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TAY fam...serious matter..

If you all recall about a week ago (dont say it) I posted about female class mates showing interest.  Well, one of these females, an Ethiopian btw, asked me to get food with her and after asking the usual small talk questions just got right into talking about sex.  Talkin about in one minute she get really horny when she smoke and the next askin me if I smoke and talking about she would be the best sex ever...She is very clearly throwing the P at me.

However, I pride myself on being a loyal dude hence why I don't believe in slip ups.  I'm just asking how do you guys stay on the right path. My will power was being tested to the max for me to not flirt back. I've never faced temptation like this.

If you have something GREAT and I do mean GREAT at home, you don't really wanna lose it over just some broad. What happens if the P is wack, you just gonna feel guilty.

Just showing both sides of the quarter
TAY fam...serious matter..

If you all recall about a week ago (dont say it) I posted about female class mates showing interest.  Well, one of these females, an Ethiopian btw, asked me to get food with her and after asking the usual small talk questions just got right into talking about sex.  Talkin about in one minute she get really horny when she smoke and the next askin me if I smoke and talking about she would be the best sex ever...She is very clearly throwing the P at me.

However, I pride myself on being a loyal dude hence why I don't believe in slip ups.  I'm just asking how do you guys stay on the right path. My will power was being tested to the max for me to not flirt back. I've never faced temptation like this.

If you have something GREAT and I do mean GREAT at home, you don't really wanna lose it over just some broad. What happens if the P is wack, you just gonna feel guilty.

Just showing both sides of the quarter
Thanks...I think I'm just a bit hype because I'm finally coming into my own, physically, mentally, etc. so I'm not used to this kind of attention.

Yea..I do have a great girl...I'm just geeked cuz this never happens.

Just realizing that makes me realize I don't want this other girl and that i just like the attention she gives me.

I'm good with what I got.
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TAY fam...serious matter..

If you all recall about a week ago (dont say it) I posted about female class mates showing interest.  Well, one of these females, an Ethiopian btw, asked me to get food with her and after asking the usual small talk questions just got right into talking about sex.  Talkin about in one minute she get really horny when she smoke and the next askin me if I smoke and talking about she would be the best sex ever...She is very clearly throwing the P at me.

However, I pride myself on being a loyal dude hence why I don't believe in slip ups.  I'm just asking how do you guys stay on the right path. My will power was being tested to the max for me to not flirt back. I've never faced temptation like this.

First you prob don't wanna be anywhere near that girl alone, especially if she smoked. If you looking to be faithful, avoid temptation. 1 on 1s with broads is enough temptation but for her to offer the box in regular convo ain't a good look to even entertain. So no more talking to loose women.

But if you just wanna bust her and setup it under a rug, you heard what them guys said.
First you prob don't wanna be anywhere near that girl alone, especially if she smoked. If you looking to be faithful, avoid temptation. 1 on 1s with broads is enough temptation but for her to offer the box in regular convo ain't a good look to even entertain. So no more talking to loose women.

But if you just wanna bust her and setup it under a rug, you heard what them guys said.

completely agree with IamDef
She offering the box in first time casual convo....
Stay away and remain a good dude.

When it's said you got your whole life to ..............
It's kind of what Mugen Preaches everyday. No one is guaranteed tommorrow. and if you're happy in your situation why would you want to lose that happiness that she brings to you?

Just think of that homie.
Stay safe, Ethopian women got that bomb () but they're super temperamental.

I personally wouldn't do a LDR in college, asking for trouble.

You could say that about basically any woman though.
2 of the baddest girls I've ever talked to were Ethiopian when I was in college in ATL. One is super bad. Approached me in class and gave me her number. Not gonna lie, I thought she was kinda outta my leage. Blame it on being 19, and her 21.

I was bluffin on making the move...turns out she wanted the D. Smh. You live and you learn.

