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I like them. I been meaning to watch the before sunrise, before sunset, and before midnight. But I kinda been putting the movies off to share the experience with a female...

I don't watch them, just wondering where folks get their perception of love from. It's a great feeling to be in love but I think movies etc overdo it and give people false expectations
I like them. I been meaning to watch the before sunrise, before sunset, and before midnight. But I kinda been putting the movies off to share the experience with a female...

I don't watch them, just wondering where folks get their perception of love from. It's a great feeling to be in love but I think movies etc overdo it and give people false expectations
I know for sure I don't get my perception of love from a movie. Just life experiences!
In all honesty, finish school and let things be right now. The worst thing you could do is force puzzle pieces together when you know in your heart it's either:
Not right
Not the right time
I understand cultural differences but strip that away and what do you have. You are two people with different ideals and goals at this time(no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise)and to add you did somethings(as well as she probably did somethings) that just need time, air and room for growth. My wife and I were in a LDR for two years(not as far as your situation) so I understand the intimacy problems, etc but if you two are not on the same page and you haven't dealt with your guilt/she hasn't healed, trust brethren you will be doomed to fail again. Tell her how you feel but I really think you two need time to grow and heal and time to get yourselves together and leave it to the universe. What if both of you are holding each other back from greater people in your future. I know it's hard to see it when your in your emotions but I thank god everyday I had that failed engagement at 24. I met the most humble, down to earth, intelligent woman at the age of 31 and I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Sometimes you have to hurt to get to the good.
Wish you luck in whatever your decision, but sometimes stepping back and getting clarity is the best idea before running back into a burning house with no survivors.

I just talked to my pops and brother about this all for about an hour. My dad actually agreed with you and said we'll be able to see one another if we need to and when we're ready. Talking to them made me feel like I messed up with her even more and I should get her back. But I'm going to wait a few weeks to make sure that I'm positive and that I'm ready before I try to. If I do make that decision, then I'll need the masters and sensais of TAY romance to help me.

And thanks to those who have read and replied, it really means a lot fambz.
met this girl on the bus the other day... fine as hell. like the type of joint i'd usually psych myself outta talking to because iont wanna waste my time..

approached her anyway while we were waiting for our connections and got the number.

she tells me she's "Seeing someone" right now but we could still hang out as friends over text and she invited me over this weekend to smoke

.... this is setting itself up so easily that i'm lowkey worried bout this being a setup :lol:

^^ think she's getting cold feet now :smh:
If it's real and you've both matured enough and are ready you'll find your way to the same city. Only time I've seen it work is both are in it for the long haul with the plan of being in the same city at some point. Otherwise it's mostly an exercise in futility.

This is very true. Wasted so much time thinking that since I wanted us to work long term, that everything would fall into place. However, she couldn't handle the distance and broke it off :x
Yeah, dudes can miss the signs that you're both not on the same page. Mugen is spot on with what he's saying man, when it's real, you know. You'll both know. When ya'll run into struggle and you realize you have a teammate instead of an opponent, you'll know. Not everyone is meant to be around a lifetime, even if they take you to the peak of happiness.
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She was on beyond the same page as me. There was a point where a certain career path would have taken me til we were about 32 to complete my schooling for before i decided on physical therapy and we'd be apart for 6/7 more years and she was down. She told me that I can do whatever I want for a career and doesn't care about money and that I can literally become a stripper if it's my passion and she'd support me 

She was down for me bruhs, and i took advantage of her feelings for me 

If you guys recall, I posted a long time ago that I had trouble dealing with her past since we're Muslims. And it plagued our relationship directly and indirectly up until she ended it. And it took for losing her for me to figure out that before I want a pure chick with the ideals that are valued in my culture, I think its more important to have a best friend first. And my best friend is probably going to be more similar to me, and have experiences and baggage she brings to the table like how I do.
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Yeah, dudes can miss the signs that you're both not on the same page. Mugen is spot on with what he's saying man, when it's real, you know. You'll both know. When ya'll run into struggle and you realize you have a teammate instead of an opponent, you'll know. Not everyone is meant to be around a lifetime, even if they take you to the peak of happiness.

