Superclass: The Global Power Elite

^^ Serious business. I wouldn't be surprised if everything that was said in that video was true, I just cannot believe that these people have the power toeven play with the idea of eliminating half of the world population.
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

^^ Serious business. I wouldn't be surprised if everything that was said in that video was true, I just cannot believe that these people have the power to even play with the idea of eliminating half of the world population.

�Well, when you have 7 corporations effectively attempting to completely (now they just effectively control the seed supply) control the world food supplythrough GMO seeds how hard will it be to eliminate "undesirable" populations when they succeed? Won't be too difficult at all.

Ever wonder how there was all this big hoopla about how GMO seeds would eliminate hunger yet there's always too little food? It was never about eliminatinghunger. It was about controlling the world's food supply.

Informative documentary about Monsanto's attempt to patent gene sequences in Pigs. First pigs, then poultry, then cattle.
Why not patent human gene sequences? So every time a baby is born the parents have to pay money for certain gene sequences.
at the same time.
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