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Whats you guys viewpoint on dating a woman 5+ years older?

Yes, my current girl 5+ years older than me and its the best relationship I've had.

Second best was 7+ years, I just think older women are better in general, can't beat experience.

Young girls are still great to **** and party with but most of the time they have too much to learn and are even more emotionally imbalanced.
Yes, my current girl 5+ years older than me and its the best relationship I've had.

Second best was 7+ years, I just think older women are better in general, can't beat experience.

Young girls are still great to **** and party with but most of the time they have too much to learn and are even more emotionally imbalanced.

Does she actually look older than you? I have a very youthful face and she does look a few years older. The times we have been in public i've noticed some onlookers at times. This woman is the most compatible woman ive been with out of all the women of various age ive been with.
Finally caught up, been moving into my first house and baby room prepping..
Don't have kids brethren[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
Anyway to my dude who is having residual feels for his girl. Let that situation be. No amount of cards, music or flowers will bring her back. If she really wanted to be with you, she would cut the games and come to you on her grown woman, air her grievances out and you two would actually be working to reconcile. Basically all she is doing/attempting to do is keep one foot in and one foot out.
Meaning she doesn't want to be alone. She kinda has feelings for the new **** but he is not everything he is cracked up to be, even if he is older, so she is playing the selfish game. Posting all the dumb memes, inquiring about you( in essence when she does that, she is looking for the green light to either move on or portray you as the villain and she will play victim so she can pull the divide/conquer with your mutual friends). Yes I know she is sweet, caring, etc.. But never put anything pass anyone. Dated Mulitple girls with the same M.O. and them batches turned out to be the most diabolical, succubus walking the earth. I wanted to be on some Wesley Snipes"Blade" ish with a couple of them[emoji]128516[/emoji]
All that is to say, as everyone has said, L.I.G. IT for right now. Get your grown man, life priorities in place, make your bread, have fun and if you guys are meant to be, things will work out eventually. Even if you think you can put up a valIant effort, it's best to just save it for later. When a woman checks out, she is gone. All she is doing is playing limbo with your emotions.
Finally caught up, been moving into my first house and baby room prepping..
Don't have kids brethren[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
Anyway to my dude who is having residual feels for his girl. Let that situation be. No amount of cards, music or flowers will bring her back. If she really wanted to be with you, she would cut the games and come to you on her grown woman, air her grievances out and you two would actually be working to reconcile. Basically all she is doing/attempting to do is keep one foot in and one foot out.
Meaning she doesn't want to be alone. She kinda has feelings for the new **** but he is not everything he is cracked up to be, even if he is older, so she is playing the selfish game. Posting all the dumb memes, inquiring about you( in essence when she does that, she is looking for the green light to either move on or portray you as the villain and she will play victim so she can pull the divide/conquer with your mutual friends). Yes I know she is sweet, caring, etc.. But never put anything pass anyone. Dated Mulitple girls with the same M.O. and them batches turned out to be the most diabolical, succubus walking the earth. I wanted to be on some Wesley Snipes"Blade" ish with a couple of them[emoji]128516[/emoji]
All that is to say, as everyone has said, L.I.G. IT for right now. Get your grown man, life priorities in place, make your bread, have fun and if you guys are meant to be, things will work out eventually. Even if you think you can put up a valIant effort, it's best to just save it for later. When a woman checks out, she is gone. All she is doing is playing limbo with your emotions.
Congratz on the new crib fam.  Congratz on the new kid. Congratz for advancement in life. Proud of the NT fam.
Welp, my lady met my parents today and it's safe to say I'm down for the count fellas but I'm not mad at all about it.
I will say one thing that this thread has preached and I appreciate is how much we as men can over think a situation when in all reality the ball is in our court. Don't get me wrong we all take an L eventually, but how you bounce back is the true definition of yourself. A lot of times our thoughts and the way the "game" is set up these days makes us question our next step, when in reality all we gotta do is make the first move. Don't let the what if's hold you back brothas. End rant
As I sit here on my back porch, looking back on my life I've come to realize that if I hadn't went through the heartbreak, I would have never reached this pinnacle/milestone in my life.
Risk, Reward,Lost, and Triumph should always be in the back of everyone's mind. I never thought I would be married, having a kid or even a homeowner. Even though this is considered the "American Dream", I fully never wanted this. I just wanted to be a nomad, moving every two years to a new destination and just doing the damn thing. It's funny how you have things planned but life goes a different course[emoji]128516[/emoji]
I also never thought I would meet a woman that looks at the world like I do. Frankly at 26, I gave up on women because it always seemed like the same cycle(wash,rinse,repeat). I had played all the games and I was just tired of running. All of this is to say, never give up on life but more importantly, never give up on you. Trust yourself, listen to your heart, build your wealth and empire, don't focus so much on the yambs/quick nut but focus on the quality of person(male/female) you attract to your life. Always feed your mind, let fear and anger go, have common sense and be courteous. Have adventures so if you do meet a quality woman, you have experiences to share. Don't make a woman/yambs your main focal point, so if she decides to leave, you won't be as broken. This world is huge(especially after seeing Japan this summer), explore as much as you can, smile as much as you can.
Looking at my wife and this path(everybody says we have the most unconventional marriage they have ever seen[emoji]128516[/emoji]), I'm glad I ran after her that day. Even though I am scared ******** on becoming a dad, I'm glad I chose her and if it falls apart, she will still be the Homie because our friendship is just that tight, that I truly want to see her happy and she feels the same.
Just never thought that after all the trials(bum bishes, crazy exes, stds, being a side *****, young ***** **** ups, ones that got away, surgeries, brushes with death, seeing your mother sick with cancer/remition) to actually standing on top and smiling. If you had told me this at 26, I would have Stone Cold Stun your ***(that's how angry I was) that after all those setbacks and heartbreaks that I would be here today..
Sorry for this post but I just wanted to give inspiration on this Sunday morning. Just because you made bad decisions in your past doesn't mean you can't still have a good future(whether single or married). Enjoy your life brethren, stop letting not only women but people control your ideals, goals, dreams, aspirations. You only have one shot at this, don't run from adversity, make it a strength.
Talk to that girl you see everyday in class, holla at the cute chick at your coffee spot, if you see a young lady in a grocery store, shoot that shot. Don't waste another minute over-analyzing if she likes you or not, just get out there and live.
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Welp I officially have no women on the team now, literally.

