Tell Something Interesting About yourself Vol. I never would have guessed!

Originally Posted by Al Audi

i had ******* around the age of 14

then i decided to change my life

Like gynecomastia? How long did it take for them to go away?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i had ******* around the age of 14

then i decided to change my life


Sorry mayne...That made me laugh though...
-I've seen an albino roach.
Spoiler [+]
getting jumped by like six black roaches. Nah, I';m joking but for real I've seen an albino roach
- I like the sound when I run my finger along the teeth of a comb.
-At least four people at my job have asked if I was in therapy and when I said "no" suggested I should go. Now I say I see two therapists andcomplain about one to the other and vice versa.
-One woman at my job once asked me "Gms are you okay? Are you on drugs!?" I told her "I think my problem is that I'm not..
- I constanstly fib/embellish to see what I can get people to believe. I always tell the truth soon after though.
- I was just thinking about Sailor Moon a couple days ago.
Mainly,just singing the theme song in my head all day. Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight , never running from a real fight....she is the onenamed Sailor Moon. Weird that that Nter said that.
- I can fold the outer part of my ear into the canal. Sadly, its my best talent.
- I taught myself to juggle.
I'm gonna make it big in the rap game some day..

I WILL be rich and famous.. rapper or not.

I can just feel it in me
I'm a pretty decent portrait artist.

I was born in Ireland.

Before 2 months ago, I was afraid of ketchup.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm a pretty decent portrait artist.

I was born in Ireland.

Before 2 months ago, I was afraid of ketchup.

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Al Audi

i had ******* around the age of 14

then i decided to change my life


Sorry mayne...That made me laugh though...

freshman year of HS all the chicks liked my "bubble butt"

they use to treat me like a (&#$# when it came to gym class in my sweats

chicks was feelin me when i was chubby though
I had open heart surgery at 7.One of the last to have the procedure where a type of cloth is sewn over the hole. As a result I have a signature on the printout of my heart rate when I get an EKG. It will flat line when my inner electricity hits that section where the surgery was done and stop, but then resetitself right afterward.

Its kinda cool because I can see it if I put an object over my chest laying on my back. It will move up and down but then look as if the air was let right outof a balloon and drop for a second.
when i was a baby i had this little stuffed animal with a nightcap on it and to put myself to sleep i would rub the pompom on the end of the hat on my nose tofall asleep

well its hat fell off and i grew up but a habit that ive developed and had ever since is i smell my hair , but moreso when i am tired... it really calms me idkits addictive
I'm a very quiet person, I don't like to talk too much. When I DO talk you can't get me to shut up

I tend to "put my foot in my mouth" A LOT. I may sound dumb, ignorant or insensitive when I do this. I'm really just thinking out loud 90% of thetime.

I have a weird sense of humor. Things that are "supposed" to be funny rarely make me laugh, but I find humor in the simplest of things.

I can't swim and really have no intentions, or interest, to learn.

I have a huge anger problem, the littlest things set me off. It's been in check for the past few weeks, though.

I'm greedy as hell. Sometimes I over eat just to see how much my stomach can take
. I'm not fat, but this "habit" is gonna catch up withme one day.
I trust no woman
I hate boned chicken
I have one white friend and Im white
I rap and I suck
I spend money on useless stuff
all the girls I like have boy friends when I start to talk to them and when thy break up I don't like them anymore
-I played the clarinet in elementary school

-I've never broken a bone, had a busted lip, or nose

-I used to be afraid of Chuckie
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