Taxi 12's - December '13

I doubt they'll be pissed. Not like it'll be easy for them to catch a restock.
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I just called FNL first thing this morning. So sad and funny at the same time, their comment on the 4 charges on my card was "Oh that never happens!?!" and all will be refunded. I politely explained that this is no acceptable and after I spent a least $2k this year only buying exclusively and only from FNL they should find me a pair and they should check their faulty system, its not my problem that they could not get my money that I was offering them 4 times.

Buying from them is becoming very unreliable and they are losing my business, I am just going to move to the competition. The only plus is that those were not a pair that I will be really going after and not copping isn't that big of a deal, but if that was for something I really like and want and they pull the same BS I will be definitely closing my account with FNL. 

It's a shame to see people acting this way over some kicks. 3 people where I'm at got robbed at gunpoint when they got out into the parking lot of the mall. For their taxis. People are just gonna keep getting worse. It won't ever get better.
I just called FNL first thing this morning. So sad and funny at the same time, their comment on the 4 charges on my card was "Oh that never happens!?!" and all will be refunded. I politely explained that this is no acceptable and after I spent a least $2k this year only buying exclusively and only from FNL they should find me a pair and they should check their faulty system, its not my problem that they could not get my money that I was offering them 4 times.
Buying from them is becoming very unreliable and they are losing my business, I am just going to move to the competition. The only plus is that those were not a pair that I will be really going after and not copping isn't that big of a deal, but if that was for something I really like and want and they pull the same BS I will be definitely closing my account with FNL. 

Yeah, I've learned my lesson with FNL. I only use them for in store purchases. With no free shipping, winners circle doesn't even do anything.
For me is not an option, I can't waste time to go around and hustle for some kicks, that's why we have online right. I have a family that needs me, cant be losing half Saturday for my own personal pleasure, plus I am too old for this stuff, can't be going to the mall with my elbows high with the rest of the young cats on the line.
crazy the measures people have to go through to spend their money. 2012 and 2013 have been good for me in releases and from this day on I will restrain myself from buying sneakers again for a couple years and get my financial priorities in order. Having enough sneakers to wear a different pair for 3 months straight is ridiculous. I'm blessed to have a good job right now to be able to afford these luxuries and be able to meet all my financial obligations rent/student loan payments but looking back at the money I spent on shoes seems irresponsible. That money could have been saved for a rainy day and instead it fed my addiction to fooling myself that sneakers buy happiness. I respect those that have been long time collectors but I guess I fell into a nostalgic trap of buying kicks that I always wanted to have back in the 90s. sorry for the rant but I guess I needed to vent for myself and do what's right before this "sneaker game" gets even uglier.
crazy the measures people have to go through to spend their money. 2012 and 2013 have been good for me in releases and from this day on I will restrain myself from buying sneakers again for a couple years and get my financial priorities in order. Having enough sneakers to wear a different pair for 3 months straight is ridiculous. I'm blessed to have a good job right now to be able to afford these luxuries and be able to meet all my financial obligations rent/student loan payments but looking back at the money I spent on shoes seems irresponsible. That money could have been saved for a rainy day and instead it fed my addiction to fooling myself that sneakers buy happiness. I respect those that have been long time collectors but I guess I fell into a nostalgic trap of buying kicks that I always wanted to have back in the 90s. sorry for the rant but I guess I needed to vent for myself and do what's right before this "sneaker game" gets even uglier.

I respect your post.
Yes, there are more important things in life than collecting every new sneaker that comes out.

I recently lost my job and instead of cash in the bank I have a closet full of expensive kicks.
Granted, I still order selected kicks but I will tone down my spending on them.
What I will do is sell the shoes I don't wear much to fund the new releases I want.

For instance, I passed on the Taxi's. I already have a couple of XII's so I did not need another pair.
However, I wanted the Kobe Prelude 2. So instead of spending money I sold (3) pairs of older kicks to pay for them.

Good stuff my man, proud of you.
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For me is not an option, I can't waste time to go around and hustle for some kicks, that's why we have online right. I have a family that needs me, cant be losing half Saturday for my own personal pleasure, plus I am too old for this stuff, can't be going to the mall with my elbows high with the rest of the young cats on the line.

need a sz 9 tho...i slept
Had the CDP xii. They were a decent balling with reasonable quality. Sold them last year

Didn't bother getting this year's xii as Jordan quality has been going down hill for a long time
It's a shame to see people acting this way over some kicks. 3 people where I'm at got robbed at gunpoint when they got out into the parking lot of the mall. For their taxis. People are just gonna keep getting worse. It won't ever get better.

i go instore for big releases once in a blue moon but when i do i come strapped.

especially in stockton, california where people rob you for your soda cup from mcdonalds
My B homie I didnt mean to come off a certain i was just saying in general. That ish just pisses me off that people act like that. That and black friday smh..
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