But I do think it is overstated/overrated who has and done what with how many girls when it comes to NT. According to some of you, I have NEVER had a woman to call my own. So that just goes to show you that you shouldn't listen to strangers when it comes to what they have to say about what other strangers have and haven't done in their lives.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm saying, if you are in a relationship with a chick that has the nerve to walk out the house naked and don't have the courage to leave her IF THAT BOTHERS you, then yes you are insecure in the fact that you feel you can't do any better than that...why the hell would you stay with a chick that doesn't respect you?...
Come on man, I was giving an extreme situation to prove my point.

Take a regular situation. I personally don't want my women wearing whorish clothing. If we happen to be going out somewhere and one of them decides to wear a skirt so short that it is just inappropriate (looking like a damn %$#+), I wouldn't be cool with that. That makes me insecure?

I am just saying that everything isn't a fear of someone stealing your girl. Perception plays a big role. I don't want to be out with someone and they are dressed in that type of fashion.

Hope that makes sense.

It wouldnt be you if it wasn't an extreme situation bro...lolI know what you mean, but being insecure doesn't always mean you are afraid of another dude taking your chick...but I see what you are trying to get at...i figure if I made shorty my girl is because we share te same moral compass or at least pretty similar....otherwise she wouldn't be my girl to take anywhere, where her outfit would embarrass me.
You can be on the same moral page as someone but that doesn't mean you see eye to eye 100% of the time. So please don't use the, "If she is my girl she already knows, etc." Women want to look cute, even if it means looking like a $$@*%. They don't view it that way, I do. So if someone I am with tries to leave the house like that with me in their presence, I wouldn't be cool with that at all. It is all about how it looks. If I couldn't take you to see my Grandmother in your current outfit, then I don't think it needs to be worn. Just how I am man.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Why do you guys continuously ask for relationship advice in a place where the majority of dudes claim to be Alphas but in reality are either Virgin or desperate dudes who pride themselves in the number of P they've slayed even if they are all shrek looking creatures.
I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

This me where I refered to my personal life, I'll wait.And you seriously gonna tell me the majority of dudes in here actually have a clue about what it takes to be in a committed relationship, GTHO! You must not keep up with the topics discussed on a regular on here...Inb4 this turns into another "let's hate Ksteezy" thread...some of you take what I post too much to heart, BLOCK me.


Why so srs brah brah?
There is a time an place for any sort of attire, a classy woman should know the difference and you as a man should know the difference between a classy woman and a hoodbooger who doesn't know any better....if you made a classless JO that doesn't know the difference between Sunday mass and Saturday's ladies night your girl/wife then that's your problem and you have only but yourself to blame....jussayin
Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Why do you guys continuously ask for relationship advice in a place where the majority of dudes claim to be Alphas but in reality are either Virgin or desperate dudes who pride themselves in the number of P they've slayed even if they are all shrek looking creatures.
I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

why even bring up his marriage tho? 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Why do you guys continuously ask for relationship advice in a place where the majority of dudes claim to be Alphas but in reality are either Virgin or desperate dudes who pride themselves in the number of P they've slayed even if they are all shrek looking creatures.
I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

why even bring up his marriage tho? 

That +@$# came out of left field
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Why do you guys continuously ask for relationship advice in a place where the majority of dudes claim to be Alphas but in reality are either Virgin or desperate dudes who pride themselves in the number of P they've slayed even if they are all shrek looking creatures.
I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

why even bring up his marriage tho? 
because he does.

And occasionally, it gets annoying.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Chosen One

I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

why even bring up his marriage tho? 

That +@$# came out of left field

Dude typed that response like he was mad as !!+# as his marriage. 
  I bussed out laughing at that response.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

There is a time an place for any sort of attire, a classy woman should know the difference and you as a man should know the difference between a classy woman and a hoodbooger who doesn't know any better....if you made a classless JO that doesn't know the difference between Sunday mass and Saturday's ladies night your girl/wife then that's your problem and you have only but yourself to blame....jussayin

Ok let me explain myself a little better.
I don't think any and all attire has a place and time. Some things I view as inappropriate unless you are a stripper. Yea it is cool to see girls in these clothes but if I sit and ask myself, "If I had a daughter and she wore this, how would I feel." Well when it comes to my own, that is how I approach it.
She can be classy and I am not referring to hoodrats. I am simply speaking of  the length/cut of certain clothes just shouldn't be worn by any woman at any time.

