Tebow = Heisman Winner

My vote....

He was the best player in college football. More so than McFadden and Tebow. He clearly willed his entire team along. And I think most people wouldagree that if Dixon played as much as Tebow, than he would have better stats. But again, the Heisman isn't about stats. Dennis Dixon is the mostoutstanding football player of the 2007 year.
There are 925 Heisman voters -- 870 media, 54 living Heisman winners, one collective fan vote. The more voters, the more probability of the dreaded KnuckleheadFactor.

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Tim Tebow

Andy Lyons/Getty Images

Florida QB Tim Tebow has put up the kind of numbers that should earn him the Heisman Trophy.
These are the voters who don't stay up late on the East Coast to watch Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan. These are the voters who automatically eliminateFlorida quarterback Tim Tebow from consideration because he's a -- gasp! -- sophomore. These are the voters who question whether Tebow should even be afinalist, what with the defending national champion Gators only 9-3 and out of the title hunt. These are the voters who confuse NFL potential with collegeproduction. These are the voters who sometimes don't even vote (though the online balloting has helped increase the voting activity to about 97 percent).

At that's not the worst of it. Twenty years ago, a Heisman voter once told me he never cast a first-place vote for an African-American player.

The instructions on the Heisman ballot are so simple -- "I hereby designate (name, school) as my first choice to receive the Heisman Memorial Trophy,awarded to the most outstanding college football player in the United States for 2007." It doesn't say, "the most outstanding college footballplayer who doesn't disrupt my sleep patterns," or "the most outstanding college football player who is preferably a junior or senior," or"the most outstanding college football player whose team is undefeated and playing in the BCS Championship Game."

Arkansas running back Darren McFadden has Adrian Peterson-like NFL skills. He'll likely be the first pick in next year's NFL draft. I've seen himplay in person and he's other-worldly.

But he's not my first pick on my Heisman ballot. Tebow is.

Tebow has seven more rushing touchdowns than McFadden (22-15) on 110 fewer carries. And anybody who watches Tebow on a regular basis knows those TDsweren't simply QB sneaks. Ten of those 22 touchdowns were 5 yards or longer. And by the way, Tebow is the Gators' leading rusher, which means he took apounding in the same killer SEC as McFadden. Against Florida State in the regular-season finale, he played part of the second half with a broken right hand.

Tebow has four fewer TD passes (29) than Hawaii's Brennan and Mizzou's Daniel (33), but he also has 178 fewer pass attempts than Daniel and 105 fewerthan Brennan. And for those who think Tebow somehow doesn't deserve the trophy because Florida isn't a national title contender, remember this: TheGators lost five starters on offense (including their leading running back and wide receiver) and nine on defense from 2006, and since the BCS began in the1998 season, no team has won back-to-back BCS championships.

The rest of my ballot? McFadden will occupy the No. 2 spot, with Daniel, Brennan, Oregon quarterback Dennis Dixon or West Virginia quarterback Pat White as mylikely No. 3.
Originally Posted by don23lucia

There are 925 Heisman voters -- 870 media, 54 living Heisman winners, one collective fan vote. The more voters, the more probability of the dreaded Knucklehead Factor.

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Tim Tebow

Andy Lyons/Getty Images

Florida QB Tim Tebow has put up the kind of numbers that should earn him the Heisman Trophy.
These are the voters who don't stay up late on the East Coast to watch Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan. These are the voters who automatically eliminate Florida quarterback Tim Tebow from consideration because he's a -- gasp! -- sophomore. These are the voters who question whether Tebow should even be a finalist, what with the defending national champion Gators only 9-3 and out of the title hunt. These are the voters who confuse NFL potential with college production. These are the voters who sometimes don't even vote (though the online balloting has helped increase the voting activity to about 97 percent).

At that's not the worst of it. Twenty years ago, a Heisman voter once told me he never cast a first-place vote for an African-American player.

The instructions on the Heisman ballot are so simple -- "I hereby designate (name, school) as my first choice to receive the Heisman Memorial Trophy, awarded to the most outstanding college football player in the United States for 2007." It doesn't say, "the most outstanding college football player who doesn't disrupt my sleep patterns," or "the most outstanding college football player who is preferably a junior or senior," or "the most outstanding college football player whose team is undefeated and playing in the BCS Championship Game."

Arkansas running back Darren McFadden has Adrian Peterson-like NFL skills. He'll likely be the first pick in next year's NFL draft. I've seen him play in person and he's other-worldly.

But he's not my first pick on my Heisman ballot. Tebow is.

Tebow has seven more rushing touchdowns than McFadden (22-15) on 110 fewer carries. And anybody who watches Tebow on a regular basis knows those TDs weren't simply QB sneaks. Ten of those 22 touchdowns were 5 yards or longer. And by the way, Tebow is the Gators' leading rusher, which means he took a pounding in the same killer SEC as McFadden. Against Florida State in the regular-season finale, he played part of the second half with a broken right hand.

Tebow has four fewer TD passes (29) than Hawaii's Brennan and Mizzou's Daniel (33), but he also has 178 fewer pass attempts than Daniel and 105 fewer than Brennan. And for those who think Tebow somehow doesn't deserve the trophy because Florida isn't a national title contender, remember this: The Gators lost five starters on offense (including their leading running back and wide receiver) and nine on defense from 2006, and since the BCS began in the 1998 season, no team has won back-to-back BCS championships.

The rest of my ballot? McFadden will occupy the No. 2 spot, with Daniel, Brennan, Oregon quarterback Dennis Dixon or West Virginia quarterback Pat White as my likely No. 3.

did this guy read my posts?