The other was beautiful. We went out a few times...started kinda dating...and she just disappeared. Smh. They tend to stick to their own kind though.
Be careful, Ethi's are very super aggressive and temperamental, well at least the ones here where I am (Saudi Arabia). Saw one literally grab the drink outta some dude's hand, and snatch his money at the bar and wanted to act all innocent when he react back. Lmbsao. But myself, I don't really find them as attractive as most these cats over here who go crazy over them. Something about drawn on eyebrows and terrible quick weaves throws me off. And their voices are annoying! The Saudi's, British, and Moroccan women are still doing it for me here, along with the few American women.
Thanks...I think I'm just a bit hype because I'm finally coming into my own, physically, mentally, etc. so I'm not used to this kind of attention.
Yea..I do have a great girl...I'm just geeked cuz this never happens.
Just realizing that makes me realize I don't want this other girl and that i just like the attention she gives me.

I'm good with what I got.
I feel like we're one in the same since that nofap and girl search thread last year...to you telling me not to mess with married Guyanese women when I was single. Me and my girl been together almost a year now and now that I'm also coming into my own...woooh the attention is crazy.

My only problem is I'm loyal and nothing but that but I wanna have my cake and eat it too but only while I'm in college for now.
Everybody's saying u can't do it but I know I can while being honest about everything to my girl. We "broke up" before but she couldn't resist and altho I told her we're here to use each other I don't like the idea of stringing her along.

I need the great mugen to give me advice or something :lol:
Don't let that little attention fool you out of a good chick.
See now she's a good chick but she has her flaws. She hasn't come into her own, confidence low, very insecure and antisocial...
It gets annoying trying to be patient and break her out of her shell.
She has her comfort zone and it makes **** boring a lot of times. I can't even attempt to talk to girls or look at girls without her getting mad.
I'm tryna put her on game to pursue her dreams and she just wanna be...lame at times. She's selfish and possessive over me too which is annoying. Buuuut overall her intentions are good. I wanna be apart of her life too.
Thanks...I think I'm just a bit hype because I'm finally coming into my own, physically, mentally, etc. so I'm not used to this kind of attention.
Yea..I do have a great girl...I'm just geeked cuz this never happens.
Just realizing that makes me realize I don't want this other girl and that i just like the attention she gives me.

I'm good with what I got.

This girl you're with now sounds like your first girlfriend. I bet she she is. And I also be she won't be your last.

You might say you're good now and think, and truly believe that right now. But in a year you're gonna be wishing you hit that.

If this is your first girlfriend how you know she's a great girl? You have nothing to compare her to and think she's amazing because she's the first. Now you may be just coming into your own and starting to get more female attention which never happened before. What are you gonna do about it? Pat yourself on the back and continue this college relationship that will likely be nothing more than a waste of time? I stand by what I said and you smash that and not get caught up falling in love with this college gf. You're gonna look back and say, "damn, I was such a simp back then." Make her your main squeeze and take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now. Because it doesn't get better/easier than it was in college. You can have meaningful relationships later fam trust me.
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See now she's a good chick but she has her flaws. She hasn't come into her own, confidence low, very insecure and antisocial...
It gets annoying trying to be patient and break her out of her shell.
She has her comfort zone and it makes **** boring a lot of times. I can't even attempt to talk to girls or look at girls without her getting mad.
I'm tryna put her on game to pursue her dreams and she just wanna be...lame at times. She's selfish and possessive over me too which is annoying. Buuuut overall her intentions are good. I wanna be apart of her life too.

End it now.
Thanks...I think I'm just a bit hype because I'm finally coming into my own, physically, mentally, etc. so I'm not used to this kind of attention.
Yea..I do have a great girl...I'm just geeked cuz this never happens.
Just realizing that makes me realize I don't want this other girl and that i just like the attention she gives me.

I'm good with what I got.
This girl you're with now sounds like your first girlfriend. I bet she she is. And I also be she won't be your last.

You might say you're good now and think, and truly believe that right now. But in a year you're gonna be wishing you hit that.

