The Britney Spears Saga Continues VOL. Domestic Dispute...

Nov 6, 2000
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[h1]Police, ambulances called to Britney Spears' home[/h1]
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Pop star Britney Spears was taken from her home on a stretcher and placed in an ambulance hours afterpolice were called because of a child custody dispute.

Aerial video provided by local television station helicopters showed what appeared to be Spears on a stretcher and surrounded by police and paramedics as itwas rolled to an ambulance on the street near her home.

Spears appeared to be conscious.

Police arrived at Spears' gated home at about 8 p.m. Thursday due to the custody dispute and two ambulances were sent "as a precaution," a LosAngeles police spokesman said.

Spears has been in a heated dispute with ex-husband Kevin Federline over custody of their two sons, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1.
Federline,Spears' former backup dancer, holds primary custody of the children. Spears has been in trouble with the court earlier concerning her compliance with courtorders in the custody case.
i get enough Britney updates on the TV and magazines, i dont think her every move is needed to be known here.
I juuuust saw this big, red, bold Breaking News headline on MSNBC's site... Figured NT had already broke the story...

BREAKING NEWS: Britney Spears reportedly in ambulance after custodial standoff.
UPDATE: Britney has arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We're told as she was brought out of the ambulance, she flipped off thewaiting paparazzi.



MTV got a much better story.... Looks like she was under the influence of something, in front of her kids...

[h1]Britney Spears Wheeled Out Of House After Refusing To Turn Over Kids: Reports[/h1]
[h3]Comments 0[/h3]
[h2]The singer was reportedly under the influence of an unidentified substance when authorities were called to her house.[/h2]
By Kurt Orzeck

Britney Spears hit a perilous new low on Thursday night when authorities reportedly responded to a family-custody dispute at her house in Beverly Hills, California. According to and other outlets, the singer refused to turn over her two children to ex-husband Kevin Federline, and authorities discovered her under the influence of an unidentified substance.

The Los Angeles Police Department was reportedly called to Spears' house after a person who has not been identified phoned authorities at 8 p.m. over a domestic disturbance. She was due to have her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, until 7 p.m. that day. later reported that Federline's bodyguards had gone to pick up the children at Spears' house, but she refused to turn them over, despite a court order to do so. She had been with the children since noon, according to Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan had also been at the residence, TMZ reports.

Police went to Spears' home 90 minutes later, as did ambulances, fire trucks and a police helicopter, according to TMZ. While there, authorities reportedly found Spears "under the influence of an unknown substance," TMZ reports. She was later taken out of her home on a gurney by paramedics and taken to a local hospital, where she was reportedly placed under medical evaluation. According to multiple reports, the children are in Federline's custody.

Earlier in the day, Spears finally sat down for her long-awaited deposition in her child-custody battle, although she cut the session short and was only questioned for 14 minutes. She had been scheduled to start her deposition at 9:45 a.m. but didn't leave her home until after 10 a.m., according to photos and video taken of her drive to her ex-husband's lawyer's offices in Century City, California. By the time Spears arrived, she was 90 minutes late, and proceedings didn't start until just after 11:30 a.m., according to Kaplan.

"I would've preferred it had gone on longer," Kaplan told reporters waiting outside the deposition. Kaplan was expected to ask the pop star, who he called "cooperative," about her alleged drug and alcohol use around her sons, as well as her driving habits and parenting techniques. Whether he got the answers he sought, he wouldn't say, except to offer, "You can imagine in 14 minutes there's not a lot of time to develop questions."

Spears lawyer Sorrell Trope, a partner at the law firm Trope and Trope - which on Wednesday asked to be withdrawn as her legal counsel - told in reference to the Thursday night incident, "In a normal case when someone shows up with a certified court order saying the kids need to be somewhere else, the police see to it that the order is obeyed. But that is in a normal case."
In Cali

The news covered this thing like if it were 9/11

"We are here live at the residence of Britney Spears, something terrible has happened but we are not sure what, we will keep you updated as soon as we getmore info"
Sad, but on the real, who gives a $%%%?

Why is she even famous? I have more talent in my big toe.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Originally Posted by Boomatic206

She'll be dead before 30.

Suicide, drugs or car crash. Pick one.

She'll be high on drugs, behind the wheel of her car, and drive off a cliff on purpose.
Yea that's probably wats gonna happen.

These types only go one of two ways.

a) complete turnaround to being responsible and all that shhhh.


b) OD or commit suicide in the very near future

I've got money on B.
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