Caramel, green eyed, Dominican chick I was talking to got a man now. :smh: :frown:

tomdiginson tomdiginson you were right I should have dropped her a long time ago.
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Girl is meeting Pops for the first time tonight. After that she'll have met all of my immediate fam. Crazy how quickly life can change
Pulled me a 30 year old Latina at a concert Friday night :smokin I'm 24.and she's the oldest I've ever pulled :pimp:

Didn't smash but we've been texting. And today she tells me that her EX fiancé got a pic of us at the concert dancing from somebody....and dude is heated. I already know how all of this goes so I'm debating of pulling myself outta the game buuutttt at the same time I ask myself, but for what?
Hmmmmm never thought bout that....she doesn't seem like that type of chick but who knows I guess :shrugs
Currently dealing with losing the first woman I thought was the one, at least as from a grown-up, mature perspective. It has been four months but I was so incredibly emotionally invested - I was wide open from day one as it was love at first sight/conversation - that I'm still undergoing the trials and tribulations associated with moving forward.

Went on my first date this past Saturday and sadly I believe my emotions inhibited my ability to develop any chemistry with the girl. Super cool chick but I think I'm not at the point where I'm not comparing potential suitors to my ex, which is a challenging thing to do, since she ended the relationship due to distance, even though I did not want to. I suppose playing the role of the dumped prolongs the mental anguish, since I lost something I wanted so badly.

Anyhow, it has been an wisdom fulfilling adventure. Life is multi-faceted, and it's incredible that no matter how much knowledge you acquire, there's some lessons that can only be learned through actual experience. Its a daily struggle but I try to make a conscious effort to not think about her by running and staying occupied. I'm at a great place professionally, and the opportunities are endless right now, so I'm blessed to know that another diamond will present herself.

Anyhow, love is an incredibly double edged sword. I once read that "grief is the price we pay for love." In spite of all the pain, I would do it all again. Love in its purest form is an incredibly fulfilling experience; its actually intoxicating, and as a man that experienced a wide array of drugs during my youth, it is the most exhilarating high. Heartbreak that derives from the end of a committing, loving relationship is the most devastating experience in this life but it's certainly worth the reward.

Gotta get back on that horse. The beauty is it still is a 'Man's world,' and the abundance of beautiful, intelligent women in this world provides incredible comfort.
Love in its purest form is an incredibly fulfilling experience; its actually intoxicating, and as a man that experienced a wide array of drugs during my youth, it is the most exhilarating high. Heartbreak that derives from the end of a committing, loving relationship is the most devastating experience in this life but it's certainly worth the reward.

Damn man, thats some real **** |I
Anyhow, love is an incredibly double edged sword. I once read that "grief is the price we pay for love." In spite of all the pain, I would do it all again. Love in its purest form is an incredibly fulfilling experience; its actually intoxicating, and as a man that experienced a wide array of drugs during my youth, it is the most exhilarating high. Heartbreak that derives from the end of a committing, loving relationship is the most devastating experience in this life but it's certainly worth the reward. t.

Listen homie, it seems like you know what you want your end game to be in life. so you will be absolutely fine.

If this girl was that important to you and you're worried about how after 4 months you're still comparing girls to her, that's normal.
My ex from 2003/4 is still the standard I go by with the other girls i've dated whether they are similar to her or complete opposite.

Time truly heals all wounds and as you said at the end of your message it's still a man's world you have a good head on your shoulders, you're doing good physically/outside world.

If you still need time take it, but remember this, You've tasted steak, You know how you got there, what it took, how it tasted and what it felt like.
don't settle for less or sell your self short while you're on the journey to reacquire that feeling
TAY fam...serious matter..

If you all recall about a week ago (dont say it) I posted about female class mates showing interest.  Well, one of these females, an Ethiopian btw, asked me to get food with her and after asking the usual small talk questions just got right into talking about sex.  Talkin about in one minute she get really horny when she smoke and the next askin me if I smoke and talking about she would be the best sex ever...She is very clearly throwing the P at me.

However, I pride myself on being a loyal dude hence why I don't believe in slip ups.  I'm just asking how do you guys stay on the right path. My will power was being tested to the max for me to not flirt back. I've never faced temptation like this.
TAY fam...serious matter..

If you all recall about a week ago (dont say it) I posted about female class mates showing interest.  Well, one of these females, an Ethiopian btw, asked me to get food with her and after asking the usual small talk questions just got right into talking about sex.  Talkin about in one minute she get really horny when she smoke and the next askin me if I smoke and talking about she would be the best sex ever...She is very clearly throwing the P at me.

However, I pride myself on being a loyal dude hence why I don't believe in slip ups.  I'm just asking how do you guys stay on the right path. My will power was being tested to the max for me to not flirt back. I've never faced temptation like this.

You are clearly about that life since you're even considering this.

If you can get away with it, physically (will your girl find out?) and mentally (can you live with yourself?), then go for it. You're young and in college, these opportunities should be taken advantage of. You have your whole life once you graduate to be in meaningful relationships. Don't be scared of losing your girl (it's possible) because if you do I promise it wasn't meant to be and something better will come along later in life while you smash different young chicks at college now.

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