The Dallas Cowboys ... vol. Wrap This Thing Up, Who To Draft?

and for god sakes can you all hop off that felix jones bandwagon yet? as i said in the beginning, he has 0 (zero none nada) moves ... he will NEVER make anyone anyone miss in the open field who just stays put and doesnt go for his stupid dead leg over and over and over again ... he's not shifty, he's not quick, all he has is straight line speed ... i could name 30 backs in the league who could have had a better game than him yesterday given his opportunities ... he had the ball in space with one defender to beat at least 5 times and didnt beat nar one of them ...

he is a certified bum ... we basically crafted our draft around him years ago and he is nothing but a slighlty faster julius jones ... in fact, he is julius jones ... he's not getting loose on anyone ... he sure as hell isn't running between the tackles ...

Barber can't stay on his feet and tashard doesnt play because he cost us a game in week 1 ... our "3 headed monster" is more like a slug with 3 heads ...
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

like i said jmause, it's time to talk about the off-season ... we don't have a chance in hell at making the playoffs with 4 NFC losses and the Giants, Eagles and ******** playing good football ... Hell, the NFC east might just be the best division in football again ...

i'm almost 100% positive we will lose next Monday and even if we do win the team will be so geeked that will most certainly take the L against a lowly Jaguars team the week after ... we do not have the make-up for a 9-2 finish ... we have to go 9-2 to even sniff the playoffs and that's going 5-0 against our division ... unless eli or both kolb and vick get hurt, it ain't happening ...

this is one of the worst things i've ever witnessed in sports ... it's like the Miami Heat not making the playoffs this year ...
Your kidding right? Cowboys arent studs like everyone thought....

might at well change this thread to : Vol Offseason
Originally Posted by nightruans

Your kidding right? Cowboys arent studs like everyone thought....

might at well change this thread to : Vol Offseason
case in point why people who arent cowboys fans should stay out of this thread ... look at the title ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Originally Posted by nightruans

Your kidding right? Cowboys arent studs like everyone thought....

might at well change this thread to : Vol Offseason

I know you feel our pain, being a Knicks/Mets fan and all....
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

No use firing Wade now. Might as well stick it out.
What good does firing him now do? So we can put Jason Garrett or Dave Campo in charge?

He's never fired a coach in the middle of a season before. Nothing good comes of it, regardless of how big a $*** show the thing is right now, that'd only make it worse. They made this bed, now they've gotta sleep in it until the season is over.

My thing with Felix is... Why is he so damn heavy? Is it because he's eating? Is he because the staff wanted him to bulk up to take a pounding? He's bigger than a lot of backs in football, and everybody knew god damn well he wasn't a guy that would or should play at 220...

I don't get it. Because he's not explosive anymore. Look at ANYTHING from Arkansas or his rookie year here before he got hurt. The guy is explosive. He's elusive. Now he weighs 220...
as long as we have Dware we will not change from the 3-4. and i see no reason to change from it. we just have to find playmakers and speed at the MLB postion. we keep putting slow vets there.

its no use to fire the coaching staff now like everyone has said

OL and Coaching staff have to be rebuilt in the offseason.

and give choice more carrys
Jerry isnt going to fire Wade during the season with the possibility of a lockout looming in the future.
HC, OC, DC and ST coaches all need to go. FS, revamp the O-Line, get some good depth at LB. Make Choice the primary. See what the market would be for Martellus as well.
gruden or cowher is who i want. and the only coaching picks that would put these clowns in check and knock out the nonsense
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

My thing with Felix is... Why is he so damn heavy? Is it because he's eating? Is he because the staff wanted him to bulk up to take a pounding? He's bigger than a lot of backs in football, and everybody knew god damn well he wasn't a guy that would or should play at 220...

I don't get it. Because he's not explosive anymore. Look at ANYTHING from Arkansas or his rookie year here before he got hurt. The guy is explosive. He's elusive. Now he weighs 220...
i'm sorry, but i NEVER saw it from dude ... i remember getting blasted because i said he doesnt have the hips to play the role we drafted him for and i was right ... he has no moves whatsoever besides his little stutter dead leg crap ... and now that teams have seen it 100 times they know not to move and just wrap him up ...

he was never the answer at RB and jerry jones + garrett foolishly think he is ... he should be at 205 getting 10 touches a game and returning kicks until he fumbles that duty away ... choice and barber should be getting the bulk (ALL) of the carries ... 

can someone tell me why we consistently have the worst kick returner and kicker in the league? it's like those positions are the plague for the franchise ... what in all hell is that bum akwasi ansu annah doing back there returning kicks? the poor guy is slow as molasses and scared out of his mind to fumble ... and then we decide to turn our only special teams weapon into our fg kicker and he cant get the ball in the end zone this year on kickoffs ... we wouldnt have to worry about percy harvin if we had last year beuler kicking off ... butr no, just like at safety, jerry decided to cut a corner and chance our season on that bum as an all around kicker ...  

