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Confessed to one of my best friends that I have a crush on his cousin. It went surprisingly well (maybe because he was pretty inebriated), and he's open to me dating her. Says he trusts that I wouldn't intentionally play her. She has a pretty face, but I'm most attracted to her intelligence and spunk. Goes to Columbia and more than holds her own in social settings.
Yeah I'm not about that foolery anymore. I texted her a couple hours after I got home and all I said was "just got back from dinner"
Honestly homes, we were trying to tell you to curve that chick because she was playing games.  When it comes to women use your logic not your emotions.  Youd be lying to yourself as well as all of us if you didnt think that girl was giving you the runaround.  She obviously knew you were feeling her but played along as long as she could benefit from it.

Let this be a lesson.  If a girl REALLY was feeling you she would let you know.  She wouldnt be indecisive about how she felt about you, UNLESS another dude was involved. 

Learn from this.  Dont put them on a pedastool, thirsty dudes r a dime a dozen.  Y do you think they always go for the guy who acts like he dont give a fukk?  Yambs or not, at the very LEAST keep your self respect and your boundaries.  I guarantee you, you will get women off that alone.
Haven't decided how I feel yet. I want to be with her forever, but ideally obviously I would have married her first then gotten her pregnant. Our parents were supposed to meet like the 21st weekend before we go to this big reunion dance. Changes the dynamic some. But I am anything but surprised, as I said before we exercise no precautions.
Uhm that is weirdly romantic...Knocked up meets Youve Got Mail

Confessed to one of my best friends that I have a crush on his cousin. It went surprisingly well (maybe because he was pretty inebriated), and he's open to me dating her. Says he trusts that I wouldn't intentionally play her. She has a pretty face, but I'm most attracted to her intelligence and spunk. Goes to Columbia and more than holds her own in social settings.
Cool he gave you the ok, he prob gonna put a good word in for you

lol @ crush.  Bet you are trying to crush lol
Yeah I'm not about that foolery anymore. I texted her a couple hours after I got home and all I said was "just got back from dinner"

Honestly homes, we were trying to tell you to curve that chick because she was playing games.  When it comes to women use your logic not your emotions.  Youd be lying to yourself as well as all of us if you didnt think that girl was giving you the runaround.  She obviously knew you were feeling her but played along as long as she could benefit from it.

Let this be a lesson.  If a girl REALLY was feeling you she would let you know.  She wouldnt be indecisive about how she felt about you, UNLESS another dude was involved. 

Learn from this.  Dont put them on a pedastool, thirsty dudes r a dime a dozen.  Y do you think they always go for the guy who acts like he dont give a fukk?  Yambs or not, at the very LEAST keep your self respect and your boundaries.  I guarantee you, you will get women off that alone.

Yeah if she's digging you she'll leave the door wide open and chase you. All you gotta do is sit back and set dates. Screw all that texting and phoning (that's for when you have a relationship). Do all the talking in person, let her remember her attraction and how you make her feel. Hov did that, so hopefully ya'll don't have to go through that.
Cool he gave you the ok, he prob gonna put a good word in for you

lol @ crush.  Bet you are trying to crush lol
It means a lot that he would vouch for me knowing my usual habits. That's his blood and I fully intend to be the perfect gentleman. I can't treat this like a regular NYC romp or conquest.

Yeah, I worded that with fragility at the risk of sounding young.
"I think ur more into yourself than u would ever be into me and thats not what I'm looking for."


Girls these days, lmao.
If you text a girl a question and she doesn't answer but the next day hits up you on some "what r u doing?", just dead her.

She's playing games, and when you don't address it for fear of "caring too much" or being "thirsty", you've essentially given them free rein to act a fool and treat you however they want, knowing you are not going to say anything.

These types of girls only lead to headaches.
Then u should apologize and be like, "My bad, fell asleep" or something along those lines... Not just right into "Hey whats up?"
Yea I went thru that phase of deading chicks for the slightest reason. Helps improve your don't give a ****-ability but doesn't really progress you to getting yambs. Gotta communicate
It's two-fold though, some are really just busy, but if they're interested they'll get back to you, a day, a few days later etc. No need to stress out and go chasing. There are also the ones that play games that either aren't interested, or want you to chase. A fine line you learn to read. I'm ok with losing women and keeping my dignity, I don't think i'm overreacting, especially because I usually give chances. Chasing someone down for responses has neeeever gotten me them, but i've always gotten the "heeeey" text after a while.
Oh I'm not about chasing. But if she hits you back just go straight for the kill. Ignoring her doesn't really get you anywhere, especially if she's not attached to you yet
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