If this is your first girlfriend how you know she's a great girl? You have nothing to compare her to and think she's amazing because she's the first. Now you may be just coming into your own and starting to get more female attention which never happened before. What are you gonna do about it? Pat yourself on the back and continue this college relationship that will likely be nothing more than a waste of time? I stand by what I said and you smash that and not get caught up falling in love with this college gf. You're gonna look back and say, "damn, I was such a simp back then." Make her your main squeeze and take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now. Because it doesn't get better/easier than it was in college. You can have meaningful relationships later fam trust me.
yea she is my first real girlfriend but I've been on TAY and I've seen my friends' relationships.  Obviously first hand experience is the best but I've had time to observe others and I can tell that she is a good woman to have.
You'll change a lot during college and the immediate post college years. What I thought was a good gf then seems ridiculous now. I didn't know any better back then and as a late bloomer I was content with being in a mediocre relationship bc I didn't know better plus an attractive chick was feeling me.

In our generation it seems like the best thing to do is to enjoy college and don't even consider serious relationships leading towards marriage until 25 at the earliest
Not every good woman that comes into your life is meant to stay. I will not knock college relationships because some obviously make it but in all reality most crash and burn. This all goes back to the values you hold true as a man. Even at my age and current path in life, I face temptation, as long as your a man and have a penis, this will be true. But what separates me(from most men) is that women have never been my vice. I was always addicted to travel and gettin money. Now younger me, hormones were straight raging and I had to get at all the young girls( had a lot of missed time to make up for) but after a while I noticed that made me feel empty, lacking. The Thai Chick I met at the bar was an amazing girl. Beautiful( at least to me), smart, witty, ambitious, about her money, domesticated, I could go on and on. But the problem was, I was a young boy and didn't know how to love her like she needed. I was real immature and I didn't love myself. Lacked confidence, so I used anger as a shield and would never let people get close to me because I feared abandonment was bound to happen. This was my sophomore year of college, I loved her greatly but I knew I had to let her go because I was toxic and I was holding her back. All of that is to say, college is where you grow up and hopefully start loving yourself. Those relationships(whether romantic or platonic) are building blocks to your future. It's hard to keep a committed relationship strong and alive because both parties don't know their inner workings or even know how to love one another. This is not a statement for you to dump your current women but more of a comment that it's natural(at this stage in both of your young lives) to feel maybe inadequate about your relationships because young love rarely conquers all. Just yesterday at school this young latina was throwing jabs at the kid but I was blocking those advancements like Muhammad Ali because that girl couldn't give me a fraction of what my wife gives(plus I need a 401k plan, dividends[emoji]128516[/emoji]). For me commitment is not an issue because vagina is just that. Yeah it can definately bring you pleasure but if it doesn't have a career, enlightenment, goals, knowledge, I can't be apart of it because vagina never ruled me like that. Like I have always said until you truly love yourself and seen somethings, maintaining a healthy relationship takes work and sacrifice, that not a lot of young people( hell even older people) can'comprehend because they don't know the full requirements for maintaining purposeful relationships. Take your time, Drive Slow, communicate your feelings with your ladies, that's all you can do and if things work out, cool but don't get lost in heartbreak or self conflict at this young age because everything you do are crucial/privitol decisions that can send ripples into your future. Be honest and true to yourself, sometimes the best lessons in growth are when you learn to let go. Cherish what you have with that person, learn the lesson, develope your place of zen, and let the world take its course. My ex (before the succubus that brought me to my knees) is happily married and we chopped it up last time I went home. We both realized that our relationship was the plateau for us to improve ourselves in the form of self love. I'm glad all my relationships crashed and burn because the woman I have now is on a whole another level that makes every woman I come in contact with look maniscule.
This is what we call experience and time.
Weigh your options out and follow your heart.
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All this advice is Golden, and I agree with everyone here .....but
I have a slightly different view

I fully believe any age is capable of knowing love.
it hasn't been til recent (years era) where this wait til after you soil your oats has been the new craze.
My girl and I were actually talking about that last night.
She said it's due to the rise of women getting rights (I rolled my eyes at first but she actually made sense)

It was expected during the wars, that they all stay with there high school sweet hearts get knocked up before their husbands went to war, came back started a family
(or same scenario without kids)

but now that women have jobs, live lives equal to a man the tide is shifting to where it's not that men need to soil their oats before getting in a relationship, but' it's women being a bit more independent and free with not as much judgement against them.

