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Ill see b. Im tryna hit it all day ya boy been on a 3 week drought.

Dont worry tho im finna meat u at the summit soon:evil:
I heard DTLA is the move Saturday night :nerd:
Most of the major cities are live on Saturday, but DTLA and Hollywood is the best.

I was taking pics in the art district in LA today. As I was taking a pic for snapchat this girl comes up and i tell her get in my pic. Exchanged snapchats, then i was lk wtf am I doing? whats ur #.

Got her name and number, chopped for a bit then proceed. Check my phone and her name is Sara Rae. When theres a Rae at the end of a name thats a red flag :lol:


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She did say she modeled, and with a simple Google search found her.
I heard DTLA is the move Saturday night :nerd:
Most of the major cities are live on Saturday, but DTLA and Hollywood is the best.

I was taking pics in the art district in LA today. As I was taking a pic for snapchat this girl comes up and i tell her get in my pic. Exchanged snapchats, then i was lk wtf am I doing? whats ur #.

Got her name and number, chopped for a bit then proceed. Check my phone and her name is Sara Rae. When theres a Rae at the end of a name thats a red flag :lol:

Westside is super easy too

And the South Bay

And OC


I love SoCal :smokin
 Never been to SoCal but one day. LA is just so spread out
majority of valley girls are dry. They dnt have outgoing personalities, and think like they're all that. I'm speaking of the San Fernando area.

So true. :rofl:

Lol i know you know Gerald. Maybe I'm making it sound bad. But in a nutshell theyre not really intersting either.I don't care how hot you are if the personality sucks I lose interest :lol:
I'm contemplating asking my ex to get back together but feel like it's wrong to even find out if she's down unless i'm 100% sure that imo it's the right thing for us myself.

She's done with games and messing around and isn't looking to date for any reason but to find the right person to settle down with.

Something I haven't been mentioning that's crucial because it would detract from other things is that it's long distance. Both of us are Muslim and our families know one another, and either way it's like impossible for us to see each other. Since we're both students, I can't afford to fly out and get a hotel for a week. Oh, and another thing....she lives in Austria. So yea, like really long distance....I knew her since we were 12, always had a crush, and when she was in NY this past summer I told her how i feel and we had something beautiful brahs. But ultimately, I think our relationship couldn't endure being 2 broke students in a LDR with a culture that forbids us to see one another. We're both pretty sure we would have had chemistry in person, but it's really hard to bet your whole life on "pretty sure." And on top of it I'm scared to do this whole long distance crap with her again because it just gets us in so many dumb fights and arguments that cause us to get hurt that would probably never occur in person.

