Teacher beats up a....13 year old? in class? SMH...

As the adult in charge she definately OD'd. The non mother in me is on her side thi cuz some of these kids need to get their !%# beat by a teacher so they know they don't run @*@%. Kids these days know they can't really get into any real trouble most of the time.
This was at a Charter School here in Houston (so maybe that explains the way she was dressed), the teacher was fired btw.
I can't imagine what I'd do as a parent seeing another adult do that to my child
Write him up, kick him out and let me deal with his punishment
Though, if the parents were disciplining him properly he might not be acting up in class
Still what she did was ridiculous, i'm surprised his parents didn't go up there an try to whoop her %%%

I would fine that teacher and make sure I own that *+%%# if she ever touch my child and mean EVER DARED lay a finger.
Teachers now a days are getting outta hand like wth is your problem talking to my kids in inappropriate manners and hitting them.
Man yall dudes terry cloth. If my son, especially at 13 tries to play hard and beat up any female, and ends up getting whooped on by his female teacher I'm not only congratulating her on a job well done, but I'm making fun of ol boy for the rest of his life. It's not like dude isn't old enough to know better so he got taught a lesson the hard way big whoop. Now a male teacher that's a different story, and I'm guessing the mother would be upset in either case, but man as males yall sound so soft right now. Type of dudes to hold your 15 year old son and let him cry on your shoulder after picking a fight and losing instead of telling him to stop being a punk and either learn to fight or stop starting *@!*.  
at this dude above me.

This is a grown woman fighting a kid . Period all that man up crap gets put away the minute you realize their is not much he can do at his age against an adult. You sound dumb for real. I wouldn't tease my kid about getting drug across the floor and getting hit by his teacher .
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

at this dude above me.

This is a grown woman fighting a kid . Period all that man up crap gets put away the minute you realize their is not much he can do at his age against an adult. You sound dumb for real. I wouldn't tease my kid about getting drug across the floor and getting hit by his teacher .
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

at this dude above me.

This is a grown woman fighting a kid . Period all that man up crap gets put away the minute you realize their is not much he can do at his age against an adult. You sound dumb for real. I wouldn't tease my kid about getting drug across the floor and getting hit by his teacher .
A grown woman fighting a kid
. I know 13 year olds that would probably knock you out. I'm sure the little girl that 13 year old tried to beat ons father would have felt furious because there isn't much his daughter could do against that beast of a kid. You see how big that boy is? There's a reason his peers just watched and laughed as he his $!% handed to him. Dude isn't some innocent child the teacher took her rage out on he probably been doing the same thing she did to him to kids smaller than him all his life. Like I said you guys are soft as @**$ trying to make excuses. That boy got taught his lesson, the hard way. @**$ the men in my family would have punched me in the chest after getting beat by that woman for even trying to put my hands on a female.
I agree with wade187. If you don't teach your kids and raise em right, someone else will. If you don't want others to beat their ***, then you shouldn't do it yourself so that they don't get in situations where this could be the result. If this happened to me when I was 13, my parents would congratulate that lady and beat my *** when I got home. That doesn't mean they don't love me or don't stand up for me, it means I should know better than that.
Its this type of thinking that shows when some lame @#$% dies in a failed robbery attempt and his fam is talking about how he is supposedly a respectful and nice young man. @#$% out of here.
First off there's nothing "soft" about me.
Secondly i'm not making excuses for what the kid did.Frankly if that was my son,he'd get his %%# beat FOR REAL!What i'm saying is that if the kid was acting crazy then there are steps a TEACHER needs to take to make sure he gets punished peoperly (at least by the school's standards).Unless you have the permission of the parents or the situation is so
EXTREME you have no other options in the moment then by all means light his %%# up like the 4th of July!
It's a dangerous move to lay
hands on kids that don't belong to you.That's all i'm saying man.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

First off there's nothing "soft" about me.
Secondly i'm not making excuses for what the kid did.Frankly if that was my son,he'd get his %%# beat FOR REAL!What i'm saying is that if the kid was acting crazy then there are steps a TEACHER needs to take to make sure he gets punished peoperly (at least by the school's standards).Unless you have the permission of the parents or the situation is so
EXTREME you have no other options in the moment then by all means light his %%# up like the 4th of July!
It's a dangerous move to lay
hands on kids that don't belong to you.That's all i'm saying man.
I mean obviously she's gonna lose her job, and yeah as a teacher she could've handled it better. I wasn't talking about you when I'm saying dudes is soft I'm talking about the guys saying they would beat the crap out of that lady. It obviously isn't right for an adult to hit a child, but at the same time it isn't right for any child to beat on another. Two wrongs don't make a right, but sometimes it proves a point, and if that were my son it would also make a great story to tell his children. 
Back at my middle school, there was this girl that broke a teacher's foot because she was mad.
I couldn't imagine how infuriated a parent would be to know that anyone, especially a teacher, did that to their child. That stupid broad really couldn't control herself. I mean, you're a teacher, put your unmannerly hood behavior on display somewhere else.

And this broad is 40-years-old?!
I hear you Wade.I also heard that the girl was in the "special needs" category (i'm not 100% on that though).Hopefully his stupid $** learned something from this.
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