The Aftermath of Eating Spice Foods Unappreciation

Nov 24, 2002
Hmm...never happens 2 me...maybe that's cuz I been eatin that $#!+ since I was born, damn near...
ive been eatin it since i was small too
but once in a while i get it
its def unappreciated..
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by J SUPER

ive been eatin it since i was small too
but once in a while i get it
its def unappreciated..


Is this because you intake more liquids? Don't make sense to me that spices can change your stool.
it's like those scenes in movies or interviews where they ask dude "if you could go back, would you change anything?" and my answer would also be"hell no, i'd do it regardless, bring on the mud butt."

spicy food is just good, a few hours on the porcelain throne won't stop me.
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

it's like those scenes in movies or interviews where they ask dude "if you could go back, would you change anything?" and my answer would also be "hell no, i'd do it regardless, bring on the mud butt."

spicy food is just good, a few hours on the porcelain throne won't stop me.

No, but a visit to the hospital might. I have to agree though, spicy food really is just that good.
If you've ever eaten a large bag of flaming hot cheetos in one know the feeling.

My %*%##+@ burnssss.
Spicy is nice. And there are different levels of being spicy. Mmm. It could give you bad, bad hemorrhoids though. Hahaha.
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