The College Basketball Post

i really hope he did have a stress fracture there before that happened, because if he didn't and that **** just happened randomly i dont think i ever want to play basketball ever again :smh:

I was literally chillin in my room, watching YT vds, playing music, waiting to fall asleep.. I go to my instagram and some a**hole (thats not screened out btw) posted a pic of that **** and i had no idea this happened and of course, when you see that ****, you cant brush it off and go on so i looked it up...

****** MY NIGHT ALL THE WAY UP man... ***** ruined.

I just cant imagine ...
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Take caution . warning , detailed pic of the injury . Sucks he won't play next game


Adidas strikes again! Smh
Wiggins knows where the **** he's going... and if it's UK, I wouldn't be surprised if Cal told him to announce next week, a day or two after the National Championship game... so everyone will be talking about UK again. That's the **** Cal does.
I didn't understand what I was looking at at first.

Just saw 3 L'Ville players on the ground and thought...*****...did they all run into each other?

Replay...same thing.

Zoom in :x :smh: :x

I had same experience. I was with my girl and we were both on the phone with the game on in the background. I look up and see those three Louisville players on the ground.

I thought, hrm. Somebody must've clashed heads and got a little cut. Then I see all three guys sobbing, while Duke players were running back to their bench

Then the replay. Killed our appetite. :smh:

Prayers go out to the young fella. Hope he comes back better.
Friggin Duke guards were getting beat even when they went under the screen though

That's because they were already 28 feet away from the basket guarding Peyton ******g Siva... Yea... You read that right. TWENTY EIGHT FEET AWAY FROM THE BASKET WHILE GUARDING PEYTON SIVA... Not Steph Curry... Hell Not Even Trey Burke... Peyton Siva... You couldn't make that type of **** up if you tried to.:lol: :rofl: :smh:
Is Duke looking around for a post-grad big man or are you guys just going to take small ball into uncharted territory?
Cal kicking Archie the **** out, WCS and Wiltjer staying.

Poythress still deliberating.

WCS made the right decision, he will play over Dakari, but I could imagine a small ball lineup with randle at the c.
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wish Goodwin would stay... think he'd be better not having to be the man. WCS staying is more valuable for next year than Goodwin, tho. no word on Poythress yet.
Yea we are. Exploring 5th year options whether it be due to coaching changes or whatever. The Center spot is the only one open. Starters will be Quinn, sheed, Hood, Bari. Good news is that we'll be 3 deep at most positions with Dre returning also. Saw a video of qhat he's been doing this off year and you can tell how much he's improved + added weight. Semi is gonna get alot of burn off the bench at the 3
Is Duke looking around for a post-grad big man or are you guys just going to take small ball into uncharted territory?
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