Still not over it...YES GIRL RELATED.

I really like Airmaxin's approach...i've actually been doing something of the sort for a while now. You know how much stuff i've accomplished in my off season...

And also it kinda feels good to turn down some regular ol birds. Sure I could get to know them, but i've gotten pretty good at spotting the diggers, byrds, skip-skap scalliwags that waste time.

I enjoy my life.

I don't really know about a girl finding me...I think it should be a 50/50 want her she wants you (through eye contact, body language) but even in nyc I haven't really found anyone like that yet. Almost did a month back...but she's from canada...and that's like a step down from a byrd
Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23


You're right dude, that sounds absolutely nuts. But I guess I can see where you're going with that. Well not really. Question: how do you expect to find the chick you're looking for, if your passing up girls left and right?

That's the crazy thing bro, I expect her to find me.

how will you know when she finds you if you are turning down chicks w/o even getting to know them?

I went thru the same !*@* two months ago you just gotta forget bout her especially if she's doing you shady. No girl is worth it
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I really like Airmaxin's approach...i've actually been doing something of the sort for a while now. You know how much stuff i've accomplished in my off season...

And also it kinda feels good to turn down some regular ol birds. Sure I could get to know them, but i've gotten pretty good at spotting the diggers, byrds, skip-skap scalliwags that waste time.

I enjoy my life.

I don't really know about a girl finding me...I think it should be a 50/50 want her she wants you (through eye contact, body language) but even in nyc I haven't really found anyone like that yet. Almost did a month back...but she's from canada...and that's like a step down from a byrd

I guess I should have used better wording than "she will find me".But I'm about to type some real words for m NT brethren. Since we're all coming into this post I would suppose that each of us have been in a relationship. You know it takes tremendous effort to keep a relationship healthy. To me during every relationship you reach two key points. The first is the decision of whether or not you TRULY want to be with the girl. This is after the first dates , and awkward moments, and youre damn near on a first name basis with her parents. You know everything abou the girl, everything. The good kinds hearted moments than attracted you to her and then your have all her insecurities, her embarrassing moments , her regrets (no matter how bad they make you and her look), just plain out every terrible thing she's done in life. Here's where the first point comes into play. You go deep into your mind and think about why you're with her. You way out the pros and cons, think of all the cute Disney movie moments you've shared with her, and bring them toe to toe with the fights and drama, then you look at how dramatically things have changed from when the love was pure when you first started and how it evolved into what it is now. This is when you realize this is what a relationship truly is and that's it's truly a real job to keep it going strong. After you've made the decision of whether you want to remain with her or not you begin to show it. You may not know your showing it but it's just the little things at first that go unrecognized then you get negative feed back when things she used to take precendent over become more important than her. And things just keep slowly declining until its done. However if you choose to be with her you instantly improve your relationship because at that point you embedded it in your mind that you're gonna be together for a long time. After either choice happens you generally think of the second key point. This is when you ask yourself if you would have been or would be better off without her. All the money you could have saved, all the great things you could have done. This stings extremely More if during the first key point you realized the person you thought you loved , when honestly you probably just lusted for, is who you thought she was and begin to dwell on the years of your life wasted. Granted you shared loving moments that will last with you forever , then you think of the other side, the reason you're not together. The point I'm aiming at is focus on your life before you involve someone because the times spent in the prime of your life on women who aren't or won't be in your life forever will just drag your legacy down. Worry about love when love is your only worry.
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

My dude, what I'm about to say may sound extremely stupid, but it gets me through. I've been on and off with a girl for a year +.  Me and this chick are exactly the same. Because of  her I actually know what it will take to love someone and be in a true relationship.  However, we had that fall out and the love was lost.  Honestly, I knew she made questionable decisions in life yet I still loved her. Now I opened my eyes and finally can see that she really doesn't love me at all.  My solution for getting over her is patience. I know out of the billion of women in the world there will be one for me, I even have a mental image of her.  Again this sounds extremely crazy and delusional, but it is what it is.  I tell all women attractive or not that I'm in a relationship.  Ofcourse, I don't tell them I'm dating a girl that I picture in my head. I just tell them there's someone special waiting for me. Therefore, all my time that was spent chasing women and getting wasted and Bsing, goes to exercise, work, and other extremely productive things. So when I do meet this girl, I can protect, provide, and just flat out give her my all.....and ofcourse she won't be American. I want a women foreign to everything that goes on in the states.
You're right dude, that sounds absolutely nuts. But I guess I can see where you're going with that. Well not really. Question: how do you expect to find the chick you're looking for, if your passing up girls left and right?
That's the crazy thing bro, I expect her to find me.
AirMaxin thats called Law of Attraction....something like that happened to me a couple years ago, when I was telling all my friends that I was gonna get a West Indian girl because they are more grounded. I was telling them "Watch, Ima get me a caribbean chick Im tired of these DC birds" two months later I meet this gorgeous Trini girl, and we hit it off lovely, met each other's parents were together for like 2 years, she was a lot of what I hoped for and I got it.

Of course I ended up cheating on her and f****d it all the way up, but the point is that I had a vision and I just KNEW I was gonna get this type of girl. Like something in me just knew it even though there was no evidence it was gonna happen. And the funny thing was when I met her, I wasn't even surprised on how everything transpired because in my mind I already knew it was gonna happen.

The moral of the story is lock your phone because Trini women are nosy and they hold grudges.
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