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She know where you live? Just block her.

Thank God she doesn't

What she doesn't know will not hurt her.
You say something to your current lady about being in contact with your ex even if you deaded the convo and watch you get that work.
Matter of fact, delete that text because if she comes across it, you will get that work.
Now if you are confident in your relationship that you feel your current won't spazz out and you both have strong communication skills, still don't tell her because you will get that work.
Women say they love honesty until you totally tell them all the truth and watch their demeanor change up. If it's not affecting you guys right now, let it be. The only time I would bring this up would be if it's going to physically harm her and destroy your well being, other then that block her and Diddy bop and continue living your life.
OG once told me:
"You can have the most positive relationship.
Knowledge, love, respect, loyalty, all of that but everybody has secrets in a relationship. It just depends on the weight of the secrecy and the harm it will do. Choose your battles and determine what actions are needed to be discussed that will not harm or hurt the other persons pysche or feelings. Other then that, let that ish ride"

You stay dropping jewels
Off topic, but I think I feel myself a little TOO much. I'm not cocky or anything on the outside. But inside, I'm a cocky dude. I never show it though. I'll be standing in the mirror looking at myself for mad long just admiring myself thinking "if a ***** don't like me, something wrong with the *****"

But on the outside I'm the most humble person anyone knows. I guess it's a good thing. Gotta love yourself before you expect someone else to love you, right?
I'm the most confident dude around... Inside and out lol.

My mom even told me the other day, "Ur never gunna meet a nice girl unless u become less of a d." Something along those lines haha.
20 miles though. Im 15 miles from the closest grocery store and gym... if you really not willing to do that you def dont want to be in a relationship

Depends on the city

20 miles isn't the same in every city

I wouldn't date someone who lived 20 miles away in SoCal

In the most spread out metropolitan city in the world 20 miles would be ur limit?

My limit is even less than that probably. I live on the Westside. Not going past DTLA or South Bay most likely :lol:

Time is money. And I like to see my woman at least a few times a week so I need that proximity.
Question for my black brothers. Do you find it difficult kissing white women that dont have full lips? I feel like im kissing a damn duck :smh:
Sometimes im kissing the nose and ****. How do you deal with it? :nerd:
Question for my black brothers. Do you find it difficult kissing white women that dont have full lips? I feel like im kissing a damn duck :smh:
Sometimes im kissing the nose and ****. How do you deal with it? :nerd:

haha my most recent girl had small lips compared to mine, but honestly the white girls i've kissed are the best kissers so they know how to handle it. they pucker up extra hard. and when frenchingthey got bigger than I do..
haha my most recent girl had small lips compared to mine, but honestly the white girls i've kissed are the best kissers so they know how to handle it. they pucker up extra hard. and when frenchingthey got bigger than I do..

The recent white girls ive kissed are horrible :lol:
When I open my mouth to get the tongue out, my lips touch the nose :smh:
So I need some advice here bruhs
I've been talking to my ex-coworker even tho she has a man but lately has been throwing all sorts of signs at me so why not . But I guess a day or two ago she tells me that her & her bf broke up & she's hitting my phone on what to do .
I told her simply I can't help with that situation , so my question is how do I go about this ?
So I need some advice here bruhs
I've been talking to my ex-coworker even tho she has a man but lately has been throwing all sorts of signs at me so why not . But I guess a day or two ago she tells me that her & her bf broke up & she's hitting my phone on what to do .
I told her simply I can't help with that situation , so my question is how do I go about this ?
I personally wouldnt get too involved in her situation. Women want to vent so hear her out, but I wouldnt give advice.
Go out for drinks so she can vent then more than likely you'll smash that night
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So I need some advice here bruhs
I've been talking to my ex-coworker even tho she has a man but lately has been throwing all sorts of signs at me so why not . But I guess a day or two ago she tells me that her & her bf broke up & she's hitting my phone on what to do .
I told her simply I can't help with that situation , so my question is how do I go about this ?

:lol: man this is a lay-up. Now if she's seriously distraught convince her she doesn't need em. But honestly she probably just tryna give you the ok.

So just ask her out to chill, eat, or what have you. Then do your thang.
You overthinking, women fresh off a break up want to have sex, lots of it. Your opinion doesn't really matter, that's reserved for her homegirls and family. She just wants to vent a little and get some good D.

Easy layup.
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As u TAYers might know...

I'm having trouble getting over my ex. I know she's not doing great with our breakup either. Thing is that I had a minor incident of cheating, but she dumped me before finding out about that. I think we both kind of want to get back together. But both of us are hurt. I cheated on her so she can't ask to have me back. And my pride is hurt because it's like you dumped me before even finding out about that instead of trying to stick it out in our relationship together and make it work with me.

