Tap or Bottled Water

Poland Spring
depends where you live when i lived in ny the tap is ok but here in florida you cant pay me to drink this tap
so i drink deer park water
i drink the tap water because the city puts restrictions on what is in it and you get a report telling you exactly what is in it plus the flouride is good foryour teeth who knows what they do with the bottled water
I only drink poland spring...i could drink other bottled water but IMO tap water taste horrible
city water in DMV isnt all that good, but i was raised on it...so its no biggie to me..

tap > bottled
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

You bought this. Product placement / Impulse buys FTL. And you can't tell me you was thirsty when you bought it cause you probably took thispicture.
when I lived in KY the water was good out of the tap. In Mississippi it was brown, in Texas it's dirty, and here in Montana its ok
Bottled. Tap water taste like crap here. So the same poisons in bottled water are they also in sports drinks?
The tap water is nice where im from. Poland Springs has been accused of bottling the same water we use for tap water

also the tap water is going to be cleaner than bottled water
NYC tap water routinely outcompetes most bottled waters because tap water regulations are enforced by the EPA while bottled water regulations are enforced bythe FDA. The EPA holds much higher standards for tap water than the FDA does for bottled.
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