So, in summation...Gator fans think Tebow should win, UF haters think anybody but Tebow should win, the Mizzou fan & anyone who played them thinks Danielshould win, a couple Oregon fans think it should be Dixon and I think it should be Cullen Harper.

This thread is awesome.
he has 3 losses..... McFadden is a running back with 4 losses.... the quarterback is more responsible for losses than a running back is.... its either McFaddenor Chase Daniel
51 touchdowns=end of story. No one has even come close to his production this year not to mention the numerous all-time records he has set and shattered thisyear. Most total touchdowns in SEC history, tied for 1st for most rushing TDs by a quarterback in NCAA history, and the list goes on and on. As for the lossesif you watch those games, he wasn't personally responsible for all of them, especially the LSU game. He did everything he could that game only to have thatbum Kestahn Moore fumble the ball when Florida was up by 10 late in the 3rd quarter driving for another score. In the Georgia game, his was good, even thoughhe was playing with an injured shoulder, but the defense let Knowshown run all over them. And as far as the Auburn game, he played well too, just a lot ofstupid penalties and dropped passes.

Tebow unlike the other candidates has not had a bad game at all this season, McFadden was pretty much shut down by Auburn and struggled against Tennessee,racking up yards at the end when the game was over. Daniel struggled mightily against Oklahoma, however he does have a opportunity to redeem himself this week.I don't think this would even be a debate if Tebow was a junior. The voters need to get past what year a player is and see his accomplishments for whatthey are.

He has more total yards of offense that 12 D-1 teams by himself including Miami, Notre Dame and Mississippi State (who is bowl eligible) Timmy is having a yearfor the ages and doing what most thought was impossible, allow one player to almost singlehandedly run roughshot through the SEC. And if past Heisman winnersare any indicator: Tebow has more passing TDs than when Leinart won and more rushing TDs than when Reggie Bush won. The Heisman trophy is awarded to THE MOSTOUSTANDING PLAYER IN THE COUNTRY not the best player on the highest ranked team, etc. and Mr. Tebow is that without a doubt.
I think if Daniel leads Missouri to a victory on Saturday and he has a big game (300 yards and 3-4 tds) he'll take the Heisman.

But if that doesn't happen then Tebow definitely deserves it.
The only reason he has so many rushing TDs is because they have him do all the work a RB should be doing since they have a lack of a real RB. You act likepeople like Matt Ryan can get rushing TDs there not in the situation Tebow is where he has to do that. Your whole argument is based of stats thats are inflatedsince hes on a team with no real RB.
^^^You just made my argument for me, Tebow has to do much more for his team than anyone else does, in the SEC nonetheless. Chase Daniel and Matt Ryan haveother options. Other than Tebow, Percy Harvin and Andre Caldwell (who have been injured and out for multiple games this season) there is no UF offense. Ithought sure Tebow wouldn't have been seriously injured taking the beating he does every week against SEC defenses, but he's held strong and exceededeveryone's expectations.
51 touchdowns=end of story.

ummm.... no. one could easily make the argument that Tebow padded his stats against bad teams, so you cannot say 51 TDs is the end all.

you could also argue that Florida's offense is designed to make Tebow the #1 option at the goal line, which is not true for Pat White, Chase Daniel, Dixon,and all other QB candidates. so again, having many TDs doesn't tell the full story.

i actually think a guy like Pat White has been the more outstanding player this year, because he opens things up and does so many things he's not expectedto do. White is a gamebreaker at the QB position, he's not just getting behind his line and picking holes. did you see his long TD run against UConn? thatwas NOT a designed run at all. it was a busted pass and he just took off, he completely made ALL 11 players on the defense miss (watch it again and count) ,and went in for the TD.

but my pick is Mcfadden, nothing more needs to be said about him. i'm not saying Tebow doesn't have an argument, i'm just saying why personally ithink other guys could have a strong argument, it isn't "end of story" like all you Florida fans are saying.
If Chase Daniels can do well and win against OU he'll be the front runner. But it is hard to ignore Tebows stats this year it's just been crazy and the3 losses isn't going to help. But like others your record and if your playing for the championship has a lot to do with it too and since Florida isn'tin the race it'll be tough.
Yall dudes act like Tebow is doing making 15 yard runs into the end zone. Dude is getting them Jerome Bettis candy touchdown and yall wanna give him theHeisman.

Yall killing me saying he has no help.
Tebow > Daniel

like i said before

If tebow does not receive the heisman, it will be grand theft robbery
one could easily make the argument that Tebow padded his stats against bad teams
One could also easily make the argument that Daniel got ALL of his stats against bad teams.

Like someone said on ATH today.. A few years back the heisman race was Leinart & Bush... Tebow has more passing TD's than leinart that year and morerushing td's than Bush that year
.. If thats not beasting i dont know what is..

@ having only like 4 passing tds less than Daniel with 100+ less attempts
why does tebow get a pass for being a system qb but harrell/crabtree and brennan don't?

and yes, i know crabtree isn't a qb
no one has ever done what tebow has done this season in college football history. end of story.
Originally Posted by raw120

no one has ever done what tebow has done this season in college football history. end of story.

no one ever did the things colt brennan did last year. he finished in 6th. whats your point
it doesnt really matter though cause i honestly want to see tebow fail in the NFL

that offense is nothin but a system....i mean damn tebow prob have more carries then anybody else on his team
Pat White didn't play the whole game against South Florida. Those stats aren't representative of a full game.
We wont be and either will you guys, but you guys will be getting destroyed. Quit trying to hijack the post
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