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Nannys from overseas that live with the family they nanny for.
Think of it like a foreign exhange student deal
U guys ever really awkward with a chick

Like you want to smash and she does too, and over texts everything is butter, but then in person **** is just weird.

I'm usually confident and I can tell she is too, but in person we're not comfortable.
Nah, doesn't happen to me lol

it's happening to me for the first time...

problem with me is that this is my first rebound after my ex who I'm still not completely over

and with her she feels intimidated by me. not bragging, apparently I'm known as the hot smart guy on campus and it intimidates her. i also stupidly made her feel dumb a few times which led to her feeling less comfortable around me.

Man, I don't quite know the awkward feeling you're expecting but I know what it's like when a yamb is intimidated by your intellect and/or looks. Best advice I can give is similar to what was posted which is be as fun and easygoing around her as possible. Especially if you're just trying to smash, I would just advise to "dumb it down".

and that soccer field story :rofl:

we all like to talk about our wins, but props for being comfortable sharing your L

the image of the whole thing is hilarious :lol:  


Yea man, it happened so fast.


Na but not looking to smash nannies and babysitters

Why not?

au pair have weird schedules and situations.

some of my students started out as au pairs. they're basically on call and live in someone elses house. everything is kind of on you.

This. I remember I went out with an Australian au pair once. The date lasted like six hours and she was like "I really want you to come back to my place but Alyssa (the mother) said I can't have boys back in the apartment :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Fellow yambino's do I or do I not drive almost 2 hours for a possible threesome? And no I haven't smashed either.
My main 1 turned to 0.
I've never been so un attracted to someone by something they have said. Shorty is 23 and said "I want a baby" I said " you young" and she said "I'm first generation Hispanic so it's not like ima get far in life regaurdless"
My mind went like [emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji]
*DEADED* legit was counting minutes just to get home
My main 1 turned to 0.
I've never been so un attracted to someone by something they have said. Shorty is 23 and said "I want a baby" I said " you young" and she said "I'm first generation Hispanic so it's not like ima get far in life regaurdless"
My mind went like [emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji]
*DEADED* legit was counting minutes just to get home


Just... wow.

I would've dipped to breh.
That sounds like a joke doe

A few Hispanic chicks have said those exact words before so Idk about that one

But she must not had been attractive anyways for dude to not even give it a thought
My main 1 turned to 0.
I've never been so un attracted to someone by something they have said. Shorty is 23 and said "I want a baby" I said " you young" and she said "I'm first generation Hispanic so it's not like ima get far in life regaurdless"
My mind went like [emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128562[/emoji]
*DEADED* legit was counting minutes just to get home

I'm going to hell...
Out in la right now, went to some spot called "Black" and Girls are noooo joke ( SoCal dudes are winning) but it seems like if you don't have money it's a wrap

I don't even know how to approach these broads
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Out in la right now, went to some spot called "Black" and Girls are noooo joke ( SoCal dudes are winning) but it seems like if you don't have money it's a wrap

I don't even know how to approach these broads

Nah you're psyching yourself out, socal women are way open.
The Hispanic chick is more sad than funny. Good move cutting her off you dont need that negativity in your life
Man now that I have IG, I'm following some of the chicks I went to HS with. Deer gawd there's a whole bunch of bad ******* and I didn't really enjoy myself with them since I wasn't open minded back then. :smh:
That feel when you can't pull this tall chick because you are out with another tall chick who graduated from the same law school as the same chick you are with and the same party...

That feel Bros :\
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