Maybe I'm forgetting the things that led to our breakup, because at the time it was really understandable that she broke it off. But now I'm just starting to feel like if you didn't want to be with me then F you, and just moving on.
Hobbies bro. Weights, cars, games, music/ instruments, parties. You can either fill your void from within.. or get out with your peeps and fill it with new friends. No other way you'll get over it quick.
Unfortunately can't mess with my main hobbies of bball and lifting due to a few nagging injuries that I'll be starting to rehabilitate soon. Makes things suck ALOT more since physical fitness is really important to me and a great outlet, and instead of getting sexy for this warm weather I've just been deflating a little 

As u TAYers might know...

I'm having trouble getting over my ex. I know she's not doing great with our breakup either. Thing is that I had a minor incident of cheating, but she dumped me before finding out about that. I think we both kind of want to get back together. But both of us are hurt. I cheated on her so she can't ask to have me back. And my pride is hurt because it's like you dumped me before even finding out about that instead of trying to stick it out in our relationship together and make it work with me.

Maybe I'm forgetting the things that led to our breakup, because at the time it was really understandable that she broke it off. But now I'm just starting to feel like if you didn't want to be with me then F you, and just moving on.
Let me give you the playbook so you don't **** up like I did.

-She dumped you, walk away. No contact on holidays, birthdays none of that. Tell her you need this time if you have to. If she loved you, she won't forget you. You need to be over this and even when she comes back around
-Get into your hobbies, your goals, get some exercise, socialize. Stay busy with the goal being to get yourself back and have a clear mind and conscience, NOT to get her back. Basically, become a better person

Ya'll sound like you were deep, she will pop her head back in, it's best to have covered all of that so you're emotionally stable. When she does, no chit chat over the phone, no text tag, just set up a meet. Have fun on the date, try to sleep with her again, let it be natural. Now here's where I and most other dudes in this position **** up. Your mind tricks you back into the texting and calling and all that like you're still together, robbing her of the chase, not being aggressive because you don't want to scare her off. She now knows she can have you, and the slightest bit of overpersuing will trigger her negative memory of you and she'll fade to black again. Don't do that, just wash, rinse, repeat the bolded until she's texting and talking to you constantly. Don't bug her the next day about the date, just have some patience and let her hit you up, and again wash, rinse, repeat the bolded until she's yours. It's going to be tough living as if it's over, and if she does come around, tough not to fall into old habits. But stay true to it and it's your best course of action.

And there's no timeline on her returning, weeks, months, a year. If she never does, it should be clear to you that there really wasn't any love, and moving on was for the best. Don't waste time pining when you could be becoming great. What's more attractive, the best version of you, or the pining mess?

Also important, date quality women in your time apart, learn with each one. The bottom scrapings don't help much.
I've been focused on my main life objective at the moment, which is to be capable of making myself happy alone. Been working on two things I'd kind of been putting off while I was with her that are integral to me achieving that. One of which is my passion. I feel like a lot of us use women as a crutch, but that lowers the ceiling of how happy we can ultimately be. If we can find happiness alone, we can find that much more of it when the right woman comes by. Thing is, as far as dating quality women goes, it's EXTREMELY difficult for me to connect with women. And on top of it even meet quality yambs. But yea I've been avoiding just going and smashing whatever. I know that won't do anything for me. And yea we were pretty deep. Pretty early on we thought we found our "soulmates" and were planning on spending our lives together. 
How about instead of pondering on women that are not in your life anymore, write down a vision for your life.
It's always hard when somebody you genuinely cared for has departed from your life and things didn't work out the way you planned it, but you are doing a disservice to yourself.
If you honestly think these females are sitting around crying about you or playing the guessing game, stop thinking that right now.
Once again I'm not a religious man, but when things don't work out take that as a sign from Allah, Buddah, God, Black Jesus, Blonde Jesus, Ghostface Killah, Tupac, Biggie, whomever as maybe a more fruitful relationship is out there for you.
Live your life, make good with your demons/guilt and let nature and the universe take its course. This is not to say to go out and smash rando's or build teams. This is to say find something tangible, find your purpose, start building your legacy and stop worrying about these females. It's so many things to experience and women are in the 1 percental. Enjoy your youth, independence, family and friends instead of being a Woulda-Shoulda-Coulda *** Ninja.
How about volunteer, pick up a damn book, fix something, enjoy your life my dudes. Found out recently a Homie back home found pollops in his colon. Hoping for the best but even he said:
"I wasted so much time partying, ******* bishes but Now I'm facing my on mortality and I'm scared". Hearing a grown man cry is the worst.
Don't get to that point brethren and stop feeling bad because your situation and feelings(although valid) mean absolutely nothing in the bigger scheme of life.
Cut them BISHES off and let them live as you should do the same. You are not guaranteed anything in this life but death.
I honestly do think she is upset and heartbroken right now though. She's an artist who'd always share pictures and things on social media and has been virtually inactive on everything since. Aside from posting a song by the one group we both liked, then one of her best friends yesterday posted a song on her wall by them too which is about taking a break and needing time apart in a relationship with a wink face. There were pics posted of her father and sister's birthday and she didn't show her face in any. Hasn't been a single pic of her put up since we broke off a month ago. I randomly checked this app we'd only use to talk to one another about 2 weeks after we broke up and saw she'd last logged in a week before i checked. Then went back on 2 days later and saw she'd been on the day before. Then went on again 2 days later and saw she'd been on the day before again. All at around 2-3 am. I haven't been on since then, because I kind of got the point. I think she's attempting to send me a sign.