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

gruden or cowher is who i want. and the only coaching picks that would put these clowns in check and knock out the nonsense

Jerry gonna go for those two, though?  It's gonna be tough for him to go from Wade who pretty much defers to him on every big decision to Cowher who'll probably want some front office titles as well or Gruden who will both make their own calls and constantly clash.  You gotta think he's weary after how the Parcells era ended.

But I agree 100% with you.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

gruden or cowher is who i want. and the only coaching picks that would put these clowns in check and knock out the nonsense

Jerry gonna go for those two, though?  It's gonna be tough for him to go from Wade who pretty much defers to him on every big decision to Cowher who'll probably want some front office titles as well or Gruden who will both make their own calls and constantly clash.  You gotta think he's weary after how the Parcells era ended.

But I agree 100% with you.

I agree 100% with both of you.

I just think if it isn't working with the "pushover" Jerry has to swallow his pride and bring someone in that can show some results. We have to do something different. JG has to go also. The playcalling is terrible. I mean how many times did that RB screen work yesterday? Same thing he did trying to get Dez involved against the skins throwing the WR screen back to back. I mean come on dude... It's going to be hard to go through the rest of this season with all of the @#$%^&%@.... Seriously... Not to mention I'm surround by skins fans and this Eagles fan who talks more @#$% than anybody I know...

Shard definitly needs more touches... Flat out... We need someone who plays safety back at safety... Alan Ball is not cutting it.... Keep working on the OLine too... Put Marty B on the block and get a draft pick for him.... We do need some speed at MLB....

I guess it's better this is happening now than playing decent and exiting the playoffs in the first or second round. Then Wade and JG come back for another year...
how stupid did mike jenkins look on that last pi call? come on son it's brett favre, you know he's gonna try to throw the ball ... and you're covering GREG LEWIS ... smmfhf
how many of ya'll remember '04? Same type of feelings right now ... Parcells had us beasting the year before, everything was gonna be great and then BAM! garbage %*% 6-10 ...
we dont have a quarterback on defense ... we need a top tier safety ... we needed antrelle rolle ... jerry jones is a !$$@ up ...
I need a favor, can someone post that famous pic of Dez leaping for the one handed catch back in college?  I can't find that damn pic anywhere, and I know it was on NT EVERYWHERE for a while, just not sure which thread it was. 

Maybe all the calls for the Dallas Cowboys to give Felix Jones more carries were ill-advised. Calvin Watkins of reports that Jones was vomiting and had to have an IV at halftime of the Cowboys' game against the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday.

Watkins reports that "Jones wasn't sick, but was being used so much he was wearing down some." He had 14 carries at the time, and as Watkins notes, this is a little disconcerting as far as his ability to be a lead back.

Given that Marion Barber was not moved at the trade deadline -- unsurprisingly, given all that we'd been hearing -- expect to see him retain his role, and if the conditioning issues continue with Jones, we could see more of Tashard Choice as well.
Dallas Cowboys head coach Wade Phillips said the team is considering the possibility of bringing in refereesduring practices to work on their penalty problems,'s Calvin Watkins.

It's sad that that is necessary, but it's probably a good idea.
I need a favor, can someone post that famous pic of Dez leaping for theone handed catch back in college?  I can't find that damn pic anywhere,and I know it was on NT EVERYWHERE for a while, just not sure whichthread it was. 


@Proshares ... of course Felix is as overrated as i said he was ... i dont understand what goes through people's heads when they evaluate talent or make decisions on personnel ... when was Felix EVER a starter/30 carry back? what the hell did tashard choice do to deserve 0 touches in a game? he fumbled against the ******** on a fluke play for the first time in his career where he shoul dhave been ruled down ... it's like jerry drafted felix to be a homerun threat and then tried to hit a homerun on every play ... when does that ever happen? he shoul dbe getting 10 touches a game and returning kicks, tis all ...

@KLJ ... i thought we had refs from day one ... i cant believe it's taken this long to do it ... yet another reason why Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett should go take a long walk off a short pier ...

and my bad CP, you know you're my dude cuz of you're avy ...

Thank you KLJ, I knew you had it still.  My fam is all Cowboy fans, I have told them of that pic for a couple years now, (course, back then they never heard of Dez, but they fans now
)  but couldn't find it anywhere on google for some reason.  Much appreciated. 
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