Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

I'm just getting back into Brawl. I've already added everybody from MA, NJ, PA, and RI on page 1.

I'm in the process of adding everybody from NY on page 1 too.

Add me please!

Here is my information...

East Coast - Massachusetts

bustinxjustin (JUSTN) - MA - 4081-7955-8903
wow. i lost this thread. havent added anybdy yet even tho i said i would monthsw ago. sorry guy. will do i shortly and hand every1's arses back to them.
Originally Posted by bustinxjustin

I just finished adding everybody from the East Coast list on the first page.
Shouldn't had done that, only about 14% of the whole list are actually online so kinda of did it for no reason.
I just added everyone on the east coast too. Everyone says awaiting registration. Guess i will delete whoever didnt add me after a couple of weeks or so.Everyone please add me
blackngold1z ALEX NYC 0430-8003-3359

This should have been said a long time ago and I'm mad late, but I want to apologize to y'all for a few things. First off, good lookin' out to DFJfor maintaining the tournament despite the no show's and all the other stuff. The 2nd tournament should have been done long ago (late July, early August),but I admittedly slacked a bit and when I was finalizing all the details and rules, I end up getting banned. Out of the times I've been banned/suspended,that one is all on me...stupid thing I did, but won't say it here because they're waiting for me to slip up again. Anyways, I come back some time laterbut I decided not to take part in the tourney because of other stuff I had going at the time. I recently got banned AGAIN (over some straight bull *@**, ify'all know that dude Mayor, he was already know
) on my dat sick kid account. Then I get another one of my backup names banned for noreason...w/e though. Certain politics that goes on in NT and once you get a target on your back, they don't let up...
. We'll see how long this namelasts...

Back to Brawl though, I haven't played in a couple weeks. I just went through moving to a new crib and I got the 'net set up, but the wirelessconnection isn't as strong as it was in my old house. I haven't tried playing online yet but I'm afraid I might experience some lag...who knows.I'll be up and running when I have is a female dog.

CRI, wassup fam!?

�ok guys so i just played this guy named TRUMP from gb not a ranked match but for fun i suprised my self a few times by actually winning honestly 4 matches thefalco is getting sharper if you guys think he aint @%# yall need to peep homies vids on youtube for your enjoyment
Forgot all about this thread.

Haven't played yall NT'ers in a while.

Anyone wanna play?
Damn, thread came back from the dead...

I haven't played Brawl in well over a month
...don't think I can play today, but hopefully sometime within the next couple of days.

My dude MPIRE got suspended for 2 weeks over at S&T.
iLLoQuent aka DSK wrote:

Damn, thread came back from the dead...

I haven't played Brawl in well over a month
...don't think I can play today, but hopefully sometime within the next couple of days.

My dude MPIRE got suspended for 2 weeks over at S&T.

Thought ya old S/n was back but just the same image. Haven't seen u in brawl in a min son, gotta hit me up for a L
Get at me tomorrow(well today lol) Czda. I think I only played you like 2-3 times in FFAs lol.

I'ma be rusty as hell tho...haven't played since I lost in the tourney.
who ended up winning the last tourney?? ill probably start picking it up again after finals next week.. see you guys then!
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

what's the point. I swear no one plays this anymore.
Haven't played for close to 2 months...

And if people didn't keep flaking on the tourney, maybe we'd have a winner...

If anyone feels like whooping my @*% in Brawl, let me know...
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