Tell Something Interesting About yourself Vol. I never would have guessed!

Originally Posted by Leebuttahz

-I am an actor. -I only date white women. -I've never been to a club. -I hate animals, the only ones I like are the one's on my plate and the articles of clothing. -I'm way too nice. -I can't understand why people love twitter. -I've never cheated on my girl. -My ex girlfriend/girl I used to waste my time with had 3 abortions and I'm honestly glad when I look back at it.
what movies have you been on?
I loathe bananas, can't even stand the smell of them.
I've never been to a concert.
I've never broken a bone.
I didn't know who the Grateful Dead were until 3 weeks ago.
I suck at COD modern warfare.
Since i was young i have always wanted to be a male model , and i still day dream about it daily
I hate looking at friends from HS on Fb because they have careers and im still undecided and working the worst job of my life
I miss my ex even though she did me wrong because , she put up with alot of my crap
Im not very close to anyone in my own family
Im scared to start dating again
I know being wifed up is here i want to be but my curiousity keeps me from wanting to get serious
Im 23 and dont have anything to show for myself except a little bit of bills
I depend too much on my boys
i make too many excuses to why im a failure
I turn 25 on Tuesday.

I'm Half Nigerian, Half African American w/ a full Nigerian First/Last name. Yet never raised on my Nigerian side...People are shocked to see my people arereally country/ghetto as hell.

I'm the oldest by 10 years.

I've been a loner my entire life, yet I'm very charismatic in a lot of social settings.

I have such a serious demeanor, but I am the easiest person to get along with. It really throws people off.
-In the Summer of 2006 i was at the Mets Vs. Cubs game @ Wrigley Field for my Bday (Mets Fan)
-The Mets hit 2 grandslams in the 6th inning , the second one was hit by Carlos Beltran and I Literally Snaged The ball in Mid Air From The Secon Row Of Thebleachers Over The dudes in front of me with my glove......Never Through The Ball Back... Still Have It Til This Day @ my pops crib
Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

I'm a very quiet person, I don't like to talk too much. When I DO talk you can't get me to shut up

I tend to "put my foot in my mouth" A LOT. I may sound dumb, ignorant or insensitive when I do this. I'm really just thinking out loud 90% of the time.

I have a weird sense of humor. Things that are "supposed" to be funny rarely make me laugh, but I find humor in the simplest of things.

I can't swim and really have no intentions, or interest, to learn.

I have a huge anger problem, the littlest things set me off. It's been in check for the past few weeks, though.

I'm greedy as hell. Sometimes I over eat just to see how much my stomach can take
. I'm not fat, but this "habit" is gonna catch up with me one day.

every single thing on this list is exactly like me too
Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

I'm a very quiet person, I don't like to talk too much. When I DO talk you can't get me to shut up
Girls are always like.

"Why are you so quiet? Talk to me..."

And I tell them "When I start talking, I don't shut up, it's for you're benefit that I stay quiet"

"Come to me"

A week later = "Boy, you DO like to talk a lot"

Really? I didn't know that about myself...

Dumb tricks.
-all the females i've smashed we're asians/filipinas, i still have to expand my horizon (yellow fever needa go away)
-i dont see the point of bein in a relationship, sometimes i think im never gettin married
-i wasted a good amount of time Fn around, now im focused, its time to grind in school
-i dont trust NO ONE outside my fam and main N's
-i KOed a random dude at this party because he grabbed one of my patnas like he was about to do somethin, dude hit his head against the dry wall and put a big%@! hole in it and dude was literally on the ground for more than 10 mins. i wanted to say U GOT KNOCKED THE F OUTTTT but people we're shocked and it gotreal quiet and awkward so me and my boys dirted
-i dont like small talk, whenever i see some of the people i went to HS wit i just give em a nod or shake their hand real quick and keep it moving
-i love my mommas cooking, id rather eat home cooked meal than to go wine and dine
I donated bone marrow/blood stem cells and saved a man with non-hodgkins lymphoma
I used to win a lot of the poetry slams/lip syncs (with a group of friends) in high school
I'm a good person but I still do bad things.. so what.. I needa balance
I like to think out loud.. word
I get pissed / feel down over the smallest things now.. like worries replay in my mind
I don't know when I'll ever get a girlfriend, last time I had something serious with a girl was in high school.. damn I feel like a child
I feel like I'm still a kid sometimes, and when I realize that I won't be young forever it's such a downer.
I am one of 7 kids. We're a close *++ family.. but geography plays its role. I love my parents to death and my family but I've been away from college for so long sometimes I forget about home =(. So when I feel like I needa take a break from college, I hit that highway 2 hours to go back home.

I am Vietnamese but look Filipino or Cambodian.
Sometimes I'll be alone because I think it'll solve my problems.. but all it takes to boost my mood is having a conversation with someone.
I am glad I am who/what/where I am because I would not change myself for anyone..because half the population are dorks (excuse my self-centeredness lol) but really though, a lot of people were born into poverty and it's really unfortunate.
I've smoked (bud) everyday this year so far. It's almost taking its toll on me, and I think I might be suffering from a little bit of depersonalization. 

Sorry for the really long list. I couldn't find the confessions thread so I wanted to vent somewhere.
I meet random girls at the club, I smash, and don't return calls, feel guilty few weeks later cause they could've been "the one" lol
-I hate to sleep because i feel like im missing out on things.
-I have very poor money managing skills i spend money on stupid things.
-I skate .
-I dont collect sneakers and never plan on it.
~Until I was 17 my life plans were to major in Astronomy & minor in Business, so I could move to Arizona and open my own observatory.

~When I was 15 I honestly thought I would be married by the time I was 25 (I turn 25 in a month & don't have a girlfriend).

~My shoe size is a wacky size 14.5 (that they rarely make), so most of my shoes are either a little too small(14) or a little too big(15).

~My handwriting is so bad that sometimes I can not even read what i wrote.

~I have a very strong complex about eating fried chicken, watermelon, drinking Kool-Aid, etc. in front of Caucasians (Don't want to perpetuate the stereotype).
Originally Posted by ChiTownRivera07

-In the Summer of 2006 i was at the Mets Vs. Cubs game @ Wrigley Field for my Bday (Mets Fan)
-The Mets hit 2 grandslams in the 6th inning , the second one was hit by Carlos Beltran and I Literally Snaged The ball in Mid Air From The Secon Row Of The bleachers Over The dudes in front of me with my glove......Never Through The Ball Back... Still Have It Til This Day @ my pops crib

Damn I remember this game.  I actually changed the channel because I was so tight the Mets were playing like %*@.  Then I was just pissed they
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