The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Movie Thread

Really, NT?

I thought this movie sucked. When movies claim their plot is a "life-story", you don't expect to see the whole life. With this excessive,insistent crap, however, not one single detail was missed. I would not be surprised if they showed Benjamin getting potty-trained, smh. The movie failed toadhere to a point and was extremely spread out.

Also, it got pretty hackneyed when someone would die every 10 mins. And using Katrina was pretty banal imo as well.

2 out of 5 stars; would not recommend it.

I think if they cut out all the crap from the movie and focus a little more on the point, it would've been solid. I just don't see why they would havefillers in a three hour movie
YO! ^ I don't agree with that...
I'll post my full initial reaction in a bit, but in short, this was the best piece of cinematic art I have ever encountered. Only one word can define The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, perfect.
But I DEFINITELY don't agree with that.

It was a good movie. I'd give it ***/5. Maybe 3 & 1/2. There were a few things that could've been omitted. Should've been omitted. AndPitt's performance wasn't all that great. It was decent enough not to take away from the film. This was still my most anticipated flick of the year andI'm glad I saw it opening night.

I'd recommend it.

Originally Posted by gko2408

After the movie, after I sat down and tried analyzing the movie, I thought to myself how similar the pacing and some of the story elements were exactly like Forrest Gump. Then I looked up about the movie to find out that it was written by the same screenwriter that did Forrest Gump. Comparing the two films, I would say that the Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a rung below Forrest Gump, which is meant as a compliment since that movie was disgustingly good. Still my favorite movie I've seen this year in theaters, along with Wall-E. Batman being the next level down.

Some similarities I noticed between Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump:
- Progression of the story told through life events
- Use of historical events to frame timeline
- Man's life being shaped by his circumstances (Benjamin's reverse aging, Forrest's disability)
- Main female lead going off to do her own thing, making mistakes and the like, before coming back home to realize what she really needs
- Litany of supporting cast members, major and minor, playing a role in the main character's life
- First half of film being light and then laying on the the heavy stuff during the second half of film. hate but I said this on page two of this thread. Anyway, I agree and was watching this movie thinking about forrest gump the entire time.
Better than Dark Knight IMO and I know that's a stretch to some of you. Pitt and T. Henson were brilliant. hate but I said this on page two of this thread. Anyway, I agree and was watching this movie thinking about forrest gump the entire time.
The same guy that wrote the screenplay for forrest gump did the screenplay for benjamin button. that explains the similarities.
Great movie, well acted, well scripted, it was long but I thought it was well paced.

One of the best movies I've seen recently, I definitely want to see it again.

Not perfect, but still an excellent and powerful film.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Better than Dark Knight IMO.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is that saying much? am I the only one who did not like TDK?[/color]

TDK was good but pretty overrated. There's a reason why it hasn't been nominated for Best Picture.
the question he grows younger does he have to wear diapers or what? like does he get younger mentally or is it just physical?
I didn't go into the movie expectin' much, hell i hadn't heard about until a week prior to the release. My girl had read the book and wanted to seeit so i did, and it was great. I was turned off at first by how long i saw it was, but it was time well-spent. Good movie. I'd recommend others to watchit, Hell i might double up and see it again soon. Taraji
in a good role finally.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Didn't the Titanic sink in 1912? So how could the boat they saw be the Titanic if BB was born after World War I???

The part that choked me up was at the end when they showed the major characters of the movie. I'm still depressed
Yea I got my ships mixed up or that was a plothole. I kinda wanna know what ship that was though.
I thought it was just a random ship... considering the Titanic hit an ice berg, and was not the victim of a submarine attack
Yuo're thinking of the Chelsea. I'm talking about the cruise ship Benjamin sees while he's aboard the Chelsea. Around the time he goes to the brothel.

either way there is no way anyone should think it was the titanic considering that they were in new orleans.

anyways did anyway notice that the timeline was a lil messed up. correct me if im wrong but they had children when he was about 49 and she was 43 right? welldoesn't that mean he would have been in his 30s by the time his daughter grew up? if so why did he look like he was in his 20s?

also if he was born in 1918 and Daisy was about 6 years younger than him than that means his daughter was born in about 1966. however didnt he say she was 12in 1971? that wouldn't make sense because 1918 plus 6 is 1924 which would be when Daisy was born. Daisy had Caroline when she was about 42, so 42 plus 1924is 1966 and 12 years after that is not 1971. man either they suck at math or i just got all the dates wrong.
I look at it this way, nobody is guaranteed to live until a certain age, we all die randomly. So I'm guessing he started to age a little quicker as he gotolder, kinda like how people normally age.

