~The Azealia Banks thread~ ["1991" Delayed,"Broke with Expensive Taste" dropping September]

It sucks that the EP is only 4 tracks, but then again, it IS an EP. She's releasing a full mixtape in July then the album in the Fall. I ++@++ with her ever since my ex gf put me on. The standout track on the EP is "1991" for sure. I love house music so this is dope.
I *** wit 1991 HEAVILY


I like her mixture between pop and rap, it's rap a girl can actually dance too. Like dance, dance.... not grind up against a guy to
She can rap her $@@ off but the music she makes is so heavily geared towards females that I just can't listen.
I don't usually cosign female MC's because their flame usually tends to burn out too quickly, however Azealia Banks rubs me a different way no pun intended. Her style warrants playbacks, the music video lives up to the title perfectly, the beat is a perfect resemblance of high fashion modeling in the golden era, and on top of it all she references ATCQ. Coachella was a great gateway for her, I hope her flame burns for a while....

She can rap her $@@ off but the music she makes is so heavily geared towards females that I just can't listen.

Yup. I hadn't actually ever really listened until the Jim Jones diss and I was surprised at her ability to spit. Still can't get with her style tho.
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