Stop calling us "Spanish"

Agreed I aint Mexican but wouldnt care if people thought I was Mexican.

I had white and black friends in LA who wanted to be or act Mexican.
Look at the white dude on storage wars that acts and dresses like a cholo. I know a ton of white and black chicks in LA who only like mexicans/latinos. Blacks like Eazy E and Snoop all jocked the mexican style of dress and lingo. Mexicans in Cali gave us the Lowrider.

Also if people said you looked like Mexican Mark Sanchez (dated kate upton) you wouldnt have a problem. The truth is people are insecure and think looking mexican means you gotta look like George Lopez and be poor. Art Moreno owner of the LA Angels is mexican why dont we ever hear about him.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by McRaptor

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Isn't the term "Orient" just referring to East as in Asia in general. So would 't calling someone Oriental just mean someone from Asia?

Ignorant on the subject... Asking a serious question.
I haven't met a single asian that's found it offensive 
U sure about that? I'm not Asian, but when I hear an Asian referred to as "oriental", I think of seasoning, not race, ethnicity, or a geographic location
Personally, I find the term to be archaic.
I would compare it to someone calling a black person "colored."

It's not quite offensive, but not quite PC.

That being said, don't call me oriental. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by babylonzion

spanish & asian are just broad terms in my opinion when you don't know their specific ethnicity

what gets me about the term Asian is that we automatically assume it's either a Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. We refer to other people from parts of Asia as Indians, Middle Eastern, Pakistani and so on.  Why is a Chinese person the Asian stereotype?
Cuz there's more Chinese people than any other people on the planet?
Good. Nobody can call another person by anything other than what they specifically are. Maybe we could all wear signs around our necks which outline the details of our heritage.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Good. Nobody can call another person by anything other than what they specifically are. Maybe we could all wear signs around our necks which outline the details of our heritage.
this.  people getting too butthurt over getting called the wrong ethnicity by accident.  i could understand if someone is doing it to bother you, but if it's an honest mistake who cares?
Filipinos aint Asian when its convenient, cause when something is hot in terms of being Asian (like when Lin was doing his thing earlier for the Knicks, EVERYONE was Asian )

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I don't get offended by people calling me "white". Personally, I think people are too sensitive. What's the big deal? They're not using it in a derogatory manner.

because the spaniards exploited latinos. there's no need to further belittle the oppressed by refusing to acknowledge the distinction.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

Agreed I aint Mexican but wouldnt care if people thought I was Mexican.

I had white and black friends in LA who wanted to be or act Mexican.
Look at the white dude on storage wars that acts and dresses like a cholo. I know a ton of white and black chicks in LA who only like mexicans/latinos. Blacks like Eazy E and Snoop all jocked the mexican style of dress and lingo. Mexicans in Cali gave us the Lowrider.

Also if people said you looked like Mexican Mark Sanchez (dated kate upton) you wouldnt have a problem. The truth is people are insecure and think looking mexican means you gotta look like George Lopez and be poor. Art Moreno owner of the LA Angels is mexican why dont we ever hear about him.
lol whut?
In NYC, you're spanish if you come from/have heritage from a spanish speaking country. It's a city wide thing, can't change that from the internet my friend.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I don't get offended by people calling me "white". Personally, I think people are too sensitive. What's the big deal? They're not using it in a derogatory manner.

because the spaniards exploited latinos. there's no need to further belittle the oppressed by refusing to acknowledge the distinction.
Buuut if you're not Spanish or Latino then you don't really have anything at all to do with that history.  Not knowing the distinction is not the same as refusing to acknowledge it.
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