With Us as men knowing this we now think it's more ok to go do our thing as well.

But it really wasn't that long ago when men and women were getting married at 18-20 and lasting the test of time. WORKING through their problems and not giving up and going out to look for someone else.

That's the problem now. This new easy to get it generation is making young love die IMO

with all that said and to wrap it up (because im getting tired and hungy)

Young love can be and is very real. I personally don't feel you need to go through years of trials. or tons of girls to realize you have something good. (or HAD in a lot of cases)

It's the people who tell you to go out and live your life and expereince that kind of ruin it for anyone to believe in young love or Love at an early age.

Let's put it in basketball terms (since this is NT why not)
You're a 3 point shooter, not a very proficient one, but from the top of the key you're flawless 10/10 on 3's
why shoot from other places to score buckets if you're comfortable in that one spot??
Don't over complicate life......it's not that hard.
IMO young love doesn't work because the females of today aren't staying when they get cheated on :lol: and the reason they don't stay ties in to what you said about them being more independent. Back then you had to wait 50 years later to find out your grandfather had a illegitimate child out there somewhere and Gmom was still there. Today? You find out the same day.
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When it's all said and done, do not let vagina be the low hanging fruit that defines your worth as a man. Like Dave Chappelle said"If ***** was a stock, it would be plummeting because you ******* flooded the market"(paraphrase). As men we have to stop letting people define what the true definition of a man is. A lot of Old HeadS(not in here) but in real life will tell you about their conquest and put this ideal of how "playa" they were. But they don't tell you the regrets they had about not building their empire or getting right with self. All the OGs in here are doing the damn thing and building futures for their lives. Let that be your main focus and all the other stuff will come in time. If we use the past generations as a marking for us, we are doing ourselves a disservice and clouding the truth. Past generations stayed with each other because it was harder to get divorced and also the shame it brought to a families name. **** nowadays, mutha*****s are having "Divorce Parties", what kind of sick **** is that[emoji]128516[/emoji]
The people that are really about this monogamous life fight in the trenches(whether past-present, young or old), you have to sacrifice ALOT to do this ****. That's way it's imperative to "Drive Slow" and focus on getting yourself right, have your core values, so when the opportunity of meeting a good person comes along, you know it well and you will not second guess your heart or decision.
At the end of this lecture, understand that love can be for anything in life.
It can be demonic(materialistic, vanity, greed, selfishness) or it can beautiful( passions, goals, travels, friendships). Temptation will always be there and we (men/women) have all fallen for it(hope it made you better) but you have to know when to fight or walk away. That's growth. Like I have always preached, "Conversation Rules The Nation".
If you are having doubts or different feelings or just want to talk about the future, speak on it. A real woman will not hide from problems and will tackle it head on. If you don't speak your truth, things will fester and boil and that's were the bad decisions take place. If you really about this savage/sadistic monogamy life,you have to get right with self and be able to communicate effectively with your partner.
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IMO young love doesn't work because the females of today aren't staying when they get cheated on :lol: and the reason they don't stay ties in to what you said about them being more independent. Back then you had to wait 50 years later to find out your grandfather had a illegitimate child out there somewhere and Gmom was still there. Today? You find out the same day.

Word. Via social network :lol:

Also, this doesn't apply to me but still... be careful dealing with these chicks that are heavy into social media.

Especially if y'all interact with each other on said platforms... **** gets MESSY.
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Its almost like they wait for the breakup thinking of all the ******** they can post.

Relationships are so much easier when you're not dealing with women that are all into Social media and being seen.

Them b****** still be lurking though lol. So if you have ig etc etc....watch what you post.
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