Teacher beats up a....13 year old? in class? SMH...

Mar 17, 2007
Go pick someone your own size
heard about this on the radio

can't lie..i laughed a lil bit..but thats *+*%%% up..no matter how bad the kids are teachers shouldn't hit them or flip out like that

i know some of my hs teachers prob wanted to lay a hand on me
why she look like a dude....
for the people who haven't been informed, the teacher is a FEMALE. saw this on the news tonight.
My dude got owned by a female lesbian teacher, 
. Shouldn't have tried to beat up that girl
psychological analysis:

The teacher most likely a lesbian, have been picked on during "her" childhood. Now seeing a girl getting picked on and being bullied instigated that emotion in which she acted unintelligibly.

Was it justified: Yes!

Will she be crucified for it: Hell yes.
In a non-specific way... like non-specific as in not this situation specifically..but...yeah..
.. I'm kinda glad some random teacher finally chumped a student
. Students been givin teachers hell far too long now. Somebody had to get got eventually, right? And given that it's this Trunks looking traumatized type going steak on the Black Toad from Mario Bros., it makes it even sweeter. I never liked Toad
.. Score one for the bad guys.
These days !@## like that will get your %!@ killed!
You don't just put your hands on someone else's seed like that.If the kid was acting crazy then there are alternative ways of dealing with him that don't include violence (unless the situation is EXTREME).I'd like to know what the parents on NT think about this.If you saw the vid and that was your child,would that have been okay in your eyes?
i would beat her (his) $!*. whatever IT is IT'S going down. specially if thats my kid. that %#%!* is getting knocked the %*@# out! word to friday
This doesn't look real at all. Just like they're playing around.

I was expecting to see blood and haymakers.
I have no problem with this. The "teacher" should be fired, but if that kid really did beat up a girl than he deserved to get his #@! kicked.
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