This is why I love this thread. I definitely should have seen it coming, it was imminent.
NT Fam, when you're walking around campus at college and see girls you want to approach, what are some easy things to say to break the ice and get the number? Are there any lines you guys have ready to use?
How yall deal with exes feeling entitled? Or did yall not deal with exes to begin with? :lol:

For example a ex thinking they know everything about you because you were together for a significant amount of time so now everytime you converse they throw in that "I know you, you don't have to lie" line and other smart remarks.
How yall deal with exes feeling entitled? Or did yall not deal with exes to begin with? :lol:

For example a ex thinking they know everything about you because you were together for a significant amount of time so now everytime you converse they throw in that "I know you, you don't have to lie" line and other smart remarks.

Definitely don't have that type of a relationship with any of my exes where a convo like that would happen

What was the context?
NT Fam, when you're walking around campus at college and see girls you want to approach, what are some easy things to say to break the ice and get the number? Are there any lines you guys have ready to use?
Lets go the the school baseball game later, Lets go grab some drink and watch some March Madness, Lets study together, Hey gurl, etc. All depends on the environment and what type of school you go to.
NT Fam, when you're walking around campus at college and see girls you want to approach, what are some easy things to say to break the ice and get the number? Are there any lines you guys have ready to use?

I say anything just to get a convo, dumb **** really. Ask her what time it is and then just start talking. Say excuse me and ask if her name is Ashley. When she says no say well what is your name then introduce yourself. Ask if she knows how to get to the building you're already at and just start talking. Wave at her and then just start talking. say hey you look cute or that you like her hair or outfit and just start talking.

I've learned that it's actually better to not have something slick to say. I just say dumb **** to get her guard down and move in with some regular *** convo
Definitely don't have that type of a relationship with any of my exes where a convo like that would happen

What was the context?
Just a regular convo. I was talking about a situation with my son and she told me I'm not going to punish him because she knows me :lol: low key got me heated idk if was her thinking she knows me or her questioning my parenting probably both

Why you talking to your ex anyway?
because some people are better as friends? :lol:
While I was studying at the local coffee shop Law school chick was in there. Seen her *** clapping with that thong on made my little man move. Chatted with her before I dipped out and told her about there a Beer Fest going on later today and she should stop studying and come get some drinks. Kinda left it like that.

Got a text 30 min later saying so...... Beer Fest. 

There was this bad chick I wanted to talk to but Law school chick was next to me.

I cant be shooting 3s like Kyle Korver when I can drive thru the lane like young Kobe for the dunk
NT Fam, when you're walking around campus at college and see girls you want to approach, what are some easy things to say to break the ice and get the number? Are there any lines you guys have ready to use?
Just shoot your shot :lol:

just Try to strike up a simple conversation or compliment something about them.. after a couple exchanges tell them you have someplace to go and try to get the #

it's not the smoothest approach or w/e but it's been working for me recently.
I'm being great out here for yall.

Had to go into this agency we are working with yesterday, set me up with this little workspace. Had to converse with a girl who turned out to be a temp there... Smiling all big at me and what not. Asked her to come to happy hour and she came with my boy and I.

Did a few shots at my boys next to usc and then walked to the bar. Got to bar, did one round and she wanted me to take her home.

Got back to her pad and it was game over. Made her and then she made me in her mouth... Couldn't even stay hard tho smh. Her ex is the greatest wr son haha.

Left her pad at 1030, back to the bar where a girl I invited out was waiting. Back to her pad and smashed (she's the regular).

First girl caught me trying to take a pic of her for yall lol. Got a pic of her setup and of her pic smh.
no showers in between :nthat:
What WAR would you give her?

I'd beat it multiple times. Tell you that much.


Fun personality, sex was great, could actually have a conversation.

But too easy but that may be my game? Wanted the kids in here, on her face, boobs or in mouth. She said all of that during.

Then told me how great the kids tasted haha.
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