Survey: How much would you spend on a quality piece of shirt and pants?

Originally Posted by wj4

1.  Your age is:
C.  26-30

2.  How much would you spend on a quality shirt (think sport shirt or shirt with a collar)?:
B.  $55-70

I have spent this much, but now I really like the M1X button down shirts from Express which you can usually get for about 2 for $60-70.

3.  How much would you spend on a quality pair of pants (specifically chinos)?:
B.  $75-100

Recently got a new pair of pants from Express for $80.  Not suit quality, but very nice.

The last time I spent over $70 for pants is when I was in High School w/ the Girbaud jean outfit. 

Banana Republic ftw these days 
I think it really depends on the level class you are trying to emulate (or represent)

1. Your age is:
B. 21-25

2. How much would you spend on a quality shirt (think sport shirt or shirt with a collar)?:
D. $105+

3. How much would you spend on a quality pair of pants (specifically chinos)?:
C. $105-150

I'm tall (Almost 7') and make decent money, so I really want to get something that fits, which is hard to get, and expensive at that.
1. D
2. C
3. C

I would however choose D for questions two and three if it was really something I had to have but more likely to use the price ranges of C.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Starting a clothing line, ey?

1. B
2. A, B
3. A
If you can call it that, haha.  It's going to be a very slow process because I'm doing everything myself.  I'm not even sure how many members here will even like it because it will not be anything like The 100s or C&C.  There will be no t shirts with graphic stuff, just regular ol' boring clothes that are of good quality and can last (assuming one doesn't get bigger and outgrow the clothes)/  I have my mission statement made already, and I will stay true to it.

 I decided to come back to the first message-board that I was on to get some opinions.  One of the most important, if not the most, criterias is the price point.  I can charge $300 for a shirt that is hand made by artisans in Italy made from the finest material, but not a lot of us will be able to afford it. 

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Starting a clothing line, ey?

1. B
2. A, B
3. A
If you can call it that, haha.  It's going to be a very slow process because I'm doing everything myself.  I'm not even sure how many members here will even like it because it will not be anything like The 100s or C&C.  There will be no t shirts with graphic stuff, just regular ol' boring clothes that are of good quality and can last (assuming one doesn't get bigger and outgrow the clothes)/  I have my mission statement made already, and I will stay true to it.

 I decided to come back to the first message-board that I was on to get some opinions.  One of the most important, if not the most, criterias is the price point.  I can charge $300 for a shirt that is hand made by artisans in Italy made from the finest material, but not a lot of us will be able to afford it. 


Yeah  I don't care how rich I may get or not get, I can never see paying $200 and up a damned shirt. 
My uncle is a billionaire and he's one of those frugal rich people, drives a buick and what not. I don't see a point of spending that on a shirt. 

i don't mind spending a lot of money on shoes, but i'm more of a bargain shopper when it comes to clothing...
In my eyes no shirt is worth over $50 and no pair of pants is worth more than $70
1. Your age is:
A. 15-20

2. How much would you spend on a quality shirt (think sport shirt or shirt with a collar)?:
A. $30-50

3. How much would you spend on a quality pair of pants (specifically chinos)?:
I dont buy chinos but i bought a pair of jeans for $400
1. Your age is:
B. 21-25

2. How much would you spend on a quality shirt (think sport shirt or shirt with a collar)?:
A. $30-50

3. How much would you spend on a quality pair of pants (specifically chinos)?:
A. $50-70
(But would really only pay $40)
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