Either way, I still need my own time and space to work on things and myself. 
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20 miles though. Im 15 miles from the closest grocery store and gym... if you really not willing to do that you def dont want to be in a relationship

Depends on the city

20 miles isn't the same in every city

I wouldn't date someone who lived 20 miles away in SoCal

Because traffic? You're telling me if a bomb girl gave you play, and yall got serious you'll end it?

... thought so. You cant conrtol how far someone you like/love lives. You'll have to determine if they're worth the trip. Now a fling, I can understand.
[emoji]128064[/emoji] yall right . Like the thing is she's stuck on her bf and blames herself for the breakup . That's where it kinda gets tricky
It's not tricky at all, just listen (or pretend to listen) and have wild sex. Seriously, don't fall for her or worry your damn self about her problems, just enjoy the rebound sex. I feel like it's going way over your head what she's trying to do. She just wants company and sex, women will never go about it in a logical way.
It's not tricky at all, just listen (or pretend to listen) and have wild sex. Seriously, don't fall for her or worry your damn self about her problems, just enjoy the rebound sex. I feel like it's going way over your head what she's trying to do. She just wants company and sex, women will never go about it in a logical way.

Yeah I'm overthinking it . I'll try to set something up for this weekend with that said [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Yeah it took me 38 mins to go 6 miles last night lol.

Lol if you dont know how to manuver around traffic thats on you. :lol:

Im not dating girls during the peak hours of traffic. You go out during the night. I'm in the heart of traffic central. And I've never experienced this issue.
It's not tricky at all, just listen (or pretend to listen) and have wild sex. Seriously, don't fall for her or worry your damn self about her problems, just enjoy the rebound sex. I feel like it's going way over your head what she's trying to do. She just wants company and sex, women will never go about it in a logical way.

thats the silver platter for you.

Just dont out there getting attached, having her cling to you.
20 miles though. Im 15 miles from the closest grocery store and gym... if you really not willing to do that you def dont want to be in a relationship

Depends on the city

20 miles isn't the same in every city

I wouldn't date someone who lived 20 miles away in SoCal

Because traffic? You're telling me if a bomb girl gave you play, and yall got serious you'll end it?

... thought so. You cant conrtol how far someone you like/love lives. You'll have to determine if they're worth the trip. Now a fling, I can understand.

I actually did. When I was living in Cerritos this cute lawyer chick who lived in the IE liked me but the distance made things too tough with our schedules.

Now I'm with an even better chick who only lives 10 minutes away and it's perfect
flyeed flyeed
Brethren, you got to let this breathe.
Stop concerning yourself about her feelings.
I know you guys were in love and mistakes happened but my dude you have to keep living. I have said this over and over
Nobody owes you a damn thing.
Not an explanation, not advice, not opportunities, nothing.
I know it's fresh and all the plans and possibilities keep you up at night but it's not healthy and you are doing a disservice to your future. The best thing you can do after a rough break is to get yourself right and enjoy life. You out here worrying about the wrong things. Women are beautiful, sexy, intelligent and can bring a lot of good to your life but the wrong woman can destroy you and your potential. You have to recognize this is a growing pain. Worry about what you can control. One thing in this world you can't control is people, women, death and taxes.
I know you are in your feels(trust it took 6 years to get over my ex) but you have to find some peace my dude. You are the main priority, not her. Heal, get your masters, take care of your family and friends and give it time to situate itself out.
Stop beating yourself up and live my dude.
No more excuses or letting thoughts control you(that's one flaw in working on), you have to love you before you can love someone else. Don't be heart broken but be introspective and take the good but remember the lessons of the bad.
I wish you peace brethren.
Going through that period, worrying about you is the toughest thing to do, but it's what you have to. You will have moments of regression, you will have to cry it out every now and then, but move forward like she'll never be a part of your life again. Contacting her again will set you back to square one, guaranteed. No contact, deleting her pics, unfriending etc is for your health man.
Going through that period, worrying about you is the toughest thing to do, but it's what you have to. You will have moments of regression, you will have to cry it out every now and then, but move forward like she'll never be a part of your life again. Contacting her again will set you back to square one, guaranteed.No contact, deleting her pics, unfriending etc is for your health man.

So much truth. I am ashamed that I didn't learn this sooner. Curiosity kills the cat, and I couldn't understand my self sabotage in trying to snoop. But that is over and done.
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