And he gets younger physically, but experiences the problems mentally that a normal person would experience at 80.
i would confident in saying that they got their math right. the movie did fly by so our dates are probably wrong. i mean, they should have people doublechecking these least, that's what studios should do. so i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

i'm sitting down a writing a short screenplay now. i'm inspired.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

i would confident in saying that they got their math right. the movie did fly by so our dates are probably wrong. i mean, they should have people double checking these least, that's what studios should do. so i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

i'm sitting down a writing a short screenplay now. i'm inspired.
Screenwriting is fun. Trying to finish up my first onenow, 79 pages in, been working on it for a few weeks.
^i hope you're not writing an epic or anything...i assume another 25 pages and youre done?

screenwriting is fun. i write about 5 - 6 minute shorts (6 - 8 pages) so i can actually make em for my production classes. the one i'm working on isgonna be one five minute long take about a dialogue between a guy and his ex. it's supposed to reveal the intimate and carnal desires between past loversand the promiscuity of young people, very vulgar to say the least...haha.
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by gko2408

After the movie, after I sat down and tried analyzing the movie, I thought to myself how similar the pacing and some of the story elements were exactly like Forrest Gump. Then I looked up about the movie to find out that it was written by the same screenwriter that did Forrest Gump. Comparing the two films, I would say that the Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a rung below Forrest Gump, which is meant as a compliment since that movie was disgustingly good. Still my favorite movie I've seen this year in theaters, along with Wall-E. Batman being the next level down.

Some similarities I noticed between Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump:
- Progression of the story told through life events
- Use of historical events to frame timeline
- Man's life being shaped by his circumstances (Benjamin's reverse aging, Forrest's disability)
- Main female lead going off to do her own thing, making mistakes and the like, before coming back home to realize what she really needs
- Litany of supporting cast members, major and minor, playing a role in the main character's life
- First half of film being light and then laying on the the heavy stuff during the second half of film. hate but I said this on page two of this thread. Anyway, I agree and was watching this movie thinking about forrest gump the entire time.
I agree with both of you, I kept thinking this was kinda like Forrest Gump when watching it. This movie was no where close to Gump though, and Idon't get how people can say this movie was perfect or the best of all time, no way. I thought Forrest Gump had a much more powerful story and thecharacters in that movie had much more depth and impact than those in Benjamin

Some more similarities:
-Lived in a large house with many different people coming and going
-Worked on a tugboat v. shrimpin' boat
-Their mothers both *spoiler alert* you know
-Benjamin kinda went to war I guess

But yea there were a lot more that I noticed but can't think of right now off the top of my head. Still a decent movie though imo just not great
Back on topic, this movie was surprisingly good. I came to see this movie without any expectations considering it was a last minute decision by me and my girlon Christmas night. Probably one of the best films I've seen in 2008, next to the Dark Knight.
caught the screener...the movie was LONG..almost 3 hours. I appreciated the work and the idea..good movie...but if have ADD, like myself you'll be gettingup a lot.

I too saw a gumpesque vibe to the movie as well as titanic with the lady opening and ending the movie.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

^i hope you're not writing an epic or anything...i assume another 25 pages and youre done?

screenwriting is fun. i write about 5 - 6 minute shorts (6 - 8 pages) so i can actually make em for my production classes. the one i'm working on is gonna be one five minute long take about a dialogue between a guy and his ex. it's supposed to reveal the intimate and carnal desires between past lovers and the promiscuity of young people, very vulgar to say the least...haha.
Sounds good. About 120 pages is what I'm looking for. I don't think I can pull anything longer.
Glad to see i wasn't the only one who was feeling like Forrest Gump movie, had no idea it was written by the same guy... i liked this better than Gump ithink though, because it didn't get driven by the historic events, they just complimented what was a better, more interesting story about how life can beviewed differently.. i know it brought up a lot of interesting questions in my mind about the way we experience life, and i just thought it was a really wellmade movie.. a mix between forest gump and big fish to me.
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