That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Yall shoulda seen the signs when he was backhanding the damn Doublemint in the commerical...

ACBboyz84 wrote:
Originally Posted by Agthekid

ACBboyz84 wrote:
why would a guy like Chris Brown be all up on Rhianna ? Shes not even that pretty.
So he should be with you?

no Smh at you for thinking like that.
Im just saying base on the way the ladies fans who throw their bras and panties at Chris Brown I assume he should be able to bag a chick that's way more prettier than Rhianna. I mean the girls in his video are 10x better looking than Rhianna

How you gonna tell another man what chick he should be with? Ifhe think she is attractive that is his decision.
Damn. 50 stacks to get out. If its true he gave her herpes, I'd unt her @*% down after I got out, and go right back to whippin her @*% in the middle of thestreet. Maybe she got it from Dream
great. never liked alien girl and loser brown.

i hope holly wood hogan does a rever nekid choke hold and jayzee comes to rhinna's rescue.. its zha boy. !
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

great. never liked alien girl and loser brown.

i hope holly wood hogan does a rever nekid choke hold and jayzee comes to rhinna's rescue.. its zha boy. !

English n' do you speak it?

they got that +*% on the net? wow I miss the good ol days when you could commit a crime and you just had word of mouth. now folks can just look you up on theinternet.
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