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You can have tons of stories and slayed tons of yambs but it's the lessons you take from each encounter that make you better. Can't stress this enough, stop putting so much pressure on yourself to get yambs. It's so much more to this world. As men we have been condition to do two things exclusively:
1) Get Money
2) Get Yambs
When it reality you should be:
1) Acquiring Knowledge
2) Building A Legacy
Vagina will never disappear as long as there is air and water..
Doesn't matter your stats or how many you have on reserve. The main focus to anyone's life should be self love, having fun, standing by your convictions, taking care of those that truly hold you down and building a foundation so when you perish from this earth, people can honestly say that you contributed to bettering lives around you so hopefully the knowledge and love they learned from you can be passed down for generations. Stop worrying if a young lady is going to like you. Get out of your head and just do it. Take the L's, I swear my funniest stories are about rejection. Just love this life man and find other things to make you whole and happy.
Women should compliment your lifestyle not define it and should never be a basis for your own happiness. Enjoy the single life but also look out for what could be something great.
My big bro EWD did not get to this point with all wins, he took L's as well but that built his character and knowledge. I know it's hard to see when you my be in despair but if you believe and keep striving to be better, I promise, I'm a living testament that it gets better..
I'm really feeling this chick in my student org. Right now I think its a really bad idea to even try and I feel like she probably doesn't even feel the same way. I just don't want to make things awkward the rest of the year you know? Like we're good friends as it is, but I don't know if I should even pursue anything and risk looking stupid in front of our other peers. I also don't really have much experience with girls either in terms of relationships...
Bro just go for it. If she's not into you like that onto the next one. No matter what happens after it won't be awkward unless you make it awkward.

As crazy as worrying about "looking stupid" in front of your peers might sound to some on here, to others it probably sounds perfectly normal. Do whatever makes you comfortable, if you're more comfortable getting at her in private do that. If she's not into you and runs her mouth about how " stupid" you were to get at her then she's a bird anyway while some other girl with a brain is probably wet wishing you chose her.

No better time to start gaining experience with women than now while you're in school, you're gonna start at level 1 whether you start right now or 5 years from now, honestly which makes more sense?
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[COLOR=#red]Wow didn't even know you somewhat settled down E. Peep, don't fight it bro, nothing wrong with putting primary time into one chick if you feeling her my dude.

Being on both sides of the fence I can say this much...finding that one chick that you feel totally comfortable with not only as an outlet for smashing but a COMPANION too is feels much better overall than messing with 5 or 6 chicks you just randomly smashing. Sometimes we get so deep into smashing jumpoffs and **** that we forget the true value of a good chick, or we treat the few good chicks that come through our lives like JOs and ****.

I'm at the point where smashing Yambs for the sake of smashing Yambs gets old real fast. I've had an amazing variety of women for different races, cultures, economic levels, and so forth and after awhile you realize it's pretty much a hole to put your joints of there is no other connection.

But when you find that chick that makes you feel more alive when you are around them even when y'all aren't smashing, that a beautiful thing right there. Finding that one who can keep your attention and hold you down and make you want to cut down the team is the true definition of addition by subtraction my dudes. But maybe that's just me.][/COLOR]

Yeah man, why u think I have been ghost? I'm all for helping the guys with questions out, but I have been traveling a ton recently.

Smashing randoms and having a team is truly something every man SHOULD do before finding the one. It made me realize what I was looking for in a woman and know that she is the one.

I truly feel blessed to think I found her. Met her parents few weeks back and she met mine this weekend. The feeling is greater than anything I have every felt before, and makes me feel like a true man.
[COLOR=#red]Wow didn't even know you somewhat settled down E. Peep, don't fight it bro, nothing wrong with putting primary time into one chick if you feeling her my dude.

Being on both sides of the fence I can say this much...finding that one chick that you feel totally comfortable with not only as an outlet for smashing but a COMPANION too is feels much better overall than messing with 5 or 6 chicks you just randomly smashing. Sometimes we get so deep into smashing jumpoffs and **** that we forget the true value of a good chick, or we treat the few good chicks that come through our lives like JOs and ****.

I'm at the point where smashing Yambs for the sake of smashing Yambs gets old real fast. I've had an amazing variety of women for different races, cultures, economic levels, and so forth and after awhile you realize it's pretty much a hole to put your joints of there is no other connection.

But when you find that chick that makes you feel more alive when you are around them even when y'all aren't smashing, that a beautiful thing right there. Finding that one who can keep your attention and hold you down and make you want to cut down the team is the true definition of addition by subtraction my dudes. But maybe that's just me.][/COLOR]

Yeah man, why u think I have been ghost? I'm all for helping the guys with questions out, but I have been traveling a ton recently.

Smashing randoms and having a team is truly something every man SHOULD do before finding the one. It made me realize what I was looking for in a woman and know that she is the one.

I truly feel blessed to think I found her. Met her parents few weeks back and she met mine this weekend. The feeling is greater than anything I have every felt before, and makes me feel like a true man.
If I pm you will you drop gems stories and give me advice in things i need help with? :lol:
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^im happy for you broseph. Don't be a stranger now

Thanks man. Just been crazy busy with job stuff and literally been to NY, SF, SLO, Vegas in the last 4 weekends.

