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Is it just me of does raw sex automatically make both parties lose their minds?

Yall remember the first time yall had the raw box? I felt like I was on drugs. Heroin.

Trying to get my girl on BC so I can pull a Shyne, but her body not having it.
Hopped on Tinder, never thought I'd resort to it 

No idea what pics to use but oh well
When my ex broke up with me over facetime last week I didn't have much to say. We had discussed everything before and both knew it would end but I didn't think it would end just yet. I didn't want my text asking her if she would please send the necklace back to me to be the last text she received from me before I cut off all contact with her. So, a couple days later I hit her with a text, "I'm actually glad we broke up. We had many great times together but it's the right decision and for the best :smile:" I'm sure that I will see her sometime this fall when I'm home visiting. But my intentions are purely to smash and our past relationship won't even be mentioned. If she hits me up first before 3-4 months I will reply quick and casual. If she doesn't hit me up before that time frame and I'm visiting my parents I will text her to see how she's doing. If she doesn't mention a new bf or anything I'm going to propose we meet to catch up. Since I was basically the first person she had sex with and taught her everything sexually, and this relationship did not end in a hostile way I know that I will be able to smash again eventually. And that's all I really want.

Now putting that out of my mind, I'm enjoying being single. Haven't really been single in three years and it's going to take a lot for me to want commitment at this point. I'm back on tinder and in general looking to build a roster right now. In May when I was on tinder heavy and had four different girls I was dating I think I made the mistake of being too aggressive too early with some of these chicks. I made out with all of them at the end of the first date. Two of them I never saw again and the other two I think I pushed away by trying to have sex with them or get them to come over to my place too quickly. I think I'm going to slow things down with any new girls I date.
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You should just leave your ex alone, that **** ain't cool man. If you don't seriously plan on trying to make things work, smashing is just going to complicate things for both of you.

If you're really over her, be over her, there's plenty of women out here you can smash if you just want to smash, I'm not buying that.
Now putting that out of my mind, I'm enjoying being single. Haven't really been single in three years and it's going to take a lot for me to want commitment at this point. I'm back on tinder and in general looking to build a roster right now. In May when I was on tinder heavy and had four different girls I was dating I think I made the mistake of being too aggressive too early with some of these chicks. I made out with all of them at the end of the first date. Two of them I never saw again and the other two I think I pushed away by trying to have sex with them or get them to come over to my place too quickly. I think I'm going to slow things down with any new girls I date.

You were already in the streets as if you were single
Now putting that out of my mind, I'm enjoying being single. Haven't really been single in three years and it's going to take a lot for me to want commitment at this point. I'm back on tinder and in general looking to build a roster right now. In May when I was on tinder heavy and had four different girls I was dating I think I made the mistake of being too aggressive too early with some of these chicks. I made out with all of them at the end of the first date. Two of them I never saw again and the other two I think I pushed away by trying to have sex with them or get them to come over to my place too quickly. I think I'm going to slow things down with any new girls I date.


You were already in the streets as if you were single

I know. It came up in conversation during the the hour we facetimed after she broke up with me. I asked her if she cheated on me while she was abroad and she said no and asked me. I told her that I was dating other girls during May but I didn't have sex with any of them and I would've rather been with her. She was just shaking her head at me and asked me again if I was sure I didn't have sex with any of them. I could sense her getting a little bit angry like she couldn't believe it. Her friends told her I'd probably cheat on her when she was gone and she assured them it would never happen, not with me. I told her not to flip this on me and make me look like the bad buy when she just broke up with me and I didn't do anything wrong. Told her if she was there for me it wouldn't have happened but what did she expect after telling me I wasn't "the one", we had no real future and would break up eventually, she never made time to facetime, and wasn't putting forth enough effort even though it was a LDR. I was just hedging against what I suspected would happen anyway, she breaks up with me whe she gets home, which she did. Glad I didn't waste any of my time waiting around for this girl who made it clear I was not a priority in her life. She then admitted to me that she went on two dates just for fun but did not cheat on me. The audacity of her to be upset with me for admitting I was dating four girls :lol: :smh:
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Now putting that out of my mind, I'm enjoying being single. Haven't really been single in three years and it's going to take a lot for me to want commitment at this point. I'm back on tinder and in general looking to build a roster right now. In May when I was on tinder heavy and had four different girls I was dating I think I made the mistake of being too aggressive too early with some of these chicks. I made out with all of them at the end of the first date. Two of them I never saw again and the other two I think I pushed away by trying to have sex with them or get them to come over to my place too quickly. I think I'm going to slow things down with any new girls I date.


You were already in the streets as if you were single

This what I'm saying though :lol:
Thank that woman for not wasting any more of your time, because ya'll both were fighting the inevitable but were hesitant on pulling the trigger. Should have happened sooner. But enough of the past, enjoy your time as a single man. I'm sure you're young, it's time to prosper fam.

BTW, for my DC heads that rock with Future and/or Metro Boomin

There's a brunch party playing nothing but Future tracks & Metro is DJing a cookout 
Is it just me of does raw sex automatically make both parties lose their minds?

Yall remember the first time yall had the raw box? I felt like I was on drugs. Heroin.

Trying to get my girl on BC so I can pull a Shyne, but her body not having it.
first time I had raw box I was like 16 or 17, can't remember

It felt like I was in heaven, I think I came in like 3 strokes :lol: :lol:

I'm not in a serious relationship so I can't shoot up any clubs and I have to strap up :frown:
More illwill relationship problems.

So my homegirl has been low key trying to cuff me and I didn't even notice. It wasn't until my aunt pointed it out that even realized that it was a reality. The thing is that she is 10yrs older than me and has a son. I'm not about that life yet. We are cool and enjoy each others company on a platonic level but i thought we were both cool in the friendzone years ago. My fam said she not good for me in the long run because she's looking for someone to take care of her and she wouldn't have much to give in return. She really has become my homie though.