So if I am with someone (not a converted %$+%$%+, a classy female) and we decide to go to the club. She decides to wear a skirt that is an inch below her buttcheeks (classy women do wear garden tool clothes) I would have a problem with that. Does that make me insecure? I don't think it does. But for whatever reason men are just supposed to shutup and not "complain" when it comes to those things because it makes them appear/seem weak. I say if you aren't cool with something, speak up!
I don't know wife has worn some shooooooort !@% dresses, body hugging and still looked classy in my book, plus I felt like a million bucks walking with that by my side...before we go any further I demand pictures of what DC considers innaproppiate.
at this point she lacks basic respect for you...i dont know about you but i wouldnt want a disrespectful person around me to put it very simple
Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Chosen One

I hate when people say this.

Nobody gives a damn about you or your marriage brah.

why even bring up his marriage tho? 
because he does.

And occasionally, it gets annoying.

I know what you mean bro. Every time I see Ksteezy and his wife they be wearing their wedding rings and it just gets so annoying how they all open about being married...Like put your damn ring away son.
I understand the different opinion, but me personally, walking next to a scantily clad woman is more embarrassing to me than something to be proud of. I know how I look at women that dress like that, so knowing folks are looking at my woman like that, while I am right next to her, isn't a proud moment to me. Again, some would call it insecure, I don't think it is.

I will find pictures and post, give me a second.
Steezy, here are some short skirts that I wouldn't be cool with any woman of mine walking out of the house in. I am not saying these women don't look good but if she is mine, nah man. Again, I am focusing on the LENGTH of the skirt. And if she had big *******, I damn sure wouldn't those things bouncing all over the place. Low cut cleavege shirts, nah man.

Spoiler [+]
I have been there bro, at the end of the day, no words can heal, not even time. In my case, she was everything I could have dreamed of in a woman, but I wasnt ready for a relationship, was getting domed by some worthless bops, and blowing blunts every time before seeing her, I hold no regrets though, and you shouldn't either. I am glad I met her at the end of the day, and I learned more about myself in the rough months after the relationship than the 20 years prior.

In my heart, I know I affected her as much as she did me. Take the experience and roll with it man, as cliche as it sounds it will only make you stronger in the end.
Lmfao @ those hoodboogers you posted, the first one might get a pass, but the rest of them I wouldn't walk to the corner with, let alone make my girl...chicks tht dress like that obviously have no self-respect, can't expect to be respected and ultimately that #@!* will get you into a brawl, killed or you might just end up killing someone...point taken bro, but you shouldn't be wifeing up any chick that looks like that.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. essentially I feel you because I've been there but nothing anyone tells you on here is going to help. Time will have the decency of allowing your chest not to sting when you think about her but if you really loved her. You always will. She simply was just a lesson and experience. Some girl or girls are out there that are going to love the way you smile, your brand of humor, the way you talk or just the way your eyes look when you are deep in thought. These girls are going to think about you at work,class, church. They are going to get butterflies when they think about you kissing them. Some girl is going to deem you worthy enough for your semen to cascade through her cherished little body and ruin it just so she can replicate with your one of a kind DNA. So instead of looking at the past and at the girl that has no respect or eyes for you any longer prepare and get better for the ones that will long for you. Goodnight sleeping giant.

Reading that made me feel better
.  The relationship advice doesn't get any better than Wise...

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Steezy, here are some short skirts that I wouldn't be cool with any woman of mine walking out of the house in. I am not saying these women don't look good but if she is mine, nah man. Again, I am focusing on the LENGTH of the skirt. And if she had big *******, I damn sure wouldn't those things bouncing all over the place. Low cut cleavege shirts, nah man.

Is that a hole in the back?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Lmfao @ those hoodboogers you posted, the first one might get a pass, but the rest of them I wouldn't walk to the corner with, let alone make my girl...chicks tht dress like that obviously have no self-respect, can't expect to be respected and ultimately that #@!* will get you into a brawl, killed or you might just end up killing someone...point taken bro, but you shouldn't be wifeing up any chick that looks like that.
You have a difficult time staying on topic. I specifically said look at the length of the skirts. That is what I am focusing on. I am not talking about the quality of the female. Come on Steezy, stay on topic please.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I don't know wife has worn some shooooooort !@% dresses, body hugging and still looked classy in my book, plus I felt like a million bucks walking with that by my side...before we go any further I demand pictures of what DC considers innaproppiate.

Well steezy, he delivered....Now it's your turn 

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