Study links teen marijuana use to IQ decline

Nov 16, 2001

Teens who routinely smoke marijuana risk a long-term drop in their IQ, a new study has suggested.

The researchers did not find the same IQ decline for people who became frequent users of pot after 18.

Though experts said the new findings are not definitive, they fit with earlier signs that the drug is especially harmful to the developing brain.

"Parents should understand that their adolescents are particularly vulnerable," said lead researcher Madeline Meier of Duke University.

Meier and colleagues reported their work online Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study was funded with governmental grants from the US and Britain and by a foundation in Switzerland.

Study participants from New Zealand were tested for IQ at age 13, likely before any significant marijuana use, and again at age 38.

Study's message

The mental decline between those two ages was seen only in those who started regularly smoking pot before age 18.

Richie Poulton, a study co-author and professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, said the message of the research is to stay away from marijuana until adulthood if possible.

"For some, it's a legal issue,'' he said, "but for me, it's a health issue.'' Marijuana use is illegal in New Zealand.

Nearly one in four older US teens said they'd recently smoked pot in a recent government study, making it more popular than cigarettes.

Young people "don't think it's risky", said Staci Gruber, a researcher at the Harvard-affiliated MacLean Hospital in Massachusetts.

Gruber, who didn't participate in the study, said the idea that marijuana harms the adolescent brain is "something we believe is very likely,'' and the new finding of IQ declines warrants further investigation.

Experts said the new research is an advance because its methods avoid the criticisms of some earlier work, which generally did not measure mental performance before marijuana use began.

"I think this is the cleanest study I've ever read'' that looks for long-term harm from marijuana use, said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which helped fund the research.

The study drew on survey data from more than 1,000 people in New Zealand, everyone born in the town of Dunedin during a year-long span ending in 1973. In addition to IQ tests, they were interviewed five times between ages 18 and 38, including questions related to their marijuana use.

At age 18, 52 participants indicated they had become dependent on marijuana, meaning that they continued to use it despite its causing significant health, social or legal problems. Ninety-two others reported dependence starting at a later age.

Researchers compared their IQ scores at age 13 to the scores at age 38 and found a drop only in those who had become dependent by 18.

IQ declines

Those deemed dependent in three or more surveys had a drop averaging eight points. For a person of average intelligence, an eight-point drop would mean ranking higher than only 29 per cent of the population rather than 50 per cent, the researchers said.

Among participants who had been dependent at 18 and in at least one later survey, quitting did not remove the problem. IQ declines showed up even if they'd largely or entirely quit using pot at age 38, analysis showed.

Duncan Clark, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, said he is not convinced that mental decline is only in those who become dependent by age 18. He said the main lesson he sees in the overall study results is that to preserve one's IQ, it's best to avoid marijuana entirely, no matter what your age.

The researchers also surveyed people who knew the study participants well at age 38.

They found that the more often participants were rated as marijuana-dependent in the surveys over their lifetimes, the more memory and attention problems were noticed by their acquaintances over the previous year.

obama smoked bud.... clearly he failed.

phelps smoked bud clearly he failed

clinton smoked bud....

yo its common because its common. its in everyones lives... and all the stupid studies in the world aren't going to say otherwise and I'm not even a smoker, I just tried it in school.

Study is equivalent to "eggs being good for you 5 years ago bad for you now so lets just wait another 5....
The use of any mind altering substance has adverse affects when the user in question is under the age of 18 (up to the mid-20s.)

obama smoked bud.... clearly he failed.
phelps smoked bud clearly he failed
clinton smoked bud....
yo its common because its common. its in everyones lives... and all the stupid studies in the world aren't going to say otherwise and I'm not even a smoker, I just tried it in school.
Study is equivalent to "eggs being good for you 5 years ago bad for you now so lets just wait another 5....

Just because a few known people do it does not make it true. We are talking about addicts on pot not casual user.
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But I'm sayin doe, if one is a pot "addict" something is already wrong, can't blame the dope.
just like lifting weights at a young age stunts growth?

any studies done on people who just started smoking in their adult years?
obama smoked bud.... clearly he failed.
phelps smoked bud clearly he failed
clinton smoked bud....
yo its common because its common. its in everyones lives... and all the stupid studies in the world aren't going to say otherwise and I'm not even a smoker, I just tried it in school.
Study is equivalent to "eggs being good for you 5 years ago bad for you now so lets just wait another 5....

Because Phelps really needed that IQ to swim... :stoneface:

The study isn't saying your life turns into a train wreck if you light up once in a while.
But I'm sayin doe, if one is a pot "addict" something is already wrong, can't blame the dope.
There are tons of addictions
hard drugs

There will always be a issue with something.
There are alot more things dangerous than marijuana sodas and certain medicaation are just the tip of the iceberg. I'm tired of watching ads with all propaganda and may cause......................
i believe. i also believe that it kills your ambition.
still cheif tho.

There are plenty of flourishing potheads who will beg to differ.

Lazy ****** give weed a bad rap as if that's why they're lazy and without ambition. I treat it as more of a spiritual medicine. I chief and start brainstorming. I don't just lay on my *** and play 2K.
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Because Phelps really needed that IQ to swim... :stoneface:
The study isn't saying your life turns into a train wreck if you light up once in a while.

the whole thing is deceptive and people keep pushing this nonsense against marijuana when its clearly one of the least dangerous substances that people partake in when compared to say alcohol or caffine.

IQ's relevance is already debatable and its not the end all answer to someones intelligence / productivity / or success.

so basically who cares. you can be "addicted" to anything and be a less : smart, ambitious, social, [insert any random adjective]
Wow, shocking. Theyve been advertising for years that smoking weed damages brain cells
Any drug administered can be damaging to a young developing mind. The herb should be treated as such. I don't think anyone should smoke until they are at least 21. Just my opinion.
............... all I gotta say is when I'm watching TV and I hear that commercial that says "may cause blindness, diarrhea, temporary loss of hearing etc....."

and these are the drugs that are OK for us?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'll take the IQ decline.
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According to the OP and the info Meek Meals posted. Snoop was an effin genius before he started smoking.
According to the OP and the info Meek Meals posted. Snoop was an effin genius before he started smoking.

Well the word genius means a little something different to everyone now doesn't it.

Some may say that he's still a GENIUS because he was able to smoke weed his entire life, significantly lower is IQ and still make significantly more amounts of money than those with IQ levels that trump his.
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I honestly believe it does fuc wit your brain in the long term. But we'll have to wait a whole till the long term studies are actually done
I haven't smoked in a while just because I started grad school.

I feel that as an avid proponent for the uses for cannabis....I can see how routine use CAN cause a reduction in IQ.

Fact when I smoke like 2 weeks was everyday for about 4 months. I still found the zest to read and go outside and gain knowledge.

The thing with cannabis is that IT COULD LEAD to poor diet :lol: and other things like a reduction of doing social things for some people and sociability along with excercise has been shown to be the 2 greatest things to keep the human brain in proper working condition.

I'm a lone stoner myself....but I gotta call up my cousin or lil bro sometimes when I'm lifted because I enjoy laughing and that sociability aspect.

Damn....I gotta spark one this weekend.
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