Textsfromlastnight.com LMAO

(732): pissed the bed twice, first one side then rolled over , other side. boom.

(323): Would you feel weird if I asked out ___?
(310): You dont call on our son's bday but you want to know if I'll give you permission to date my best friend?
(323): So...no?`

(401): my mouth tastes like poor choices

(704): How do i ask the guy i made out with for 4 hours if he is gay? He keeps telling me i'm so adorable and that he had a ''blasty''

(312): he just said he was sorry he wasnt been able to come by more often coz things are really crazy with that girl
(313): you mean his girlfriend

(808): doesn't he have a GF?
(248): that just means you have to try harder.
(248): i didn't have to try TOO hard, just told him i didn't want to know his name or...
(908): the vacuum is drunk
(703): what?
(908): i spilled my drink and tried to vacuum it and now the vacuum is drunk

(248): I think I'm going to be in trouble for sneaking out last night. My Dad saw me drive up this morning when he was leaving early for work.
(1-248): What'd you say?
(248): I told him I was sleep driving

I just wasted so much time on this sitehttp://www.textsfromlastnight.com/
(323): Would you feel weird if I asked out ___?
(310): You dont call on our son's bday but you want to know if I'll give you permission to date my best friend?
(323): So...no?`

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