It sucks because in another world she could be the one, but I feel like we're cornered into just not being able to be with one another.
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Something I've been tripping over is how I remember in psychology learning that propinquity (proximity to one another) is the single most important thing in determining if a relationship will last. I still hate the idea that of the billions of people on earth, the 1,000,000's (millions) of square miles that people inhabit, that "the one" has to be someone who lives within a 40 mile radius of you. It feels so limiting for the sake of convenience, and it sucks to feel like a statistic and like I have no choice but to narrow my horizons.
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If it's real and you've both matured enough and are ready you'll find your way to the same city. Only time I've seen it work is both are in it for the long haul with the plan of being in the same city at some point. Otherwise it's mostly an exercise in futility.
If it's real and you've both matured enough and are ready you'll find your way to the same city. Only time I've seen it work is both are in it for the long haul with the plan of being in the same city at some point. Otherwise it's mostly an exercise in futility.
She's in film school and I live in NY and have connects in the industry here and we talked about moving to LA while I went to grad school there which would also be perfect for her career. We would certainly explore that option after she finished her masters program up, but our culture wouldn't allow her to move without us being married first. I hope there's no slander to call my culture backwards and my TAY brahs can respect the differences, but I'll say it myself. It's literally backwards in this instance 
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This is about to be a corny and sacrine filled post but if you both are really about that life, you guys will work it out and find a way.
I would agree with the assessment if we were back in the 90's-Early 2000's but we live in a time and space where technology can bring people together in an instance. The thing with LDR(whether extremely far or near) is that both parties have to be committed to the idea of:
Effective Communication
And above all else, really be down for each other in every way. We all have a choice(even in religion and faith/ideals) of free will. If this is a person you see a long term committment(married or not) and you both truly like(love is an overrated, misused word), have the same goals and want to build and see each other succeed even if all falls apart, then pursue it until the ends of the earth.
But the only way you will ever know is to say what you feel and leave it for the universe to sort out.
Once again everybody is not meant to be in your life forever but who is to say the timing down the road brings you back together.
Time is the most precious resource and asset we have. Don't ponder or Be a Would-Shoulda-Coulda. Put your cards on the table, communicate and if this is what you really want, you guys will find a way. Money will never be an issue if a girl truly wants to be with you. Too many broke dudes are being choosy and girls are choosing them as well[emoji]128516[/emoji]
When somebody really rides for you, nothing will stop it[emoji]9996[/emoji]️
how old are you
25, she's 26. Unfortunately because of my partying and lack of focus on school when I was younger, I still have 1 year undergrad and 3 years of grad school left.
This is about to be a corny and sacrine filled post but if you both are really about that life, you guys will work it out and find a way.
I would agree with the assessment if we were back in the 90's-Early 2000's but we live in a time and space where technology can bring people together in an instance. The thing with LDR(whether extremely far or near) is that both parties have to be committed to the idea of:
Effective Communication
And above all else, really be down for each other in every way. We all have a choice(even in religion and faith/ideals) of free will. If this is a person you see a long term committment(married or not) and you both truly like(love is an overrated, misused word), have the same goals and want to build and see each other succeed even if all falls apart, then pursue it until the ends of the earth.
But the only way you will ever know is to say what you feel and leave it for the universe to sort out.
Once again everybody is not meant to be in your life forever but who is to say the timing down the road brings you back together.
Time is the most precious resource and asset we have. Don't ponder or Be a Would-Shoulda-Coulda. Put your cards on the table, communicate and if this is what you really want, you guys will find a way. Money will never be an issue if a girl truly wants to be with you. Too many broke dudes are being choosy and girls are choosing them as well[emoji]128516[/emoji]
When somebody really rides for you, nothing will stop it[emoji]9996[/emoji]️
This is where we both struggled BADLY. Communicating solely through technology isn't easy, and a lot of things at a lot of times were just not taken the right way. And certain things that just a hug or a kiss could fix weren't able to be fixed. And I wasn't loyal to her 
, but I was out of character for a lot of our relationship and not myself and the person I know I am.

It's more-so the culture, not the religion that keeps us from one another. We're two fairly intelligent people and couldn't combine our minds to devise any possible way to see one another without a high probability of serious repercussions. Those repercussions don't matter as much when you KNOW for sure you want to spend your life with the person and you're madly in love with them. But we couldn't know for sure and be madly in love until we spent enough time in person together.
In all honesty, finish school and let things be right now. The worst thing you could do is force puzzle pieces together when you know in your heart it's either:
Not right
Not the right time
I understand cultural differences but strip that away and what do you have. You are two people with different ideals and goals at this time(no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise)and to add you did somethings(as well as she probably did somethings) that just need time, air and room for growth. My wife and I were in a LDR for two years(not as far as your situation) so I understand the intimacy problems, etc but if you two are not on the same page and you haven't dealt with your guilt/she hasn't healed, trust brethren you will be doomed to fail again. Tell her how you feel but I really think you two need time to grow and heal and time to get yourselves together and leave it to the universe. What if both of you are holding each other back from greater people in your future. I know it's hard to see it when your in your emotions but I thank god everyday I had that failed engagement at 24. I met the most humble, down to earth, intelligent woman at the age of 31 and I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Sometimes you have to hurt to get to the good.
Wish you luck in whatever your decision, but sometimes stepping back and getting clarity is the best idea before running back into a burning house with no survivors.
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