Thread moves so quick I'm like :wow:

Anyone ever needs advice, throw me a PM.
to capitalize on what EWD, Mugen and E cook have said.

Yes gettin yambs is cool, and by all means get em because they're damn sure not going anywhere.

There does come a time when pulling to pull gets boring or not as fulfilling.

That woman who makes you feel alive again, or has you do things you'd never thought you'd do, or even just excited to be around her because you know it's going to be a good day even if you just sit at home and watch movies all day..

The girl I'm currently with (and i've shared this before) I thought it was going to be a smash and dash. Hell i was trying to sneak out her apartment after I smashed. (she caught me lmao)

But as it stands now the way she makes me feel is like no other.
I said this when i was first debating trying to make it official but She's something I've never had but always wanted.

she gives me a new invigoration for life
I came to Korea, planning on smashing every Asian chick that even breathed the same air i did (getting other American/canadian/European chicks here is too easy but I got them too, had my first ballerina boy oh boy top 10 sex right there) . and I smashed girls before I met her.
but she has me having butterflies damn near everytime I see her.

I don't know what's going to happen once she goes to America and I go back in January, but what I do know is that im truly enjoying my time here more than when i was out trolling for women every night here.

What makes my relationship even better with her, that now that I have her, even if I lose her. I would refuse to settle for less.
Like the other girls I've had were just bad for me. Now that I got this I know what I want and what makes me happy. Sex isn't driving my relationship this time around.

and our sex is fantastic. but honestly I don't even need to have sex with her on a random day to enjoy her. we have it because we're just so attracted to eachother

but Honestly everyone do what makes you happy. We get this one life and one life only, but don't be bitter.
don't be on your I hate all women or all women can't be trusted. because trust you don't even know a fraction of all the women in this world, and more than one could def be out there for you that will completely rock your world.
Good stuff on this page guys :nthat:

I've been out of this thread too because I'm extremely happy with the girl I'm with now. Even though it's a LDR it's working great and I just spent the past Thu-Mon with her. Smashing multiple chicks doesn't do it for me any more either. I'm gonna drop one of my favorite quotes from A Bronx Tale:

"You gotta do what your heart tells you to do. Let me tell you somethin' right now. You're only allowed three great women in your lifetime. They come along like the great fighters, every ten years. Rocky Marciano. Sugar Ray Robinson. Joe Louis. Sometimes you get 'em all at once. Me? I had my three when I was 16. That happens. What are you gonna do? That's the way it goes, you know? Tell you right now. See this girl? Maybe this girl, she put wind in your sails. Maybe she's your first great one."

The girl I'm with now is definitely one of my great ones. She makes me truly happy.

What's crazy is we were talking last night and she told me about a conversation she was having with her mom. Told her mom she was really serious about me and when she's done with college she wants to move in with me. Her mom said that she's become too Americanized and if she does that then she'd basically be disowned, by her dad especially. And that I'd have to marry her before that happens. Then that got me thinking about when I want to get married, and what if I'm still with this girl in 2, 3, or 4 years and because of her culture she will be thinking about marriage.
Good to see this thread evolving

One of the best threads on here for sure

Wifey is meeting Moms on Sunday. Hopefully it goes well
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A convo I had a few days ago with the girl I dropped every other yamb for arose after she asked me how many females I had slept with. When I told her one she thought I was lying (it really has only been one since losing my virginity last year), but I followed up with admitting I could've easily smashed 4 (potentially 5 if I had decided to take this girls virginity). She knows one of the girls that I was talking to last year in November, and another from January, she knew I wasn't telling ducktales. Basically reassured her that she's not just some yambs I want to ditch. At the same time it made me think, I've had all these opportunities to have a crazy body count in just over a year, and if I went through with it, I'd look back at myself as a disgusting dude. I respect each man to their own yamb morales and endeavors, if you decide to hit a wide array of women within a year, by all means more power to you. Not to gas myself up, but the feedback these yambs have given me makes me feel pretty confident in the bedroom, she basically reacted on some "I cant believe you chose me" type of stuff. Then proceeded to show me a picture that says how when you're sleeping with someone something about your aural energy is transferred and you could take negative energy from the other and carry it with you. Honestly don't even know where I'm going with this, probably just had to let it out.

A convo I had a few days ago with the girl I dropped every other yamb for arose after she asked me how many females I had slept with. When I told her one she thought I was lying (it really has only been one since losing my virginity last year), but I followed up with admitting I could've easily smashed 4 (potentially 5 if I had decided to take this girls virginity). She knows one of the girls that I was talking to last year in November, and another from January, she knew I wasn't telling ducktales. Basically reassured her that she's not just some yambs I want to ditch. At the same time it made me think, I've had all these opportunities to have a crazy body count in just over a year, and if I went through with it, I'd look back at myself as a disgusting dude. I respect each man to their own yamb morales and endeavors, if you decide to hit a wide array of women within a year, by all means more power to you. Not to gas myself up, but the feedback these yambs have given me makes me feel pretty confident in the bedroom, she basically reacted on some "I cant believe you chose me" type of stuff. Then proceeded to show me a picture that says how when you're sleeping with someone something about your aural energy is transferred and you could take negative energy from the other and carry it with you. Honestly don't even know where I'm going with this, probably just had to let it out.