This other woman I am trying to put into the friendzone is not trying to hear it. She won't stop badgering me. The thing is that she is a liability. A dead battery. Her in my presence is draining, sex is draining and she doesn't have any future potential. If she showed me she had potential it would be one thing but shorty has none. A nut is just entertainment and my playstation has been way more exciting to be honest.

My fam has been also telling me to look into this other girl that we have known for a while. I like her and all but the catch is that she doesn't live in my city. I've never been open to the long distance thing but maybe I should be open up to it. Thoughts? advice?
Never feel obligated to put up with a woman's BS.

Today I woke up and was looking for a shirt to wear. I found this nickelodeon 90's cartoon T Shirt just chillin. I hadn't wore it out because my ex of 3 years kept saying I looked dumb wearing it. She said I was too old to be wearing a shirt like that and bla bla bla. Point being, I wore the damn shirt today and got 3 compliments. All from girls. All who thought the shirt was cute.

Feelz Guuuuud
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Too many females out here for one to be entertaining ones who bring nothing to the table. Any relationship whether friendship or romantic where you feel that the person is draining you and having a negative impact on you, needs to be dropped. Life is shorter than you think for one to be wasting the most valuable asset one owns ... TIME.

Idk anything about you to give you advice on whether or not you should be open to a LDR. But just know that it requires patience, time, and money. Most importantly a plan has to be set in place where the two of you will end up in close proximity in the future. If there is no plan for one of you to eventually move then you will ultimately end up in a relationship with your phone. With all that being said, if you believe she is worth it then give it a shot. A LDR teaches you plenty about yourself and how to improve as a partner.
I need quick advice from my TAYER's...This is about shorty that I posted a while ago about that I smashed and didn't deliver too well because I was a bit...umm quick and she was distant after that..I finally got a date out of her last night and she was telling me she's been busy blah blah blah..Well we did a lil kiss last night (but it was a peck and she seemed to pull away) I understand its probably because it was in front of a restaurant with people there so that's cool..Well I texted her something and she took 9 hours to respond lol...I haven't responded yet, so my question is should I say "by the way that kiss was wack last night" to try to build back on the sexual attraction, I'm trying to not slip in the friend zone by not flirting with her. What do you guys think? And also should I mention to her that she should give me a second chance in the sack because I didn't do well the first time? Or is that just OD and lame?

You should just leave your ex alone, that **** ain't cool man. If you don't seriously plan on trying to make things work, smashing is just going to complicate things for both of you.

If you're really over her, be over her, there's plenty of women out here you can smash if you just want to smash, I'm not buying that.
Took the thoughts right out my head
I need quick advice from my TAYER's...This is about shorty that I posted a while ago about that I smashed and didn't deliver too well because I was a bit...umm quick and she was distant after that..I finally got a date out of her last night and she was telling me she's been busy blah blah blah..Well we did a lil kiss last night (but it was a peck and she seemed to pull away) I understand its probably because it was in front of a restaurant with people there so that's cool..Well I texted her something and she took 9 hours to respond lol...I haven't responded yet, so my question is should I say "by the way that kiss was wack last night" to try to build back on the sexual attraction, I'm trying to not slip in the friend zone by not flirting with her. What do you guys think? And also should I mention to her that she should give me a second chance in the sack because I didn't do well the first time? Or is that just OD and lame?

Don't mention the kiss or the sex.
You caught a V12 nut, own it. Coming off insecure about it will only make her want it less.
Apologies for the late response, I haven't been checking the forums recently..

hennessy hennessy That girl has been a burden on your brain for too long now brother, I'm happy you got the closure you needed. she has been holding you back mentally, don't give her the satisfaction no more |I

Also It annoys me that she had the nerve to be looking at you sideways when you know damn well she was off doing her thing in Aus :smh: and the fact that SHE ended it with YOU, the cheek. maybe that's my ego talking.. Doubt it.

When you love the wrong people, they take the piss. Love and hold in high regard the people that return it to you in equal measure, not to those that do not appreciate nor value it, I learned that the hard way.

Make sure you get your necklace back and put that paper towards a nice new pair of slps for yourself.. lace them up and walk them straight up to something nice and curvey and get active again brother, this time with your mind in the game not on her..

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Take time for yourself if that's what you need to do. You have wasted enough of your time and love on her.. That's for sure, cut all contact, keep your chin up and keep pushing forward, learn from it and never look back. You'll be fine :smile:
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What in the flying **** is going on in here[emoji]128557[/emoji]
Some of you guys are giving these women all your power. I mean it's like you don't understand that you are not guaranteed another second on this planet but yet and still you want to run behind women that mean you harm, frustration or want to deliberately put them into friendzones, for what[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
What does any of this profit you. While you worrying about these females, there's another dude out there hustling, gettin his paper, education, traveling and enjoying his life while you stagnating yourself behind some female that has made you an option or told you some fiction to boost your ego.
Let me guess:
"I'll always love you"
"We can be friends, just not right now"..
I don't know why it's so hard to grasp the concept of living and actually looking for women who are really trying to dig you on a personal level. A woman that actually gives a damn about you instead of these bird brains and their games. Yeah I'm a little flustered because nothing is guaranteed. Everyday you wake up can be your last, so why worry yourself with trivial things or how can I can control this certain chick to possibly get some bad or sub par yambs.
Man life is too beautiful to be consistently pondering about women. Get yourself right and everything will fall into place. The day you live for yourself is the day positive matter is attracted to you. Get out there a build your legacy and let these women come last or more naturally.
GotDamn depressing in here.
You too blessed to be going through some of these self inflicted shenanigans.
Either **** or get off the pot[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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