Store Owner In Brooklyn Apparently Caught Receiving DOG MEAT Delivery


We comparing dogs to humans bro?


But if I'm keeping it 100...

Like if I were a plane crash survivor, or lost at sea like some of the people who had to resort to cannibalism?


  • In November 2008, a group of 33 undocumented immigrants from the Dominican Republic, who were en route to Puerto Rico, resorted to cannibalism after they were lost at sea for over 15 days before being rescued by a U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat.[101]
Then yeah man, the homie is def gon' catch this fade.

Tell his family, that if it's any consolation...."he was delicious."


Yes in the face of extreme adversity, I was wondering how far y'all would take it. I almost referenced the move Alive also :lol:

Like say we were living in some sort of post apocalyptic dystopian state, I'm curious as to how NT would respond if the food supply was near zero. Would everyone just start at the bottom of the human food chain?
People care more about dogs than human beings.

If people care more about ALL dogs than ALL humans, that's a problem.

I know some sh*tty people that I'd gladly pass over to give a dog a room in my crib though.
Perhaps but there is a process and it takes generations.
If one takes any wild animal from birth - and cares for it - that does not make it properly domesticated.

I was always impressed that we recruited horses as a work species 'relatively recently' think a guy once saw this half-ton wild animal and went "k let's ride *****."

that man died, but we obviously got it right at some point.
Ate kuli (dog) back in the roots.
After a night of getting faded we ran over Clifford. Fob Cuzzo threw it in the back of the truck and said get the hot water ready when get back.

Speaking of Clifford, If he would’ve pooped... his **** would’ve been hella big
I’ll say it again .. I personally wouldn’t prep some of these animals but if the meat is cooked up and tastes good I wouldn’t mind eating it.. squirrels look like rat once all the fur is off but shoot they taste good for what they are
Shoot the way some people love and care for their dogs it seems like they probably would taste good like Kobe beef check the post your dog thread and tell me some don’t look like they would be good to eat
So if giada whatever her fine *** italian last name is, stirred you up some puppy parmesan.

Youd eat??
Yes and then I'd eat her groceries.

Now this is disgusting.

But if I grilled a d bbq'd that dog and seasoned it like salt bae then I'm a monster :smh:

no different than eating any other meat
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Look Dawg.
What’s your reasoning for being vegetarian or vegan?

I did the pesecterian(only fish and seafood) lifestyle before I had higher levels of energy when I slowly stop eating meat. I'm no expert but it was great way to live at the time. I'll assume you get higher levels of energy, with this type of life choice diet imo.
What’s your reasoning for being vegetarian or vegan?

Real understanding of what it means to be a sentient being and a true wholistic perspective on life.

Better =/= different

Animals just like us wish to strive and not suffer. We are basically animals experiencing a higher level of consciousness. With that higher consciousness comes a greater level of responsibility and we’ve been doing a piss poor job.

I ate meat for the first 30 years of my life so I don’t belittle anyone who eats meat but if you’re talking that “a dog ain’t ****” or “a humans life holds more value” bs then you’re a low vibration individual who has a lot to learn. And chances are if you speak or think like that you won’t learn in this lifetime.
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