Never tell your number, especially in your case.
I've been lowkey and tryna stack some bread. I've been a really good guy that past 3 weeks :nerd: but I'm lurking the conquests on here still. Play on playas... Play on :smokin
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The wifey life just ain't for me, I don't think. No matter how great they are women just have a way of getting on my nerves. I'm more of the can't live with em can't live without em type. Much respect to those who take that path but I'll be getting down and dirty this weekend in vegas with no shame
I had gotten a new phone, and decided to start fresh in regards to my contacts. Too much dead weight. Too many numbers that I couldn't put the face to it; as well as, girls from school that I can't actually touch anymore. Add that with more POF numbers that I'd care to have lol, so I'm adding numbers as I get hit up. Feels pretty good I must say. And really opened my eyes to the people that would notice if I died today (practically none) lls.

Anyway, I'm on a quest to have nothing but quality in my phone in regards to females. So either quality simply from an aesthetic standpoint or the quality of combined elements in what would constitute the "wifey" type. I'll try to add my stories in here, but I practically go nowhere so I'm fearing they may be few and far between. Making a conscious effort to go out more too.

Almost back on track to the point that we can resume our missions bro. :pimp:

Same number? If not, I can just redrop my # in the PMs. I been lurking the POF/OKC/Tinder too, just to get a preview of what's in store for #thereturn :lol:. It's gonna get fun pretty soon my guy...right around UMD Homecoming next month. :pimp: :nerd:
Bruhs can I get some life advice? So I recently transferred schools and been thinking of going Greek since my old school didn't have that. Do yall think it might be too late to do all this though? I'd be a junior
Bruhs can I get some life advice? So I recently transferred schools and been thinking of going Greek since my old school didn't have that. Do yall think it might be too late to do all this though? I'd be a junior
 Na son it not too late but just all depends on what you want to get out of Greek life
[COLOR=#red]Wow didn't even know you somewhat settled down E. Peep, don't fight it bro, nothing wrong with putting primary time into one chick if you feeling her my dude.

Being on both sides of the fence I can say this much...finding that one chick that you feel totally comfortable with not only as an outlet for smashing but a COMPANION too is feels much better overall than messing with 5 or 6 chicks you just randomly smashing. Sometimes we get so deep into smashing jumpoffs and **** that we forget the true value of a good chick, or we treat the few good chicks that come through our lives like JOs and ****.

I'm at the point where smashing Yambs for the sake of smashing Yambs gets old real fast. I've had an amazing variety of women for different races, cultures, economic levels, and so forth and after awhile you realize it's pretty much a hole to put your joints of there is no other connection.

But when you find that chick that makes you feel more alive when you are around them even when y'all aren't smashing, that a beautiful thing right there. Finding that one who can keep your attention and hold you down and make you want to cut down the team is the true definition of addition by subtraction my dudes. But maybe that's just me.][/COLOR]

Somewhat is definitely the right word :lol:. It's to the point where even though I am entertaining other women, I wouldn't mind at all placing those women on waivers and clearing out cap space for her. I'm just a bit reluctant cause if something doesn't go right, I'd hate to be stuck out starting from scratch. That fine line of patience and anxiousness is something else
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Almost back on track to the point that we can resume our missions bro. :pimp:

Same number? If not, I can just redrop my # in the PMs. I been lurking the POF/OKC/Tinder too, just to get a preview of what's in store for #thereturn :lol:. It's gonna get fun pretty soon my guy...right around UMD Homecoming next month. :pimp: :nerd:

Good stuff man! I never really worried about you, for I always had the feeling that no matter what you'd be straight. I don't know why, but it's just the vibe I get about you. Like you'll have hurdles and obstacles here and there, but never anything that will take too much out of you when you finally make it out the tunnel if that makes sense.

Yea I have the same number bro. So hit me whenever. You know the deal :lol:. Until then I'll be trying to rack up stories of solo missions and whatnot while this football season gets started. I seen you talking about Madden 15 too, you have it on next-gen?
.....it's been a ROUGH year, sheesh can I catch a break or what?! :lol:
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Good stuff man! I never really worried about you, for I always had the feeling that no matter what you'd be straight. I don't know why, but it's just the vibe I get about you. Like you'll have hurdles and obstacles here and there, but never anything that will take too much out of you when you finally make it out the tunnel if that makes sense.

Yea I have the same number bro. So hit me whenever. You know the deal :lol:. Until then I'll be trying to rack up stories of solo missions and whatnot while this football season gets started. I seen you talking about Madden 15 too, you have it on next-gen?

Much appreciated my man. And yea, I copped the Madden last week, just don't got the PS4 yet so it's just been cooling on the dresser, as I live vicariously through everyone else in that thread :lol:.

That'll all change on Saturday, tho...:smokin :smokin

.....it's been a ROUGH year, sheesh can I catch a break or what?! :lol:

:nerd: Uh oh, what happened?
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